Heimarian Odyssey Chapter 1597: Simple multiple choice questions


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Robo’s agreement almost set the most basic tone for the surrender of the Olympus gods represented by Zeus.

As a powerful plane that is about to be promoted to a large world, the Wizarding World does need its own spokesperson when it faces the choices of the new era and the rapid expansion of its own strength.

The methods that once wiped out all hostile medium-sized worlds, and even destroyed the opposing plane, are no longer in line with the current reality of the wizarding world.

Just like a medium-sized world will have many low-level and micro-planes as vassals and subordinate planes, the wizarding world that is about to be promoted to a large-scale world also needs a medium-sized world with good potential as its own forces.

“That’s fine, but the two sixth-level powerhouses from the Titan World cannot be kept. Personally, I prefer to support a spokesperson for our wizarding world when establishing a guardian for the Titan World.” Douglas then also proposed made his own suggestions.

“Yes, to destroy Uranus and Gaia, another sixth-level powerhouse, ‘Mother of the Earth’, you may still need to take action to ensure that nothing goes wrong. As for the candidates for the next generation of guardians of the Titan World, what do you think? How about this goddess of marriage and fertility?” Luo Bo turned his attention to the crystal ball in front of them again.

“Okay.” Douglas nodded. (first published by Zongheng)


Business Alliance Capecchi.

Today is the last day of the garrison mission. Benjamin, the demigod-level commander of the magician corps under the Flame Legion, is walking in a prosperous trade city on the border of Cape Chi.

Although it is only located on the border of Capechi, due to the strong atmosphere of freedom and wealth within the scope of the Business Alliance, this city named Sopa is no worse than the capitals of some kingdoms or empires in terms of prosperity and development. How many.

It can be seen from the prosperity displayed in this city that after more than fifty years of recuperation, Capechi has gradually emerged from the shadow of the invasion of the Void Crossing Clan.

Even judging from the fact that the average life span of ordinary humans in the wizarding world is only forty years, the disaster that encompassed the entire world has already stayed in the deepest memory of the previous generation and is no longer mentioned.

Records about the ‘Purple Meteor Shower’ are currently widely preserved in various places

In the palace books of the human kingdom.

In addition to apprentice-level spellcasters who first enter the magic hall and are curious about these stories, only archaeologists in the human kingdom of the wizarding world will pay attention to them.

But don’t think that this matter is over. In the hearts of all individuals above level one in the wizarding world, the war and hatred about the Titans and the Void Crossing Clan are not over yet!

Benjamin went to the depths of a primitive jungle in the northeast outside Sopa City.

For ordinary people in Sopa, it is a dangerous place that no strangers should enter, and even the most savvy and experienced hunters are unwilling to go deep into it.

However, Benjamin, who was among ordinary people in Sopa, knew that it was the temporary residence of the Flame Legion.

Also today, the Flame Legion, one of the main battle legions under the Ebalut Empire, will once again go to the Titan Star Territory to fight with the Steel Cast Legion, the Wind Legion, the Moon Legion, the Silver Dragon Legion and other troops.

“I wonder how the war is going on the front line? Also, besides our Ebalut Empire, which forces in the wizarding world will send troops to fight again this time?” Benjamin murmured as he looked up at the sky in the distance. said.

The center of Capechi, a series of floating ships and space fortress manufacturing factories, has been rebuilt after the war.

As one of the founders of the Business Alliance, Mayuda, a fifth-level magician who possesses the world-class secret treasure ‘Equivalent Key’, welcomed two friends as guests in his magic tower today.

“The Water Elemental Elf, Magic Eye, Shadow, and Demon Pig King have all completed the contract summoning conditions of equivalent keys, and returned to their world with the rewards they deserve.”

“Although I strongly invited them to continue joining the plane war against the Titans, these ‘old friends’ all rejected me one by one.” Master Mayuda said with a wry smile to the two people in front of him.

The Business Alliance did pay these powerful fifth-level summoned creatures correspondingly high prices. However, when faced with another invitation from Master Mayuda, no clear-minded foreign powerhouse would choose to accept it.

Participating in the game between two medium-sized worlds, these fifth-level creatures are not qualified.

It was a blessing to be able to survive from the strong men of the Void Crossing Clan led by Purple Star until Douglas appeared.

That’s right

The most stupid and money-obsessed Demon Pig King does not have much confidence that he can escape from a sixth-level strongman.

In the end, the people of the Business Alliance deceived these exotic creatures after all. With the tyrannical rules of equivalent keys, these summoned creatures had no other choice but to fight to the death to complete their mission.

Compared to the high rewards paid to them by the magicians in the wizarding world, these fifth-level creatures that have lived for countless thousands of years obviously value their own lives more.

Of course, creatures such as the Demon Pig King behave tactfully when refusing.

The powerful wizarding world cannot be matched by them and the tribe behind them.

Especially the supreme pseudo-seven-level powerhouse left a deep impression on them.

At an important point when the wizarding world is about to become a large-scale world, these exotic creatures who have personally experienced the power of the wizarding world must correct their attitudes and understand where they and the ethnic groups and planes behind them need to stand in the future. On which side.

An enemy of the wizarding world? Or an ally of the wizarding world?

Thinking about such a simple multiple-choice question, these exotic fifth-level creatures already have the answer in their minds.

In the magic tower, Master Mayuda’s wry smile did not change the expressions of the two guests in front of him much.

They are not ordinary exotic creatures that Mayuda drives and uses. The reason why they contributed in the previous war against the invasion of the wizarding world was also driven by the personal relationship between Mayuda and the Guardian of the Sun.

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