Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 102: Rewards and promotions


The moon star is rare

After the sun completely set, darkness completely enveloped the Northland, with only the faint light of the waning moon in the sky.

Human beings have never been nocturnal animals, especially in this era when most people have some night blindness, and few people travel at night,

Even a sufficiently elite army will not march at night unless absolutely necessary.

The earth is also extremely quiet under the night, so that the faint chirping of insects is a bit harsh.

“Da, da da…”

A sound of horse hooves came from far away, and the rapid sound of horse hooves was particularly clear under the quiet night sky.

The man on the horse is none other than Richard,

After arranging the return trip, Richard picked two good horses and ran towards the Stone Castle alone, where a week’s worth of troops were still stored.

What’s more important is that after the great battle, the mission of the Ogre Warrior Council Hall has been shown as completed, and Richard has to rush to receive the mission reward before taking on a new mission.

The early morning sun shines through the hazy morning fog on the thick walls of the Stone Fortress,

With the help of the magic boots, Richard finally arrived at the Stone Castle early in the morning after traveling for a day and a night.

After ordering the remaining spearmen to open the city gate, Richard rode straight into the city.

The city looks very empty. After the castle that originally belonged to the Will family was occupied by Richard, everyone in the castle had been moved out.

Except for a few remaining spearmen, only the newly recruited troops this week are still in the city.

After entering the city, Richard rushed to the meeting hall located in the center of the castle,

The meeting hall still looks empty like the entire castle. The ground is spotless everywhere you look, and the table tops are clean and shiny. I don’t know how these buildings are kept neat and tidy after being empty for so long.

“Destroy the ogre 500 (4328)

Destroy the Ogre Warrior 10 (13)”

“The task has been completed, do you want to receive the reward?”


Richard did not hesitate, coming back to receive the reward was one of the important purposes.

“Congratulations on getting 25,000 experience points”

“Congratulations on winning the 12th place in the Crusaders”

“Congratulations on getting the treasure-Vulcan Sword”

“Congratulations on your upgrade!”

Unexpectedly, Richard’s level has been improved again, and the character panel has undergone some changes


Level: 8 (23400/50000)

Strength: 16.5

Physique: 15.2

Agility: 15.1

Spirit: 5.1

The four-dimensional attributes have been slightly improved. Although Richard is now only at the peak level of a knight in terms of fighting spirit, in terms of physical fitness alone, he is no longer inferior to the average great knight.

The other generous rewards also made Richard unable to hide the smile on his face,

The reward of 12 Crusaders fully made up for the losses in the campaign,

The Vulcan Sword is an unexpected surprise,

A long gray sword has quietly appeared on the table of the meeting hall,

“Vulcan Sword:

1. The attack of the troops under your command increases by 30%.

2. The user will be given the power of fire, with fire attribute attack +6. ”

The moment Richard’s hand touched the Vulcan Sword, the properties and effects of the Vulcan Sword appeared in his consciousness,

The attributes of the Vulcan Sword are somewhat similar to those of the Vulcan Sword in his vague memory, but they also seem to be a little different. After reminiscing for a while, Richard simply gave up and began to study the long sword in his hand carefully. admit.

Richard held the hilt of the sword with both hands and waved it several times in the air.

The sword is longer and heavier than the two-handed sword he used before.

But as luck would have it, Richard’s strength has grown a bit quickly, and his original long sword has become lighter, and he is planning to replace it.

The Vulcan Sword came just right. Although it was a little heavier, it was still usable. However, after swinging the sword a few times, Richard was a little confused and did not find that the gray long sword had too much What a special place. How did this fire attribute attack +6 come about? There are no instructions for using this sword.

After tinkering around and finding nothing, Richard simply channeled his fighting spirit and tried to attach himself to the Vulcan Sword.


The gray sword spit out a tongue of fire, and Richard hurriedly leaned back in shock,

The original cyan fighting spirit was directly transformed into fiery red, and the gray long sword was completely wrapped in flowing flames. Without Richard’s initiative, the tip of the sword could spit out nearly a foot of fiery red fighting spirit.

This Vulcan Sword is like a mage’s wand, greatly improving the efficiency of using fighting energy.

Okay, now don’t be stubborn on the battlefield. Once you use the Vulcan Sword, you will immediately become the most dazzling guy on the battlefield.

Richard estimates that his level of hatred will be comparable to that of the Flamethrowers during World War II.

But the effect of the Vulcan Sword is too strong. Just the 30% army attack bonus is not something he can give up.

Not to mention that apart from being dazzling on the battlefield, this sword has no other aspects to say at all. Except for Richard, the user, who is immune to the high temperature effects of the Vulcan Sword, everyone else who fights with Richard will be constantly exposed to fire. The burning damage of the Divine Sword is definitely not bad in actual combat.


After thinking for a while, Richard finally made a decision,

Since you can’t stand it anymore, let yourself be able to bear it a little bit,

Open the character panel,

At this time Richard still only has three skills:

The Breathing Technique of the Beast (Grandmaster) is the highest, the Qing Qi Entraining Technique (Intermediate), and the Offensive Technique (Advanced).

Specialty: Control

Available skill points: 2

From level six to level eight, Richard saved two skill points, but it was still not enough to improve the level of offensive skills.

Only Qing’s Qi Entrainment Technique can be improved,

Grinning his teeth, Richard spent all his skill points on the Qing Qi Entrainment Technique,

The moment the level of Qing’s Qi Entrainment Technique became advanced, a powerful Qi rushed out of Zi Richard’s body without any warning,

Then it spread to all limbs and bones,


The noise of this promotion is much louder than before. The fighting spirit seems to be transforming Richard’s body, giving him a painful and happy feeling.

It took at least nearly an hour before Richard’s limbs slowly recovered,

At this time, Richard felt that his whole body was full of strength, and his fighting spirit had never been stronger.

Pour fighting energy into the Vulcan Sword in your hand again, and the Vulcan Sword directly spits out nearly one meter of tongue of fire,

He felt that if he returned to the battlefield with the ogres, the ogre leader who had a fierce fight with him before would probably die under his sword in less than ten moves, and he might even turn into a barbecue ogre. Devil, the kind that smells like meat.

Open the properties panel again. At this time, Richard’s properties have changed significantly

Level: 8 (23400/50000)

Strength: 21.2

Physique: 20.1

Agility: 20.3

Spirit: 7.8

All three-dimensional attributes have exceeded 20, and even the mental attributes, which have not changed much, have also improved.

The key is that the quality and total amount of fighting spirit have improved several times compared with before,

As expected, advancing from knight to grand knight is a leap forward, even if you have just entered this stage.


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