Heavenly Monarch of All Times Chapter 2363: Beast Master


Nie Tian stood high above the sky, looking at Raging Flame Jiufeng and the others with a playful gaze.

Just now, Li Yan Jiufeng and others did not help him, and of course he will not help at this time.

And he knew that the strength of the flaming nine fronts was far more than that weak, and there must be a terrifying trump card hidden in it.

Just let these Black Wing King Kong try the strength of the flame nine fronts.

Dozens of Profound Wing King Kong, like wolves, stared at the flames Jiufeng, Nangong Rin and Xuanyuan Yuncong.

“Roar!” At this time, Xuanyi King Kong roared in unison, the roar was soaring, and the violent momentum was about to come out.

In the next instant, dozens of Profound Wing King Kong rushed out at the same time, like dozens of black thunders, slamming down.

Xuanyuan Yuncong’s speed was extremely fast. As soon as he stepped on it, his figure rose into the sky, and he was the first to escape from the encirclement of Xuanyi King Kong.

He fuses the power of the wind element in his body, and his speed is much faster than that of a martial artist of the same level.

With speed alone, he can protect himself.

But the flames Jiufeng and Nangong Rin are very dangerous, they don’t have the same speed as Xuanyuan Yuncong.

“Purple thunder nine roars, lightning strikes nine days!” Seeing Xuanyi King Kong getting closer and closer, Nangong Rin couldn’t hold his breath any longer. Like a galloping dragon, it soars into the sky.

“Boom!” Nine purple mad thunders roared in the air, as if the world was shaking.

“Bang! Boom! Bam…” Immediately, nine purple thunders bombarded the Nine-Headed Profound Wing King Kong, sending the Nine-Headed Profound Wing King Kong flying backwards.

“Roar!” At the same moment, a blazing flame appeared behind Raging Flame Jiufeng, charging straight towards it.

“Boom!” Where the blazing flames passed, a black-winged diamond immediately burned, and a tragic roar erupted. The huge body was still a mountain, falling down.

The flames of Jiufeng moved, and together with Nangong Rin, rushed away from the siege and retreated 10,000 meters away.

Nie Tian frowned when he saw the means of the two.

The strength of the flame nine fronts is very strong, which is within his expectation, but Nangong Rin’s strength is beyond Nie Tian’s prediction.

The lightning strikes nine days and instantly hits the Nine-Headed Profound Wing King Kong, which is really terrifying.

“This guy is so weird, he can actually burst out the true power of the power of the source!” At this moment, the little fat cat’s voice sounded, and he exclaimed in horror.

“Little fat, what do you mean?” Nie Tian was stunned for a moment, and couldn’t help but ask.

“Nie Tian, ​​you have to be careful about this man named Nangong Rin. He merged with Zi Lei Jiu Xiao, and he was able to unleash the power of Zi Lei Jiu Xiao to such a degree. It’s terrifying.” The little fat cat didn’t answer Nie Tian’s question. question, but to remind him.

Nie Tian’s eyes narrowed, his consciousness swept across Nangong Rin’s body, and he was even more puzzled.

It stands to reason that the purple thunder and nine roars that Nangong Rin fuses are only a small part of the origin of the thunder system, why can such a terrifying power erupt.

Nie Tian is a person with the Heart of Darkness, and the Heart of Darkness is almost one-third of the dark origin.

But he can’t even use the power of the Heart of Darkness, let alone let the Heart of Darkness explode.

Why is there such a big difference between people who combine the power of the source at the same time?

“Could it be that the time for me to merge with the Heart of Darkness is too short?” Nie Tian frowned, wondering in his heart.

Nangong Rin’s fusion of Zi Lei Jiu Xiao should last a long time, tens of thousands of years.

But it only took a few years for Nie Tian to merge with the Heart of Darkness.

Now he is completely unable to exert the power of the Heart of Darkness.

“Nie Tian, ​​do you want to continue watching?” At this time, Li Yan Jiufeng looked at Nie Tian with a low gaze, and said coldly.

“You two are so strong, do you need me to take action?” Nie Tian smiled and responded lightly.

Riyan Jiufeng’s eyes were low, but there was nothing he could do.

“His Royal Highness, look, these beasts seem to have calmed down.” On the other side, Nangong Rin seemed to have discovered something, and said with a look of surprise.

Raging Flame Jiufeng was stunned for a moment, then found that the remaining twenty or so Xuanyi King Kong seemed to be really calm.

“Huh?” Nie Tian also noticed something was wrong, his eyes narrowed slightly.

At this time, more than two dozen Xuanyi King Kong, lying high in the sky, looked very docile, the violent aura around him subsided, and even his eyes became soft.

“His Royal Highness, what’s going on?” Nangong Rin said with a look of astonishment, “Are these beasts scared?”

Riyan Jiufeng frowned and did not speak. He was very nervous and did not dare to relax at all.

He knew that Black Wing King Kong was not the kind of divine beast that would be afraid.

This beast is bloodthirsty and violent. The more tragic the battle, the more bloodthirsty it can be stimulated.

If under normal circumstances, Xuanyi King Kong was killed a few times, it would only make them more violent, and they would never be as calm as they are now.

“Someone is controlling them!” In the next moment, Li Yan Jiufeng suddenly reacted, and his face changed.

Nie Tian also understood at this time, and his face couldn’t help but show concern.

These Black Wing King Kong suddenly calmed down, and there must be someone behind them.

Being able to control dozens of Profound Wing King Kong at the same time, the strength of the man behind him is definitely very powerful, and he must be a master of beast control with profound attainments.

Nie Tian and the others looked into the void at the same time, trying to find the lurking person.

Unfortunately, they didn’t perceive anything, and there was no breath in the space.

At this moment, the figure of the largest body of the Profound Wing King suddenly moved, standing upright, like a giant, walking over step by step.

Nie Tian frowned, his nerves were tense, and his heart was beating in his throat.

“Don’t be nervous.” In the void, a low voice sounded, it sounded a little ethereal, but it really existed.

“Who? Come out!” Flame Jiufeng growled, his eyes as cold as ice.

“Friends, welcome to the Dark Sea Black Prison.” At this time, the figure of Xuanyi King Kong stopped, a low voice sounded, and a figure appeared above Xuanyi King Kong’s head.

The eyes of Nie Tian and the others trembled violently, and their eyes locked on the figure.

Even though they were far apart, Nie Tian could still see each other’s face clearly.

This is an old man with white hair. Although his face is old, his eyes are sharp, like the cold stars in the night sky, showing a sense of shock.

Obviously, the master beast master who secretly controlled Xuanyi King Kong was this white-haired old man.

The reason why Nie Tian and the others could not perceive his existence was not because of his clever lurking methods, but because his aura was completely covered by the aura of Black Wing King Kong.

At this time, even if he showed up, Nie Tian and the others still couldn’t sense his breath.

“Who is your Excellency?” Li Yan Jiufeng said in a deep voice, although his voice was cold, he was very polite.

“The old man is just a nobody, you can just call me a spiritual master.” The white-haired old man said lightly, with a weird smile on his face, and said, “It’s your strength that really amazes the old man.”

Speaking, the old man who claimed to be a spiritual master swept his eyes across everyone, with a hint of unkindness in his eyes.

“These Black Wing King Kongs are the treasures of this old man.” Immediately, the spiritual master laughed, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, “You have killed so many black Wing King Kong, should I let this old man let go? Are you going to live?”


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