Heimarian Odyssey Chapter 2226: The Essence of Wood


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Two days later, the Elf God visited.

Although Locke had had indirect contact with the Elf God many times before, this was the first time he had a direct face-to-face conversation like today.

It is very rare for the Elf God to be an elemental life form, and among the major types of elements, the Elf God belongs to the wood element.

Elemental lifeforms often have no gender distinction, but they can choose to be male or female after taking form and in the process of personification.

The God of Elf is an elegant young man who prefers men. His actual age is obviously comparable to that of the Panama Master of the Western Islands, but today it seems that he is younger than Locke.

“Hello, Knight Rock, I am the earliest wood elemental creature born in the elven plane. The elves regard me as their god. You can call me Elune.” The Elven God said with a smile.

Because the main body is a wood elemental creature, the smile of the Elf God also contains a touch of calming effect on people’s souls.

Judging from the first contact between the two parties, Locke had a very good impression of the Elf God.

As a **** from a foreign land, he did not grovel like the **** of thief Guevara, nor did he behave too unreasonably.

Locke admires this kind of elegant yet proud style.

“Elune, I think you should know the reason why I asked you to come here. If you can extend the life of my wife, I can promise to give you two thousand third-level wood attribute energy essences.” Locke said to the Elf God said.

Two thousand third-level wood attribute energy essences are equivalent to two hundred thousand first-level wood attribute energy essences, which are equivalent to two million magic coins.

Taking into account the current market value of magic coins, the actual price of these two thousand third-level wood attribute energy essences may be between three million and four million magic coins. (first published by Zongheng)

Using more than three million magic coins in exchange for Xia Qian’s life span, only Locke can do it.

Not only because of his sincere feelings for Xia Qian, but also because he has the financial resources.

Not to mention, the Morgan chaebol controlled by Xia Qian and Bili has created more than three million magic coins in value for Locke over the years.

Loke’s generous move made Elune’s face freeze.

Even though he is an elemental creature, he is not as obsessed with money and beauty as those flesh and blood creatures


But when Elune heard this number, her eyelids inevitably twitched slightly.

The Elven Plane is one of the few resource-rich low-level planes among the auxiliary planes controlled in the Western Islands.

And in addition to its own wealth, the combat power of the elven plane is also not simple.

This is also the reason why Master Panama and others could not conquer it many times, so they took a step back and signed a contract with the elven plane, making it an affiliated plane under their command.

The God of Elves is able to take it and let it go. It is very clear about the true strength of the wizarding world and the power of Panama and others in the Western Islands.

After securing sufficient rights for the Elven Plane, it immediately agreed to become an affiliated plane of the Silent Tower and other forces.

Over the years, the relationship between the Elf God and the fourth-level powerhouses in the Western Islands has not been bad.

When Locke had not yet advanced to level four, he received help from the Elf God because he needed to obtain Elf blood.

After all, the God of Elves is only a person. For the peaceful development of his mother plane, he has to make more plans.

“I am willing to help you, Knight Locke, and I can also promise to extend Ms. Xia Qian’s life for at least a thousand years.”

“I don’t want those two thousand level three wood attribute energy essences. What I need is that at the next Wizards Alliance conference, Rock Knight, you can represent my elven plane and apply to the Wizards Alliance to see if you can join it.” He said with a solemn expression.

Giving up two thousand level three wood energy essences made the Elf God feel physical pain.

But compared to these external possessions, the God of Elves is obviously more concerned about whether he can join the Wizards Alliance in the future.

Although the God of Elves is only a fourth-level creature, this guy is one of the rare people with great foresight.

Since learning of the existence of the Wizards Alliance, the Elf God has tried every means to find out about the Wizards Alliance.

Especially in the second Wizards Alliance Conference, the Sea Tribe successfully joined the Wizards Alliance, which excited many foreign gods including the God of Elves.

During the second Wizards Alliance Conference, fifth-level exotic gods such as the Titan God King, the Undead King, Dark Eyes, and the Deep Sea Dragon King were invited to participate. This may not be a signal sent by the Wizards Alliance in advance.

If we say that the Titan God King Zeus and others can rely on their own excellent strength

To join the Wizards Alliance, a fourth-level alien **** like the God of Elves who has brains but lacks strength will have to find other ways to join the Wizards Alliance.

The God of Elves is also unwilling to remain a vassal plane under Panama and others for the rest of his life. For the development of the elf world, joining the Wizards Alliance may be the best choice.

“I can help you.” Locke nodded.


A complex energy array that looks very much like a rose appears in Locke’s mansion.

This is a unique energy array originating from the elven plane, called the ‘Power of Nature’.

The function of this special energy array is very single, which is to draw the essence of a certain creature in the array.

The God of Elves is both the builder and the user of the energy array.

The method he used to extend Xia Qian’s life was very simple, that is, to squeeze out a drop of his own blood.

As a wood elemental creature, the God of Elves has no blood in the strict sense.

It is not so much blood essence as it is the purest essence of wood.

It seems that for the future development of the elf world, the elf **** is not willing to sacrifice himself.

After the majestic energy tide, within the Rose Flower Energy Array, the aura of the Elf God was at least 30% weaker than before.

Instead, in the center of the formation, an emerald green drop of water stood quietly.

It is this essence of wood that can extend the life of Xia Qian’s elf body for thousands of years.

Judging from the huge expenditures made by the God of Elves, it is true that in the billions of planes of the star world, the issue of lifespan has always been a more difficult issue.

Even those level 5 and level 6 experts sometimes worry about the end of their lifespan, let alone the weaker and lower-level creatures.

For example, at this time, Locke is a fourth-level creature, and the power and wealth under his command are extremely amazing and huge. It is not that he cannot solve the problem of Xia Qian’s lifespan, so he can only turn to the God of Elves for help.

“This drop can extend your life for a thousand years?” Locke squinted his eyes, looked at the emerald green water droplets in the formation, and then asked.

“Yes, but only for the elves.” The Elf God nodded.

The elves are creatures that evolved from plants, and only elves can perfectly absorb their own blood essence.


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