Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 101: A miserable victory



As Richard ignited his last remaining fighting spirit and launched an attack,

The griffins in the sky also gathered above the two sides,

Dozens of royal griffons silently gathered in the sky above the battlefield, and as Richard issued the order in his mind, he started a death dive,

Richard is generally reluctant to let these valuable air units directly participate in battles. Compared with ground troops, which can be replenished at any time, all the air units in Richard’s hands can only be recruited weekly through the system.

In the past, Richard only used griffons for reconnaissance, harassment or harvesting,

But now they have become Richard’s trump card to turn the situation around, the straw that breaks the camel’s back,

“Dang, Dang…”

Li Cha, who had always adopted flexible fighting tactics during the battle and tried his best to avoid a head-on confrontation with Hachi, directly attacked Hachi from the front this time. He danced his sword with both hands wide open and closed, without any intention of saving any more strength.

Although Hachi has a slight advantage in strength, he can only temporarily resist Richard’s unrestrained fighting style.

What Richard wants is for Hachi to parry with all his strength, and the swooping griffin is getting closer and closer,

The cry of the eagle has already aroused Hachi’s alert. Although Hachi’s attention was completely attracted to Richard, he also felt the danger approaching.

The swooping royal griffon has already aimed its sharp claws at the back of Hachi’s head. The rapidly descending griffon may be able to directly complete the leapfrog kill of Hachi,


At this critical moment, Ha Chi fiercely deflected Richard’s slashing sword, turned around and shot down the gryphon above him with his stick,


Hachi’s blow hit the gryphon right in the stomach,

The gryphon that fell heavily to the ground coughed up a lot of blood from its mouth and let out a hissing cry. It looked like it was no longer alive.

However, Richard had no time to feel sorry for his precious air unit at this time. Taking advantage of Hachi’s side, he used his fighting energy with all his strength and cut off Hachi’s left arm at the root with a diagonal slash.


Ha Chi’s expression was distorted by the pain of his broken arm, and he swung his right hand holding the mace with all his strength, hitting Richard in front of him.


After the long sword blocked the incoming mace, Richard still launched a strong attack,

There is more than one gryphon in the sky, and two more gryphons are swooping towards Hachi at high speed,

Haha, who now has a broken arm and is seriously injured, is completely unable to escape the gryphon’s attack.

The gryphon’s sharp claws directly hooked the back of Hachi’s neck.

Even an Ogre Warrior with strong vitality can hardly stand upright after being hit **** the back of his neck,

Hachi felt weak all over, and his whole body was about to fall forward uncontrollably.


It was as if Hachi had bumped into Richard’s sword. When Richard raised his sword, Hachi fell towards the tip of the sword. The long sword attached to the fighting spirit broke through the iron armor on his body and stabbed him. A transparent…

Hachi has actually learned a lot under Grugesh, and his tactical skills are completely superior to those of the various ogre tribe leaders,

Understand basic reconnaissance, know how to occupy important areas, and will set aside a certain amount of troops for cavalry to take corresponding precautions.

But against all odds, Richard still doesn’t have a powerful aerial unit like the Griffin under his command.

I was not prepared at all when the gryphon swooped down. I was caught off guard and could only bear the sword of Richard with hatred.

Always have one more trump card than your enemy…

The impact of Hachi’s death fermented rapidly, and the attacking ogres inevitably wavered.

Especially the morale of the group of ogres around Hachi who witnessed Hachi being killed by Richard was greatly reduced.

In addition, Richard no longer cared about the consumption of griffins, and ordered the griffons to directly participate in ground battles and fully support the lord coalition forces on the flanks,

The coalition’s front gradually stabilized and began to attempt a counterattack,

The battle between the two sides was already evenly matched, and they were fighting while holding their breath in the stalemate. Now that they are dying, the morale of the coalition forces with the support of the Griffin air force has greatly increased.

On the other hand, the ogres died from the havoc and let it out in one breath, and could no longer maintain the balance of power on the battlefield.

This is also one of the shortcomings of the Brave Fighting Faction. Although the general’s lead can greatly boost morale, as long as there is any accident to the general’s morale, morale will collapse faster than ever.

The ogres began to become weaker and weaker. After a moment of death struggle, the recruited tribal warriors were the first to flee.

And their escape also affected the direct subordinates brought out by Hachi. These elite ogre warriors wearing heavy armor were still insisting on fighting, but they were also coerced by the escape of the tribal warriors, and finally had to join. The escape team.

How could the coalition forces allow the ogre to escape easily? Without Richard’s call, the lords took the initiative to start the pursuit.

The coalition soldiers ran away and chased after the ogre amid cheers, as if they were not the ones who had been beaten to the point of collapse before.


The sunset

A fierce chase finally came to an end. The coalition soldiers gradually stopped chasing because of Richard’s order, and all returned to camp before dark.

After the battle, Richard finally had time to clean up the battle damage,

It’s okay if we don’t clean up. Once the battle damage was cleaned up, Richard’s heart felt like a knife stabbing him.

More than half of the spearmen were lost. The Crusaders, who had never suffered any casualties under Richard’s careful use, also lost two people. Ten Royal Griffins were also killed. The Flying Bear Army suffered more than 500 casualties, and only the sharpshooters retreated. We didn’t suffer much losses when we reached the rear of the front.

The coalition cavalry suffered heavy losses because they were forced to charge into the formation under the command of Richard.

The losses of each lord were not small, with a total of thousands of casualties, and two lords even died directly in battle.

The main reason was the instability of the flanks, which caused the Crusaders and several lords distributed in that section to face the impact of a large number of ogres. In the end, they were exhausted and beaten to death.

Only the soldiers produced by the system can Richard dare to disperse them and distribute them on the front to maintain the stability of the front,

Only these system soldiers who are completely ready to die on the battlefield and have constant and high morale can not be affected by the collapse of friendly forces, and even in turn lead friendly forces to play the role of nails on the battlefield.

After all, ordinary troops will be affected by the collapse of friendly forces, but system soldiers will fight to the death without orders, no matter how dispersed the ordinary soldiers around them are.

However, these nails were too tough and many of them were broken.


“Pass my order, the army will rest for the night, and will break camp early tomorrow morning and return to Bande to rest.”

“Yes, sir.”

After this tragic victory, the strength of the coalition forces dropped to less than 5,000, and the battle loss rate was close to one-third. They had to retreat to rest and replenish their troops.

“A brilliant victory!”

“Get 20080 experience points”


After arranging all the next steps, Richard opened the Invincible Heroes interface in his mind,

This battle may seem like a huge loss to others, but Richard knows that he will definitely not lose.

Open the character panel. This experience did not allow Richard to reach level 8, but he is not far behind the next upgrade.

Richard’s panel is now:

Level: 7 (28400/30000)

Strength: 15.9

Physique: 15.1

Agility: 15.0

Spirit: 4.9

Skills: Beast Breathing Technique (Grandmaster), Blue Qi Entrainment Technique (Intermediate), Offensive Technique (Advanced).

Specialty: Control

Available skill points: 1

The extra skill points can only be used for the Qing Qi Entrainment Technique. After some consideration, Richard did not use it and planned to save it first.

Because he will be promoted to level eight soon, strategic skills such as offensive skills should be more important to Richard…


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