Heimarian Odyssey Chapter 2175: Taking the initiative (additional updates)


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Master Artus is obviously a wise man who is good at observation. After discovering that Locke has been staring at the deep purple cannon barrel in the center of the laboratory, Master Artus smiled and explained, “This is a world-class secret treasure dismantled A secondary gun of ‘Void Starfall’.”

The world-class secret treasure Void Starfall, as early as the end of the Chaos Sea Star Territory War, this large-scale carrying platform fell into the hands of the Wizarding World.

The second-generation space fortress that is widely used in the wizarding world today. The void dissociation attribute energy contained in its complete protective armor and main gun was originally obtained by studying the remains of the void starfall.

After plundering this world-class secret treasure from the Void Crossing Clan, the Wizards Alliance finally decided to dismantle it and study it after repeated discussions and internal negotiations.

After all, compared with the gain or loss of a mere world-class secret treasure, the design and research of the future third and even fourth generation space fortresses in the wizarding world are more important.

It was under this circumstance that the southern sage Artus obtained a secondary cannon from the Void Starfall for study.

When he learned that the opponent was a fragment from a world-class secret treasure, one can imagine the shock in Locke’s heart.

However, Locke’s shock did not last long. After the southern sage Master Artus asked for permission, Locke, who was lying on the test bench, gradually lost consciousness under the influence of the alchemical potion.

This is a sleeping potion that is enough to knock down a level five creature and make Locke lose consciousness. It is to better study the violent power possessed by Locke in his ethereal state.

To be honest, Artus is also very interested in the power inside Locke.

With his long life span and profound heritage, the southern sage Artus has seen too many things.

The power of emotions has also been studied by Artus for a period of time during his long life. (first published by Zongheng)

But the emotional power possessed by Locke is much more complicated than what Artus originally studied.

If I must say it, Locke’s emotional power is a mutated version.

Only by maintaining a desire to explore the unknown and seek knowledge at all times can a magician ensure that he is always in a state of learning and improvement.

Obviously, Artus is such a strong man.

Research on Locke’s emotional power cannot solve the problem overnight


When Artus’ research cycle on Locke reached the thirty-third time in the laboratory, the content of the discussion between Master Sarafa and Mrs. Ji La outside the laboratory suddenly changed.


Sometimes women discuss issues with women even more openly and boldly than men.

After Mrs. Ji La saw through her inner thoughts, Master Sarafa no longer hid anything.

If the southern sage Artus can be called the mentor and elder of Master Sarafa, then Mrs. Ji La, who has taken care of him since he was a child, can definitely be called Sarafa’s ‘mother’. .

What’s more, what makes Lady Gila better than the southern sage Artus is that this old woman once took care of Sarafa’s daily life. Compared with Artus, who only solved mysteries in magic and elemental mysteries, Lady Kira is closer to Master Sarafa’s life.

From the perspective of the problems Master Sarafa encountered at this time, it is obvious that Mrs. Ji La is more suitable to help her solve these ‘son-daughter love’.

“Child, have you ever expressed your feelings to him?” Mrs. Ji La sat in front of Master Sarafa and asked with curiosity on her face.

At this time, Mrs. Ji La is no longer the kind old lady, but more like an old woman who is good at finding out other people’s gossip.

This may be a common problem among female creatures. No matter how long Mrs. Ji La’s life is, she can’t get rid of this female nature.

There was a bit of shyness on his face, but Master Sarafa still answered honestly, “No.”

Master Sarafa’s answer was within Mrs. Ji La’s expectation.

There is no better daughter than a mother.

What kind of character Sarafa is, she, Mrs. Ji La, is very familiar with it.

This is a woman who is introverted, quiet, and does not like to compete.

Now that Locke has started a family and has two daughters, and one is her apprentice, how could Sarafa do anything to destroy other people’s families.

If nothing else happened, Mrs. Ji La concluded that this girl would keep hiding her worries.

No wonder this girl is currently stuck at the peak of the fifth level and cannot make any progress. It turns out that there is an insurmountable hurdle in her state of mind.

Mrs. Ji La believes that she needs to help Sarafa, not only to solve Sara

Fa’s personal emotional issue is to bring another level six strongman to the wizarding world.

In both public and private matters, Mrs. Ji La felt that she should stand up.

“Child, I think you should take the initiative!” Mrs. Ji La warned with certainty in her words.

“Take the initiative?” Sarafa’s expression was full of surprise.

“Yes, that kid is only level four. Even if he also has a crush on you, due to the huge gap in strength and status between the two of you, it may be difficult to take the initiative to point it out.”

“But it’s different if you take the initiative. How dare he refuse the love of a sixth-level spellcaster, the leader of the Mamet Alliance?” Mrs. Ji La said with a smile.

Ms. Ji La’s suggestion made Master Sarafa’s face look hesitant.

Until now, Master Sarafa has some doubts about whether it was a wrong decision for him to ask Mrs. Ji La for advice.

Let yourself take the initiative?

The Sarafa masters, who had never had any contact with men and women, were a little shy and at a loss.

Seeing the appearance of Master Sarafa, Mrs. Ji La seemed to see herself back then.

Sure enough, they are carved from the same mold, and even their behavior when encountering problems is exactly the same.

With a long sigh, Mrs. Ji La said to Sarafa with sincerity, “Don’t care about traditional concepts and other people’s opinions. Since you like it, just work hard to pursue happiness. If you choose to retreat, You will eventually become like me…”

Speaking of this, Mrs. Ji La touched her cheek feeling sorry for herself. It is full of deep wrinkles, reminding Mrs. Ji La that time is not forgiving.

Mrs. Ji La’s words suddenly alerted Sarafa. Sarafa naturally knew what Mrs. Ji La was referring to.

Sarafa knows best the relationship history between the southern sage Artus and Lady Jiela.

And what is somewhat similar to Sarafa’s current situation is that the southern sage Artus and Lady Jiela were also in love for many years.

Don’t look at the fact that Mrs. Ji La’s real life span has reached 200,000 years, and she is now gray-haired.

But what you need to know is that the Southern Sage Artus is older and has a longer lifespan than Lady Kira. The Southern Sage Artus, who is over 500,000 years old, is also known as the ‘living fossil of the wizarding world’ .


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