Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 104: Market


The next morning, the sun shines into the house through the gaps between the branches of the trees, and the dappled sunlight shines on Richard’s face,

Although the great knight’s physique will not be seriously affected even if he does not rest for two or three days, the non-stop battle for half a month still makes Richard feel a little tired,

It was a rare break, so I slept until the sun was shining brightly before getting up.

There was no maid in the Stone Castle. After Richard got up, he washed himself, ate some dry food, and opened the system interface of Invincible Heroes.

Most of the buildings in the Stone Fortress are still in a gray state and cannot be built,

Now there are only two options in front of him, the Advanced Lancer Watchtower and the Market. The magic guild and tavern that Richard has been thinking about are still in a gray state.

Richard was originally unwilling to ask Richard to build the market. Anyone who has played Invincible Heroes knows how pitiful the market is.

No one is willing to replace resources there unless it is a last resort, but now that the search for special resources is fruitless, Richard can only think about the market.

“Build a market?”

“Confirm construction”

As Richard silently confirmed in his mind, a house of about 100 square meters appeared out of thin air on the side of the empty road.

The house looks very gorgeous from the outside, with exquisite patterns carved on the door and windows, but it is somewhat different from the market in Richard’s memory.


He took a few steps to the door of the house and opened the door.

“Master God, welcome to your visit!”

Li Cha was only half way in when a man’s voice came from inside the room. Although his tone was respectful, the broken gong-like voice scared Richard and he almost shrank back.

Looking in the direction from which the sound came, a middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes and a pleated face stood beside the shelf, bowing slightly and looking at the confused Richard with a smile on his face.

“Who are you?”

“You can call me Grandet, the person in charge of this market, the respected envoy of God.”

The man named Grandet’s tone was still very respectful, but when Richard heard this name, he felt a chill in his heart, feeling that he was about to be stabbed.

“Where are you from? Why do you appear here? Why do you call me Lord God Envoy?”

Richard is still full of questions about the system. Now when he encounters a special-looking NPC, he immediately transforms into a problem baby.

“Sorry, I don’t know these questions. I only know that the Lord God Envoy is the Lord God Envoy. This is an oracle.

My responsibility is to manage the market well and provide services to the God Envoy. ”

Well, saying this is equivalent to not saying it. The man named Grandet in front of him doesn’t know much more than Ron and others.

Going back to the topic, Richard expanded the market’s product list and looked at the various items sold in the market.

After taking a closer look, Richard realized that this was completely different from the market he had remembered. There were products in it that made him extremely coveted.

Treasure category:

God-Eyed Bird Statue

You can summon two Royal Griffins to fight for you every week.

Price: 12,000 Jinnar


God-given Potion X2

The user will receive God’s blessing, double the effect of cultivation within three days, and increase the probability of the user breaking through the bottleneck of cultivation. The lower the cultivation stage, the higher the probability.

Price: 1000 Kinnar

Types of soldiers:

Diamond Man X2

The tower force is a special unit with great strength, strong defense and slow speed.

Price: 1000 Kinnar

Resource class:


Can be used for castle resource consumption.

Price: 125 Kinnar

The products are divided into four categories, which are refreshed every month.

Except for the last piece of wood, Richard wants all the other three commodities,

Take the statue of the God-Eyed Bird as an example. It is really expensive. It costs 12,000 gold. With a little savings, he can raise a professional soldier of the flag regiment. In this expedition, the Bande family and several other nobles My family was almost empty before I could scrape together 10,000 gold nairs, but I couldn’t afford this statue of the divine bird.

But week after week, year after year, as long as you get this sacred bird statue, you can get more than a hundred royal griffins a year, and you can make back your money in a few years,

If you really buy it, you will make money and you will definitely not lose money.

God-given potions are also good things. There is no bottleneck for ordinary people to become a quasi-knight. They mainly rely on accumulation over time and the supply of nutritional medicines. Most people are still stuck at the level of quasi-knight and advanced to knight.

Richard’s two uncles have been at the peak of quasi-knights for so many years and have yet to take that step.

It is very rare that this thing can increase the probability of breaking through the bottleneck. Now the only resource in the Golden Dragon Kingdom that can effectively increase the probability of quasi-knights advancing to knights is the spirit beard grass produced in the depths of the South China Sea.

You can only get a little each year through trade with the Sea Tribe or illegal mining, which is basically monopolized by the upper-class nobles. Even if some leaks out, it will be fetched sky-high prices by the group of nouveau riche in the river valley, and it will never be the turn of the poor people in the North.

After all, knights in the Golden Dragon Kingdom not only mean powerful force, but are also closely related to the inheritance of titles. Even if the price is inflated, there are still nobles who want to buy it.

Nowadays, a bottle of God-given potion costing 1,000 gold may seem expensive, but it is definitely worth the money.

As for the two diamond men, it is even more outrageous. Strictly speaking, the diamond men are considered a sixth-level soldier. Of course, the sixth-level soldier is a bit imaginary, but the strength is definitely stronger among the fifth-level soldiers. Two diamonds If someone buys it, with the addition of Richard’s offensive skills, he can at least be used as a great knight.

Only the last five pieces of wood were unattractive. For more than a hundred gold, Richard could pull out tens of thousands of piles of iron wood from his own lumberyard.

It is necessary to buy it, but Richard’s current problem is that he does not have enough money. The rapid expansion of the Flying Bear Army has made the Hunter family’s finances a little tight.

Some of the protection money collected from various lords has been used to build Stonefort and Forest City and recruit soldiers who are refreshed every week.

Now the funds that Richard can use are only five thousand jinnar, which is still the cost that was originally planned to be used to expand the army.

Money is never enough.


“Your Majesty the Envoy of God.”

Richard’s tone was very gentle, and Grandet’s attitude was still respectful.

“You said I am an envoy of God. If an envoy of God buys things here, will there be any discount?”

“Impossible! Even if God buys something from me, he won’t get a penny discount! This is the rule!”

Hearing the word discount, Grandet, who was still smiling, immediately changed his expression, and his respectful tone became stiff.

Yes, the guy with this name is indeed a money-loving guy. Looking at Grandet’s face, Richard even had the urge to draw his sword and rob him, but he was afraid of any unpredictable accidents, so he still continued He restrained his impulse heartily.

Anyway, there is still a month left, so I can still think of a way to buy the God-given potion and diamond man first.

After Richard confirmed the payment, Grandet returned to his smile, turned around and took out two potions from the cabinet and handed them to Richard,

Then he clapped his hands, and the door behind Grandet opened automatically, and two diamond men wearing only a pair of underpants and wearing crystal blue bodies walked out.

“Now, they all belong to the Envoy of God.”

At the same time, Richard also received information that two diamond men had joined the team.

Smoothly opened the interface of Forest City again. The main city of the Barrier (Elf) is a bit outrageous. Crystals are needed to build the magic spring of the fourth-level training camp that produces Pegasus. Crystals are not available in the market now. Can give up.

It is also worth upgrading the Wood Elf tree house to the Great Elf tree house first. The Great Elf is also considered a third-level king unit, and it is definitely the most cost-effective among long-range units.



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