Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 100: Charge


“Da, da…”

The sound of horse hooves got closer and closer, and finally the sound of nearly a thousand light cavalry charging merged into a thunderous roar,

Before joining the battle group in person, Richard gave the order to Viscount Nader, who was leading the cavalry, to find an opportunity to launch an attack.

Viscount Nader was also considered a qualified military noble. After discovering that the situation on the battlefield was not good, he no longer grudged the precious cavalry and decisively commanded the cavalry to attack the ogre from the flank.



The cavalry in the front row rushed into the ogre formation with lances several meters tall. Even the huge body of the ogre could not withstand the impact of the cavalry in the high-speed charging state. Even if it was just a group of light cavalry, In an instant, more than a dozen ogres were stabbed through with lances.

But Hachi was not unprepared for this cavalry. A team of ogres armed with long sharp wooden sticks never joined the melee ahead. There were also a large number of kobolds waiting for the coalition cavalry team to enter. .

At the moment when the cavalry broke in, in addition to a large number of ogres in the front row being knocked over, many coalition cavalry also hit the long pointed wooden stakes in the hands of the ogres.

At the same time, a large number of kobolds serving as cannon fodder also rushed towards the cavalry crazily under the pressure of the ogres,

Although they are short and almost impossible to cause effective damage to the cavalry on horseback, their number is enough to slow down the pace of these light cavalry,

As long as they work hard to get the cavalry into the quagmire and lose their speed advantage, they will achieve their goal.


Viscount Nader, who was leading the way, chopped off a sharp wooden stake that was swinging at him with his sword, and then stabbed in the opposite direction. The tip of the sword was filled with sharp fighting spirit and directly pierced the skull of the ogre warrior.

The sword was drawn out, and the ogre warrior who had been baring his teeth and claws just fell straight to the ground.

However, not every cavalryman has the strength of Viscount Nader,

More cavalry were knocked off their horses by the ogres after losing the speed of their charge,

In Richard’s original world, there was no unit that could completely stop the charging cavalry. Only by arranging horse traps and horse traps in advance could the charging cavalry be stopped.

Even if there is an array of elite spearmen, facing the charge of the cavalry, even the light cavalry will only exchange lives, and there is a high probability that they will be broken through by the cavalry.

But the ogre species is inherently much stronger than humans. When they form an array, they are far more powerful than human spearmen.

Although the cavalry charge is still effective, it is difficult to feel as overwhelming as charging the human army.

At least, this light cavalry can’t do it now.


A wooden stick covered with iron nails hit the horse under Viscount Nader,

The war horse cried out and fell to the ground. Baron Nader escaped by relying on his knight-level skills.



Viscount Nader quickly stood up from the ground and was immediately besieged by ogres.

After blocking the oncoming mace, Viscount Nader severely wounded the ogre warrior in front of him with a sword,

The sword was pulled out, and the ogre’s blood flowed out along the wound,


An iron rod hit Viscount Nader’s back. Fortunately, Viscount Nader had an amazing physique as a knight, and he was running his fighting spirit at full strength.

After receiving a blow, he just staggered and steadied himself without falling. Instead, he turned around and killed the ogre warrior who made a sneak attack.

The ogre warrior “pounced” and fell in front of Viscount Nader, but a stream of blood spilled from the corner of Viscount Nader’s mouth. After receiving the blow from the ogre, Viscount Nader did not feel well.

After Viscount Nader fell from his horse, the cavalrymen lost a sharp arrow. More cavalrymen around them were shot down by the ogres after gradually losing their speed advantage, and the casualties began to increase sharply.

The war is quite stalemate. Not only is the coalition side gritting its teeth, but the ogres are also not feeling well.

After the cavalry was dispatched, Hachi almost used all the strength of his men, but still failed to defeat the coalition forces. Evenly matched is the situation that most tests the fighting will of both sides,

Unfortunately, although the fighting spirit of the Flying Bear Army soldiers should be higher than that of the ogres, the composition of the coalition is still too complicated,

The capacity of a barrel depends on the shortest piece of wood. In comparison, the soldiers led by each lord are the shortest piece of wood on the barrel.

Especially the wings of some large armies with some auxiliary troops,

At this time, the flight of the left-wing auxiliary soldiers has become more and more serious, and even the professional soldiers with the lord are beginning to waver,

Facing an enemy like the Ogre, it is actually not easy for the auxiliary soldiers to persist until now, but escaping from the battlefield is a capital crime.

Faced with the fleeing auxiliary soldiers, the lords holding the battle line killed them without hesitation,

From one or two to four or five, if this continues, sooner or later they will be unable to kill. When the number of deserters reaches hundreds or even thousands, the situation of the battle will be completely irreversible.

“Dang! Dang!”

Richard and Hachi had several more fierce battles. Richard’s swordsmanship was quite superb. After all, the people who trained every day were swordsmen like Viscount Sauter and Ron. Richard’s own talent was also high. Yes, it’s difficult to make progress even if you don’t want to,

After several rounds of fighting, both sides had exhausted their physical strength. Hachi’s body was already covered in scars and looked very scary, but Richard himself understood that these wounds were not deep, and for the ogre, they were only minor injuries. Epithelial trauma,

Although he took advantage of his superb swordsmanship, he was still far from defeating the ogre in front of him.

However, the situation on the flanks has become increasingly dangerous. Not only did Richard sense the danger on the flanks, Hachi also smelled a bit of victory.

Hachi and Richard each held their weapons tightly and looked at each other, breathing heavily from their noses and mouths. Just as Richard was about to start again, the corners of Hachi’s mouth slightly raised, revealing a smile that seemed to belong to the winner,

Although there is a language barrier between the two, it does not hinder the exchange of expressions. What Richard feels is the ridicule coming from Hachi,


Faced with the laughter, Richard pursed his lips and smiled disdainfully,

In Hachi’s eyes, Richard’s smile gradually became exaggerated, from puckering his lips to showing his teeth, and finally almost perverted,

It gave him the urge to blow Richard’s head off directly,

The opportunity came soon. Richard bowed down, raised the long sword hanging on the ground with both hands and rushed towards Hachi…

If he couldn’t help it, Richard wouldn’t have laughed so exaggeratedly,

“Chirp, chirp, chirp…”

A dense sound of eagles sounded in the sky…


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