Heimarian Odyssey Chapter 2216: Fifteen million magic coins


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Now the Morgan chaebol has become an important financial management institution in the Knights Hall under Locke.

The financial operation of the entire Knights Hall is gradually inseparable from this huge financial organization that Locke began to prepare when he was a Sky Knight.

To be more precise, for every knight above the first level in the Knights Hall, the monthly salary payment and the quarterly welfare application are all handled by the Morgan chaebol.

In addition to its internal financial responsibilities, the Morgan chaebol’s greater role is to make money.

As time goes by, more and more liquidity in Locke’s hands will be converted into real estate by the Morgan chaebol.

While other holy towers and knight halls in the Western Islands did not notice, Locke’s business network has covered many areas in the wizarding world.

Perhaps in a few thousand years, Locke will be able to maintain the normal operation of his knights’ hall and consume all the training resources he needs without launching a plane war.

“How much money do you plan to borrow?” Locke’s question caused Argus to be in trouble for a moment.

He didn’t expect Locke to be so easy to talk to, so that the series of words expressing loyalty that Argus prepared later were of no use now.

Looking down and pondering for a moment, Argus calculated the funds he would need to build a knight’s hall and develop a continent.

Although Argus is tall and thick, and his elbows are even thicker than Locke’s thighs, there is a delicate heart hidden under this guy’s rough appearance. He also has his own little calculation in mind.

First of all, don’t borrow too little.

It would be completely unworthy of him to be completely sold out to Locke’s Knight Hall for the next few hundred years because of a small loan of magic coins.

Instead of doing this, he might as well apply for a loan directly from the Business Alliance Capecchi. The loan interest of the Business Alliance has not increased in recent years. Many newly promoted fourth-level knights and magicians have chosen to borrow money from the Business Alliance Capecchi. .

Secondly, you can’t borrow too much.

Agus not only had to consider borrowing, he also had to consider repayment.

I borrowed too much, what if I can’t pay it back in the future? Do you really want to work for Locke for the rest of your life?

Agus must know the degree of difficulty and the loan pressure he can withstand

The limit of force.

“I plan to borrow fifteen million magic coins from you.” After thinking about a number, Agus solemnly said.

And the word “you” is contained in the words, which also shows Argus’s attitude.

“No problem, you can go to Bili to withdraw money later.” Locke nodded.

Fifteen million magic coins may seem like a lot, but if you take into account the continuous devaluation of magic coins over the years, it’s actually not that much.

Compared to the period before the Chaos Sea Star Territory War, when magic coins had not depreciated in value, fifteen million magic coins were only equivalent to seven million magic coins during that period.

Nowadays, the basic loan amount provided by the Wizards Alliance to each new knight or magician is often between 9 million and 12 million.

Agus’s loan to Locke exceeded the loan share that Capecchi, the business alliance, could provide, and it was also because of Locke’s deep pockets.

And based on the proportion of Locke’s current liquidity, the cash withdrawal of 15 million magic coins will not have much impact on him.

“The interest given by the Business Alliance Capecchi is that ten million magic coins need to be paid one million in interest every hundred years. I’ll give you a discount. For these fifteen million magic coins, you only need to pay one million in interest every hundred years. Just pay me one million magic coins,” Locke said with a smile.

While talking and laughing, Argus wiped out the debt of 500,000 magic coins.

If you consider that Argus is starting from scratch and may take thousands of years to repay Locke’s loan, then Locke has almost wiped out the interest of millions of magic coins for him.

This is one of the main reasons why Argus made a special trip to borrow money from Locke.

Because according to Argus’s current financial situation, he could only come up with two million magic coins until he died. A considerable part of it comes from the dividends Locke gave him in the just-ended Qingyang Realm War.

“Thank you, Knight Locke.” Argus said with a smile on his face.

Argus has already planned a use for these fifteen million magic coins.

Among them, one million magic coins are used to purchase alchemy potions that will consolidate the realm after being promoted to level four, four million are used to purchase a first-generation space fortress, and the bulk of the tens of millions of magic coins are invested in the construction of the Knights Hall


Since the Wizarding World was promoted to a large world, many islands have appeared in the Western Islands.

In the first self-organized meeting of level four and above powerful people within the Western Archipelago, these large, medium, small and micro islands were all allocated.

As a newly promoted fourth-level knight, Argus certainly cannot seize the continent under the command of knights such as Locke or Zekere.

On the other hand, the island under the command of Cassus, the fallen fourth-level knight, can become the site for Argus’s future development.

As a native knight of the Misia continent and a veteran strongman who has traversed the Western Islands for thousands of years, Argus’s appeal among low-level knights is not weak.

This time he was able to break through the shackles and achieve level 4. It is expected that many of Argus’s former subordinates will defect to him.

Of course, it is inevitable that some of the knights will come from the Knights Hall under Locke.

People go to higher places, and water flows to lower places.

Locke will not forcefully influence the fate of his knights, just like when Master Jos left the Silent Tower and built his own Formless Tower, the fourth-level magician Panama did not openly block it.

After all, the wizarding world is a world that advocates equality and reason. In the early years, it was restricted by the rules of the Holy Tower and the Knights Hall, and now it is restricted by the rules of the Wizards Alliance. Incidents such as internal fighting and internal strife have no market in the wizarding world.

After sending Argus away, the voice of the Fire Source came from Locke’s Knight Medal.

“Master, you asked me to prepare for the expansion of the next-generation space fortress star boundary docking port. Construction has already begun!” Fire Source reported to Locke.

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