Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight: Card 633 Decisive Battle 6


“Quick! Send the arrow up!”

“Let the Ninth Army and the Eleventh Army go to the east to support!”

“The Third Army cannot retreat. Even if it is the last man left, he will die on the way to attack!”

“The human cavalry to the west has moved again!”

“Let the centaurs keep a close eye on them. The human cavalry must not be allowed to go around behind the army, and then send two flag regiments to assist.”

“Tell Hurt, don’t think about preserving your strength at this time. If we can’t win, we will all die here!”

“Yes, General!”

In the orc camp, there was a busy scene. Large groups of soldiers were constantly mobilized. The generals shouted their orders at the top of their lungs, as if they wanted to vent their accumulated tension.

Most people here have no time to pay attention to the battle in the sky at this time. Although the battle in the sky is important, it is something they cannot interfere with. After glancing intentionally or unintentionally, he is still more focused on the battle in front of him.

The only elf with the ability to intervene in the battle in the sky was watching the battle in the sky from an inconspicuous corner of the camp, like a spectator.

No one in the orc army was in command to move Adelillo. Even Gro could only suggest it. At this time, Adelillo was hesitant to move, and the orcs in the camp did not dare to urge him.

“Sir Adriello, do you still have time to stand here and watch the battle?”

Just when Adelillo was standing in the corner as if in a daze, a black figure silently appeared beside Adelillo, and none of the surrounding orc warriors responded at all.

“Isn’t Lord Rodis not in a hurry?”

“It seems that you followers of the Lord of Shadows have also not found a way to leave. We are really grasshoppers on a rope now.”


Being called the Black Shadow of Lodis seemed a little dissatisfied with Adelillo, snorting and not answering.

Adriello continued, minding his own business:

“I asked you to go to Srgler City to assassinate the human commander, but you didn’t go. If you had killed the human commander and captured Srgler City, wouldn’t this matter be over?”

“Oh, why don’t you followers of the Lord of the Rising Sun do it to assassinate a holy commander in the midst of the army?”

“Isn’t this what you Shadow Cult people are best at doing?”

“The God-Killing Ring is still in the hands of humans. Rune has already died under the God-Killing Ring. Do you still want us to explore the way for you?”

“You can’t leave anyway, and not everyone can use the God-killing Ring.”

Due to the restrictions of the shackles of war, Adelillo’s tone when he encouraged the other party was somewhat confident.

“Forget it, what’s the use of arguing about this.”

The Lord of the Rising Sun is not the only **** who stands on the opposite side of humanity. Out of fear of magic, almost all the gods stand on the opposite side of humanity.

Although after Ragnarok, the gods are no longer as prosperous as they once were, there are still a few kittens and puppies that survive.

The envoys of the Lord of Shadows have contributed a lot to the war before, and the death of Duke Ross and the fall of Dragon Breath Pass were all related to them.

While assassinating the eldest prince in Clay City, he broke a divine envoy into Richard’s hands.

However, although they are also on the opposite side of mankind and have made great efforts to fight against mankind, they will not willingly serve as cannon fodder for Adelillo to explore the way.

When the yoke of war comes, their first reaction is to find a way to escape, rather than stay here and fight.

The envoy of the Lord of Shadows and the dozens of shadow assassins he brought with him had no affiliation with the orcs and Adelillo. Although their strength was slightly weaker than that of Adelillo and Gro, they were still barely They are masters who have entered the Realm of Domain, and with the special ability to walk in the shadows, the orcs and Adelillo can’t control them like the white dragon.

It is a skill for people of the Shadow God System to escape, otherwise the Lord of Shadows would not have been able to survive from the hands of the Mad Emperor and the group of magicians from the Elf Era.

If they think that the orcs and these Lords of the Rising Sun cannot escape, they may not be able to escape. They can break away from the body and shuttle in the shadows.

But obviously, the envoys of the Lord of Shadows underestimated the yoke of war and the rules set by the two supreme beings.

The aperture created by the war shackles not only exists in the material world, but also extends to the strange realm of shadows. The shadow assassin who explored the path first penetrated the shadow realm of the two people, but the moment he left the scope of the war shackles, he also The previous orc warriors also turned into ashes.

Under the yoke of war, all beings whose levels are lower than Asha and Namtaru are equal. Whether they are saints or ordinary soldiers, whether they are material creatures or shadow creatures, they will transform into one when they touch the border. A mass of black and gray.

Even if the master behind them is placed inside, it will be difficult to escape from the shackles of war.

In desperation, Lodis, the envoy of the Lord of Shadows, could only return to the orc camp and accepted the reality that he had to fight hard.

“The use of the God-killing Ring comes at a cost, and not everyone can use it.”

