Heimarian Odyssey Chapter 2347: Sea clan


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The actual result was exactly as Locke and others had expected.

A few years later, Locke and others who arrived at the micro-plane sent more than ten waves of slave creatures to investigate, but all returned without success. They then determined that this micro-plane was indeed the martial arts civilization that had been eliminated in the long river of history. Later, the new plane was born.

The low plane level and poor resources made this micro-plane forgotten by Locke and others soon after it entered their sight.

Including the Yellow Sand Plane, these two worlds are too far away from the Wizarding World, and because of their low value, none of the three powerful people above level 4 who have the strength of the Holy Tower and the Knights Hall have any The idea of ​​regaining these two planes came up.

Constructing a distant inter-dimensional teleportation channel also requires a large amount of magic coins to provide support, not to mention, in addition to the inter-dimensional teleportation channel, the low-level knights and magician troops who have been stationed in these two planes all year round, It also requires a lot of money.

Based on the poverty level of these two worlds, Locke and others doubt that exhausting all the resources of the two planes can recover the cost of building such two inter-dimensional transmission channels.

From this perspective, it also reflects the current reality of aggression and expansion in the wizarding world.

That is, as more and more nearby worlds and star fields are included in the Wizarding World, or become vassals of the Wizarding World, if the Wizarding World civilization wants to further expand in the future, it can only move towards more distant star fields. .

In the process of such an advance, desolate and barren star fields like the ‘Dulin Star Field’ are obviously not within the scope of the Wizarding World’s consideration.

The current situation of only having two planes with complete rules is that Locke, the fourth-level knights and magicians who represent individuals, are unwilling to get involved, let alone the Wizards Alliance, which represents the entire civilization. (first published by Zongheng)

Locke has a hunch that perhaps the future expansion war of the wizarding world will no longer be an invasion war launched by one or a few knights and magicians above level 4 on a remote and rich plane.

It is a war between star realms and a collision between civilizations!

The wizarding world is no longer an ordinary civilization lingering at the level of a medium-sized world. As it enters the ranks of large-scale world civilizations, more and more powerful people above level four appear

Now, the vision of the wizarding world should be set at a higher level.

From this point of view, the emergence of the Wizards Alliance is just right. It perfectly condenses the power of the entire Wizarding World and lays a solid foundation for the Wizarding World in future wars and external expansion.

The advantages of this alliance system can be seen from the ended war in the Chaos Sea Star Territory.

You must know that it was not just the Void Crossing clan that was in conflict with the wizarding world at that time.

The Light God Clan, the Prisoner Clan, the Dark Clan, the Star Spirit Clan…if you add in the envoys representing the civilization of the Rose Dynasty, that plane war can be called the most powerful world that the Wizarding World has ever experienced. A hodgepodge with the most civilization!

But even in such a chaotic situation, the wizarding world still had the last laugh while ensuring its own interests.

It was also from then on that the Wizards Union’s institutional views began to take root in people’s hearts.

In fact, Locke and others’ travel to the star realm this time can also be seen as an exploration of the outside world on behalf of the Wizards Alliance.

It is the knights and magicians like them who are above level 4 in the wizarding world who constantly go out of the wizarding world and explore the magnificent and mysterious star realm, so that they can bring back the location and information of one bright and powerful civilization after another.

The discovery of the Twin Stars and the contact with the Norman Federation is not an isolated case. Unbeknownst to Locke and others, there are other level four and above powerful people in the wizarding world who are making their contribution to the development of wizarding civilization.

Perhaps when Locke and others return to the wizarding world in the future, they will find that the vast star map they provided is only part of the star map that has been discovered by the wizarding world.

After leaving the almost zero-value micro-plane, Locke and others once again embarked on their journey to explore distant star fields.

With the simplified star maps provided by the One-Eyed God and the Hundred-Armed God, they avoided aimless collisions in the vast sea of ​​stars.

After setting the Evil Swamp Civilization as their final destination, Locke and others discovered that in order to reach the Evil Swamp Civilization, they actually needed to cross two vast star fields and many plane civilizations along the way.

But fortunately, they have passed through the most boring and boring Dulin Star Territory, and the following days will be a little easier and more interesting.

“It’s a pity that I still haven’t been able to find out more about Wu

Legacy of Taoist civilization. “In the magic energy space cabin, watching the dark and silent Dulin Starfield getting further and further behind them, Benjamin couldn’t help but sigh.

A remnant of at least a medium-sized world civilization, which is very attractive to a level 4 or above spellcaster like him.

If he could completely decipher the secrets of this medium-sized world civilization and be lucky enough to inherit the other party’s possible legacy, Benjamin thought that at least he could catch up with Locke quickly and achieve level five.

As for whether there will be a chance to advance to the sixth level in the future, Benjamin also believes that he has the ability to give it a try.

Here, it is important to mention the contribution of the seventh-level wizard Douglas to all knights and magicians in the wizarding world.

In addition to holding the title of being the first person on a plane, Douglas’s greatest contribution is not only the achievement of the wizarding world’s move towards a large-scale world civilization, but also the expansion of the growth space for all creatures in the wizarding world.

The sky is falling, but there are tall people holding it up.

Douglas is the well-deserved tall man in the wizarding world at this time. It is precisely because he is there that the powerful people above level four who were once difficult to break through and advance in the wizarding world have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain in recent years.

After Master Sarafa was promoted to level six, in less than a hundred years, another creature in the wizarding world was facing an important hurdle of breaking through level six.

This level five pinnacle creature that has been unknown in the wizarding world is the ancient giant turtle that suppresses Haiyan in the depths of the endless South Sea all year round.

If the Sea Clan fails to join the Wizards Alliance, then it is nonsense to say that the ancient giant turtle has broken through to level six.

Because the knights and magicians of the Wizards Alliance cannot allow such a foreign creature to stand at the top of the wizarding world.

But as the Sea Tribe successfully joined the Wizards Alliance, the invisible chain stretched on the Sea Tribe’s body broke.

In addition to the ancient giant turtle, a peak level five creature that is about to break through to level six, the Sea Tribe has also been planning to launch sea kings above level four in recent years.

Mermaid Avril Lavigne obviously has an exquisite heart with seven orifices.

In order to avoid the suspicion of the Wizards Alliance and the dissatisfaction of the knights and magicians of the Wizarding World, she not only did not promote the breakthrough of those peak-level demigod-level sea kings, but suppressed them as much as possible.


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