Heimarian Odyssey Chapter 2416: ‘Family-style’ development


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The appearance of the eight-winged angel Saul brought great panic to the indigenous creatures in the world of Ten Thousand Flowers and Chaomu.

These weak and conservative trees and vegetation spirits have never left their mother plane for almost their entire lives. Suddenly seeing a level six strong man trying to ‘squeeze’ into their mother plane, wouldn’t it be equivalent to the arrival of the devil?

‘Demon King’ is the name given to the Angels of the Light God Clan by all the indigenous creatures in the Ancient Tree Star Region.

These trees and vegetation spirits have never seen real demons, but in their relatively pure hearts, the angels who invaded the ancient tree star field are synonymous with extreme evil.

Punch after punch struck the dimensional barriers of the world of Wanhua Chaomu. With the blessing of powerful faith, Saul continued to weaken the will of resistance of the world of Wanhua Chaomu.

Even Locke and others who are in the plane can feel the deep fatigue and weakness revealed by this low-level plane, not to mention the tree people and grass and tree spirits who are the natives of the plane.

In the center of the plane, where the navel of the plane is located, there are more than ten thousand colorful grass and tree spirits, waving their thin wings, flying into the sky.

These weak grass and tree spirits have not even reached the fourth level, so they rush towards the location of the eight-winged angels outside the plane without hesitation. I should not call them stupid, but they should be called courageous.

The stronger Treants are helpless. Their slow and stiff speed means they can only defend and find it difficult to take the initiative to attack.

The giant tree with a height of 20,000 meters has a huge green energy ball condensed in the center of its arms. It withstood the attacks of the three surrounding seraphim, but it still aimed the green energy ball accurately. It was thrown towards the eight-winged angel outside the plane. (first published by Zongheng)

This 20,000-meter-tall giant tree is the child of the Ancient Moon Tree. In terms of seniority, it is also the grandson of the seventh-level biological ancient tree.

In fact, looking at the development history of the Ancient Tree Star Territory, as one of the large worlds, the Ancient Tree World has not had a plane war to unify and merge the Star Territory.

But the seventh-level biological natural ancient tree firmly unites the entire ancient tree world by reproducing offspring and spreading pollen tree seeds.

The natural ancient tree, a level 7 creature, can be called the level 7 creature with the most offspring known to date in the star world.

After owning nine ancient trees

In the generation, it has completed its rule over nearly a thousand planes in the entire ancient tree star field with the descendants of nine ancient trees as a link.

Like their father, the nine children of the natural ancient tree also have extraordinary levels of fertility.

And because the highest level of life is only level six, the pollen tree seeds they emit are more likely to find a suitable environment and take root.

If we have to evaluate the Ancient Tree Star Territory according to the concepts of human society, then the composition of the Ancient Tree Star Territory can be seen as another form of ‘family-style’ system.

The seventh-level biological ancient tree is undoubtedly the ‘patriarch’ of this huge ancient tree family.

Basically, the bloodline source of all powerful ancient trees can point to natural ancient trees.

It is a pity that the strong fertility does not give the natural ancient trees the corresponding expansion capacity.

From the beginning to the end, it and its descendants have taken root in this star field. They have never thought that one day they will leave this star field and set their sights on other star fields that are more vast and magnificent.

Otherwise, according to the unique merger and unification process of the Ancient Tree Star Region, those medium and small star regions adjacent to the Ancient Tree Star Region may subtly become branches or parts of the Ancient Tree Star Region.

Each star domain civilization has its own characteristics, and obviously the Ancient Tree Star Domain is no exception.

It is a pity that until today, the Ancient Tree Star Region, a world civilization with a long history, will eventually come to an end.

“Boom!” With a loud thunderous noise, the dimensional barrier of Wanhua Chaomu World shattered.

The eight-winged angel Saul ignored the weak grass and tree spirits surrounding him. Just the light and divine power surging on his body was enough to kill and injure these little things whose life levels were less than level four.

At the same time, those affected by the arrival of the eight-winged angel Saul were also Locke and others in the Valley of Flowers battlefield.

Compared with killing the Winged Angel Sephiroth, the safety of himself and others is obviously more important.

The sharpness of a level six strongman is definitely something that a level five strongman can touch head-on.

Even a veteran fifth-level creature like the Dracolich Trapadoni still scurried away when faced with the sixth-level strongman Zeratul of the Protoss Tribe.

The billions of planes in the star world, the suppression from life levels, is like the abyss, not that

How easy to cross.

“Damn it… Hurry up and gather your mecha army and Mystra’s legion of readers. We are preparing to evacuate from this world.” When the fire phoenix suppressed the one-winged angel Sa with an absolutely crushing attitude When Philos was fighting, Locke stopped fighting and turned to Anderson.

Locke and others are not natives of the Ancient Tree Star Territory or directly affiliated with the Rose Dynasty Civilization, and have no interest in fighting to the death for outsiders.

Originally, the war situation in the world of Wanhua Chaomu was extremely corrupt and tilted towards the side of the Light Gods.

The support from Locke and others only changed the direction of the battle in a corner of the battlefield in Wanhua Valley, and did not have much promoting effect on the overall battle situation in Wanhua Chaomu World.

This time even an eight-winged angel came here in person, and the war situation in the world of Wanhua Chaomu has reached an irreversible point.

Fortunately, after entering the world of Ten Thousand Flowers and Chaomu, the eight-winged angel did not pay attention to Locke and others on the battlefield of Thousand Flowers Valley, but flew straight towards the 20,000-meter-high giant tree in the center of the plane.

This is their chance to break out.

Locke’s request made Anderson look a little embarrassed. Rescuing the Legion of Minders led by Mythra was only one of his tasks. His more important task was to support the world of Ten Thousand Flowers and Chaomu to ensure that this low-level world would not fall into In the hands of the Light God Clan.

As an important link between the Moon Ancient Tree World and the Natural Ancient Tree World, the strategic significance of the Ten Thousand Flowers Chaomu World is more important than imagined.

Premature loss will completely disrupt the previous layout of the Rose Dynasty civilization. This is a result that the Rose Dynasty civilization cannot accept in any case.

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