Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 10: Battle 2



The two armies collided fiercely.

The sounds of fighting and screams were mixed together, and the blood spurted out and sprinkled on the white ground, as if they were completing a splash-ink painting mainly in red.

As soon as the two sides fought, the Hunter family’s farmers and soldiers suppressed the opponent’s momentum. They were fierce and aggressive. They wanted to gain military exploits and were like a group of hungry wild dogs with red eyes on the battlefield. When meat bones are discovered, anyone dares to pounce on them and bite them.

Facing this group of Hunter family peasant soldiers, who were completely less shrinking and fearless than ordinary peasant soldiers, some of the Will family peasant soldiers quickly started to shrink.

The quasi-knights supervising the battle from the Will family killed several people one after another before they stabilized their position.

The Will family will not just watch the farmers and soldiers collapse.

The quasi-knights of the Will family led their guards to tear apart the Hunter family’s line. The leading quasi-knight even used the giant sword in his hand to kill all the peasants and soldiers of the Hunter family who were blocking him with the spear in his hand. Split into two parts, the momentum of the Hunter family’s peasants and soldiers was stagnated.

The quasi-knights of the Will family may not be excellent commanders, but they are definitely qualified grassroots officers. They charged forward bravely and stopped the Will family’s decline abruptly.

Generally, under the leadership of this group of quasi-knights, the peasants and soldiers of the Will family finally regained some courage and did not flee. The whole fight has entered a white-hot state, and the situation is evenly matched.


After killing another peasant soldier of the Hunter family, the quasi-knight of the Will family who was charging forward felt very uncomfortable. The current situation was different from the past, which made him very uncomfortable and even a little uneasy.

According to his idea, when these quasi-knights lead their guards into the formation, these peasant soldiers will soon lose their courage and retreat. If the opponent does not have enough quasi-knights to stop them, then the next battle will be difficult. It will turn into a simple chase.

But this time, the surrounding peasants and soldiers did not retreat as he imagined, leaving their backs to him. Instead, they held firm and vaguely wanted to encircle and attack him. Their fighting will was stronger than he imagined. many.

All this is also due to Richard’s management style. In Richard’s view, maintaining the combat effectiveness of an army is nothing more than three words: “lure it with profit, teach it with reason, and unite it with punishment.”

The so-called inducement for profit is the exchange of military honors for land and opportunities for advancement, thereby stimulating soldiers’ enthusiasm for war and fighting bravely to be the first.

The principle of Xiaozhi is to focus on daily education. Here, Richard imitated the Hunan Army’s method and tried his best to organize fathers, sons and brothers into the same team so that they would be tied to each other and would not abandon them easily. Comrades-in-arms, supplemented by loyalty education and ideological propaganda to defend the hometown, thereby solidifying the will to fight, and not easily escaping even if the wind is against the wind.

Finally, if they are all punished together, the deserters will not only be executed on the spot, but their families will be implicated afterwards. What’s more, Richard also stipulated that if more than a certain number of deserters appear among the peasant soldiers in a certain village, then the entire The village will receive a punitive tax increase for the coming year.

In this way, even if these peasants and soldiers have been extinguished by the cruel war and their enthusiasm and will have been shattered, they will still be able to survive because of their fear of harsh military law.

So even if there was an explosive scene of the Will family’s quasi-knights directly cutting people into two pieces, it could not scare off the Hunter family’s peasant soldiers. In addition, the more powerful city guards responded in time, and the whole The battle reached a stalemate.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Richard couldn’t help but frown. He was obviously dissatisfied with the stalemate in the battle in front of him.

I still underestimated the Will family, Richard thought.

In Richard’s view, apart from being inferior in equipment and training, the peasant soldiers he built are no weaker than regular professional soldiers in terms of fighting will and discipline. The peasant soldiers who are facing him should not be destroyed in a single blow. Have the ability to resist.

But the would-be knights of the Will family taught Richard a lesson with their bravery. These professional warriors, who are four to five times stronger than ordinary people, wear heavy iron armor and hold heavy weapons. Any one of them would have been a famous general on the ancient battlefield in the past life, and they could definitely be called a battlefield meat grinder. With more than ten people appearing on the battlefield at the same time like this, the fact that the Hunter family’s peasants and soldiers were not directly defeated can be regarded as a good example of Richard’s military management.

No wonder the lords of this world don’t seem to care much about ordinary soldiers. To a certain extent, personal bravery is indeed much more important than the ancient battlefields of previous lives, not to mention that there are more terrifying ones above these quasi-knights. Knights exist.

If more quasi-knights can be deployed in the team, Richard naturally does not want a group of ordinary soldiers to resist the quasi-knights on the opposite side. Unfortunately, the Will family’s background is indeed stronger than that of the Hunter family. Ordinary elite soldiers can train for several years. came out, but the quasi-knights could not mass-produce them in a short time. Counting the three system swordsmen, in addition to two uncles and two cousins, Richard also had two quasi-knights who had been trained in recent years. There were no more in total. More than ten.

The Will family has more than twenty quasi-knights named Will alone. In addition to the retainers and personal guards accumulated over several generations, the Will family has nearly thirty quasi-knights. Even if Viscount Will sends Nearly ten quasi-knights rushed into the battle with their bodyguards, and there were still 20 quasi-knights staying with Viscount Will, waiting for an opportunity. It was no wonder that the Will family was confident enough to launch a war.

The system’s spearmen continue to protect the archers and release cold arrows. This group of system archers’ archery skills are as accurate as cheating. It was not obvious during the opening salvo. In the melee, they can still attack accurately. The enemy showed their superiority by causing trouble for the opponent’s would-be knights.

In addition to Richard being dissatisfied with the current battlefield situation, Viscount Will was even more dissatisfied.

In Viscount Will’s view, his side already has a numerical advantage. Once the quasi-knights press into battle, not to mention overwhelming them, they should take full advantage, rather than forming a balance of power like this.

“Control, control.”

After cruising around and testing, the cavalry on both sides failed to find a chance to break in, and finally returned to their own formations with a tacit understanding.

The Northland is short of horses, or the horses in the Northland are all concentrated in the hands of the Marquis Mansion of the Northland. The Will family can finally have hundreds of horses through generations of management, and Richard has collected some through high-priced purchases. Horses and nearly a hundred cavalry were also pulled up.

The cavalry from both sides gathered around their respective commanders, staring silently at each other a few hundred steps apart. Suddenly, they raised their swords and burst into loud shouts.

No matter what the early calculations were, the key to victory or defeat in this battle finally fell on the Cavaliers.



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