“Gero has almost restrained all the strong human beings, and their tent should be in its most empty state now.”

“Sneak in, attack their tent, and kill their commander. We can win at least half of this war.”

“Your Excellency Adriello said it quite easily. Who knows if there will be any back-ups in the human camp.”

Adillo continued to persuade, but Lodis didn’t seem to buy what Adillo said.

“We in the Shadow God System have finished our work, what are you going to do?”

“When your assassination is successful, we will take action together to kill those who fought against Gro.”

“Huh, are you not sure whether the God-killing Ring is in the camp or in the hands of the humans who are fighting against Gro in the sky?”

Aderillo fell silent for a moment, obviously because Lodis had broken his mind.

“This is the first time I have seen an angel as timid and afraid of death as Mr. Adriello.”

Lodis looked at Aderillo, whose face was a little tense, and showed a mocking smile. He turned the long black dagger in his hand and then disappeared.

“Although I am also afraid of death, I also know that when it is time to fight, I have to fight hard.”

Adrillo was left standing alone again.

“Of course I want to live longer, otherwise how could I kneel before a human god…”



“Scorching sun! Explosive fire!”


In mid-air, the battle between Richard and Gro continued.

It was only after Gro entered the “boiling” state that the originally evenly matched battle turned into a unilateral suppression of Richard by Gro.

Gru, who could still shoot a cold arrow to intervene in the battle from time to time, has not taken action for a long time, because Gero’s current speed makes him no longer sure to keep up.

The golden-red vindictiveness continued to compress in Richard’s hands, causing a violent explosion when he approached Grotto, but Grotto still flew out of the explosion without any damage.

The weapon in his hand was smashed down hard, and was narrowly blocked by the Angel Alliance.

At this time, Gro’s body was covered with burn marks, and his skin was swollen red after using “boiling”. The whole thing felt like a half-steamed hairy crab.

Originally, Richard’s Sun Fighting Qi had a slight bonus under the scorching sun. Coupled with the Angel Alliance’s bonus effect on Fighting Qi, the temperature of Gro’s whole body was higher than that of a steamer when he fought with Richard.

If Grotto hadn’t been physically strong enough and protected by the fighting spirit of blood, he would have been roasted after fighting Richard for such a short time.

However, although Grotto felt uncomfortable under the burning of the fierce sun’s fighting energy, Richard’s condition was even more embarrassing. There were several blood holes oozing blood in places without the protection of the Dragon King’s divine power. The blood was not the normal bright red, but with some black and blue pus. These wounds oozing with pus could not be cleaned even with the sacred blood bottle, but it only relieved the pain and stopped the bleeding slightly.

To a certain extent, the Spear of Gru, a weapon of the gods from ancient times, is stronger than the Holy Blood Bottle, and the serious injury effect it brings has priority over the healing effect of the Holy Blood Bottle.

However, the more conspicuous injuries were the several bruises on Richard’s face.

Richard, who always hated being slapped in the face during fights, failed to protect his handsome face completely this time.

Fortunately, the injuries were all caused by body collisions, and the GPU spear did not make a hole in his face, otherwise his appearance would have been disfigured.


Gero completely ignored the burns on his body at this time. Instead, he became more and more courageous. With a downward slashing movement, he directly smashed Richard, who was still defending, to the ground. The terrifying force directly created a big hole in the ground. .

Then Gro also fell to the ground and strode towards Richard.

“A saint who has just entered the realm of the realm can actually fight to such an extent. I can’t let you live anymore.”

Richard stood up from the pit, his image even more embarrassing. He was originally covered in blood, but now he was still covered in mud. Gro held the GPU spear and pushed it to the extreme. The blood-colored fighting spirit light and weapons The inherent green color is intertwined.

Gero is preparing to give Richard the final blow to end this battle. Facing the strength of the Envy Realm, Richard does not have much ability to resist, but his Envy Realm strength cannot last long.

However, looking at Gro who was approaching step by step, Richard was still quite calm, as if he didn’t feel the danger coming. He even smiled at Gro.

It’s just that this smile obviously has some mocking meaning in it.


Gero always strikes decisively, no matter how deep the meaning of Richard’s smile is. When he got close, the Gewu spear that was urged to the extreme stabbed Richard’s neck, wanting to end it directly. fighting.

But it was firmly caught by the blue angel alliance.

Gewu raised it hard, trying to swing the sword away, but found that Geu’s spear was firmly pressed by the opponent, making it difficult to move.

This strength and reaction are much improved than before.

After suppressing the GPU spear, the golden fighting energy on the sword spurted out and directly eroded the GPU spear.

Then, a whisper came from Gro’s ears.

“Who told you that I am from the Realm of Domain?”

“I am no longer…”


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