Heimarian Odyssey Chapter 1013: Principles and Bottom Line


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Locke’s mount, Dark CombatGreymon, is not only good. As far as Joyna saw with her own eyes, no less than three level 3 Flame Fish warriors died under this powerful Digimon’s Dark Destruction Energy Cannon.

It was also through this battle that Joyner came to the conclusion that Locke’s mount had at least semi-god-level strength.

“I got this guy’s mount at the auction house with him. I didn’t expect him to get a bargain.” Nicholas said with sourness in his mouth.

At the beginning, he really didn’t expect that the severely injured and depressed Dark Fighting Greymon would have the strength of a demigod after returning to its prime.

“Where is the auction?” Joyner asked hurriedly. There are mounts of level three and above for auction, so the auction is definitely the highest level even if it is placed in the Ebalut Empire.

“Davill area, the dark city.” Nicholas replied.

Joyina, who had been quite interested in this just now, was obviously a little regretful after getting this answer from Nicholas.

The Davill area is the territory of black magicians, and the black magicians who hang out in that area have a closer relationship with Beren. On the contrary, their attitude towards the Ebalut Empire is not so good.

She, a land knight from the Ebalut Empire, went to the Davil area to participate in the auction. She was really asking for trouble.

Without the slightest suspense or too many twists and turns, the Yanyu clan that was clinging to the Green Flame Swamp finally reached the end of their rope.

After being surrounded by an army of knights and magicians, and the fourth-level strongman being killed by Odyssey and Jos, the Navel of the World in the Fire Crystal Plane officially fell into the hands of the Western Mishima.

This is also Locke’s first contact with how to completely suppress and enslave a plane.

Under the control of the tyrannical mental power of the fourth-level magician Jos, the guardian of the fire crystal plane, the Azure Clam, signed a series of treaties that were humiliating and humiliating.

In addition to providing a large amount of fire-attributed energy ore resources to the two level-4 powerhouses from the three western islands every year, a considerable number of slave creatures must also be provided by the natives of the Fire Crystal Plane.

These slave creatures from the Fire Crystal Plane will also become the slave minions of Jos and Odyssey’s next attack on the alien plane.

A contract with legal benefits has been reached. In the eyes of a level 4 powerhouse like Joss, the contract in his hand clearly resonates with certain rules of the Fire Crystal Plane. This means that this slavery contract is It is recognized by the plane will of the fire crystal plane.

It was also with this contract in his hand that Joes obtained the most basic standards for building holy towers on the three western islands.

A trace of the origin of the rules of the fire crystal plane is injected into the law contract. This is what Joss specifically asked the guardian of the blue clam to do. This law contract will soon be sent to the guardians of the wizarding world by Jos. .

This also marks that the Fire Crystal Plane has officially become a low-level plane under the rule of the Wizarding World, and is protected by some laws of the Wizarding World.

In fact, it is not necessarily a bad thing for a weak plane to be occupied and enslaved by a more powerful plane.

At least in a world as responsible and powerful as the Wizarding World, if the Fire Crystal Plane encounters any unstoppable disaster in the future, as the suzerain plane, the Wizarding World will send a certain amount of force to help.

After all, since the Fire Crystal Plane is subordinate to the Wizarding World, it also means that they will be covered by the Wizarding World from now on.

The fourth-level Explosive Murloc King died. The cause of death was simple. The long sword made by the fourth-level knight Odyssey using the rules of fire was burned to ashes.

Facing a certain defeat, this indigenous strongman from the Fire Crystal Plane was unwilling to sign a slave contract with loss of dignity with the fourth-level magician Jos.

Many Level 4 lifeforms have very tough tempers, and after achieving Level 4 rule bodies, ordinary laws and magic methods cannot completely subdue these tyrannical lifeforms.

Unless the Explosive Murloc King voluntarily agrees to sign a slave contract, even a fifth-level great magician cannot forcibly enslave it.

Since it cannot be used by oneself, it would be a disaster to keep it.

Both Jos and Odyssey showed no mercy. In their long lives, they had seen too many tough characters like this. They could stand out from hundreds of millions of tribesmen and achieve level four. Which of these strong indigenous people was not extremely determined in mind? Guy.

For them to sign a servitude contract that involves losing their dignity and soul is like asking a noble magician to deny the truth he pursues. It is extremely difficult.

Strong people often have the backbone to match their identity and status.

In the main camp of Dead Peak, the magic vortex of the interdimensional space passage is slowly rotating.

On the other side of the space channel, what is connected is the plane coordinates of the Kizdar Star Territory.

The first ones to leave through the space passage were the Dels driving the space starships. In the war on the fire crystal plane, they were employed by knights and magicians. Although they suffered a lot of damage, they also earned a lot of money. earned a lot.

Not only did Locke provide them with tons of fire energy ore, but they also had a large amount of resources they snatched from the natives of the Fire Crystal Plane. For the Del people who have been wandering in the Kizdar Star Territory for hundreds of years, This is already a big deal that will allow them to rest and recuperate for the next hundred years.

“I hope we can cooperate in the future.” He smiled and shook hands with Barsad, the leader of the Del people. Locke was deeply impressed by this alien creature whose external strength was only level two.

After the Dels, the Zerg warriors are also ready to return to the Kezdar Star Territory.

In this plane war, the real winners are the knights and magicians of the Three Western Islands, and the other is the Starry Sky Zerg who have made a lot of money from the war.

More than 50,000 low-level Zerg were employed to this starry sky Zerg. The energy ore paid to them by Joes was the biggest gain for this wandering race that had left its homeland and fled its home plane in the past hundred years.

These Zerg are very diligent and thrifty. They are self-sufficient in food, equipment and other supplies, without spending additional funding from the knights and magicians of the Western Three Islands. Who doesn’t like this kind of mercenary?

It was also because of the advantages shown by the Zerg that after the Zerg Queen asked for more money, José and Michelle agreed without much hesitation.

The Queen and Queen of Blades did not rush to let the low-level Zerg pass through the space channel, but first sent the high-level Zerg to **** the energy ore paid to them by the Western Three Islands into the wormhole.

Some people will say that the Zerg do not have level four strong men. With the tyrannical strength of Jos and Odyssey, wouldn’t it be nice to directly enslave and suppress them, and thereby permanently obtain a cheap slave biological cannon fodder.

But for a magician, the most basic quality is to abide by the principle of equivalent transactions and stick to the bottom line of the contract.

In order to plunder resources and achieve their own goals, these magicians do not hesitate to launch invasion wars from other planes, but in terms of principles, magicians are definitely among the many nearby planes who are famous for keeping their word.

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