Heavenly Monarch of All Times Chapter 2359: Original suppression


Nie Tian saw the dark soul surging above Jiuying Fenghuo’s palm, and immediately thought of something, and his face changed.

The dark abyss, the power of the dark origin, is composed of the dark soul, the dark hand and the dark heart, and is called the dark three-body.

Nie Tian was fused with the Heart of Darkness, while the Soul of Darkness was fused with the Mother of Nine Infants.

Dark Souls is the most powerful of the Diablo III.

At this time, the soul of darkness was actually in the hands of Jiuying Fenghuo.

There is only one explanation for this: Our Lady of the Nine Infants, is dead!

Thinking of this, Nie Tian’s eyes tightened, his expression hard to hide his grief.

He now knows why Jiuying Fenghuo’s expression is so sad.

“Nie Tian, ​​it seems that you have already guessed it.” Jiu Ying Fenghuo saw Nie Tian’s reaction and knew that the latter had guessed everything, Shen Chen said: “When the Virgin is dying, use the dark soul to the extreme. Demon energy storage.”

“And tell me, let me hand the dark soul into your hands.”

Nie Tian’s eyes trembled violently, and he couldn’t hide his surprise.

Although he had guessed everything, he was still shocked when Jiuying Fenghuo said it.

He didn’t expect that the Virgin of the Nine Infants had really fallen!

Nie Dao watched from the side, and when he heard Jiuying Fenghuo talk about the extremely demonic aura, he couldn’t help frowning, his face full of surprise.

“Could this person be from the Qi Wu family?” He guessed in his heart, extremely shocked.

The Qi Wu family has disappeared from the nine realms for a long time, and I thought it had been destroyed.

I didn’t expect that such a powerful person would exist in this family.

“Lord Tianzun, what’s going on here? Why did the Virgin Mary suddenly fall?” Nie Tian calmed down and asked in a deep voice.

He remembered that when he left Jiuyingtian, the Virgin of the Nine Infants was in very good condition and showed no signs of weakening at all.

And the Virgin of the Nine Infants is the peak strength of the supreme god. Such a strong person has a very strong vitality, but it is not easy to die.

It’s only been a few years, how could the Virgin of the Nine Infants suddenly fall?

“Nie Tian, ​​in fact, Lord Notre Dame merged with the dark soul, and has been deeply attacked by the dark soul.” Jiuying Fenghuo sighed and said: “When you saw her, she was almost unable to suppress the dark soul. .”

“A few months ago, the Dark Soul suddenly became violent, and the power of the Devouring Darkness became much stronger for some unknown reason.”

“Our Lady of Our Lady struggled for months, but she still failed to suppress the Dark Soul.”

“Before she died, she stored the dark soul with extremely demonic energy to prevent the power of darkness from spreading.”

“She said, in this world, only your martial body can withstand the dark soul.”

“So he asked me to hand over the Dark Soul to you.”

After speaking, Jiuying Fenghuo raised his palm and sent the soul of darkness to Nie Tian.

Nie Tian looked at the dark vortex in front of him and felt the violent force inside, and his heart was very shocked.

He did feel that the Dark Soul had become very violent, and even under the control of the extreme demonic pressure, the terrifying dark power was still extremely mighty.

The surrounding space is filled with a strong dark atmosphere, the vastness that devours everything, making people tremble.

Nie Tian is very strange. Why did the Dark Soul suddenly become violent?

He didn’t hesitate. With a thought, he released the furnace of **** and put the soul of darkness into the furnace.

Even if he has Dark Souls now, he cannot fuse.

The three bodies on the face of the dark abyss are the existence of mutual growth and mutual restraint. Any two of them put together will have a huge repulsive force.

Nie Tianruo now fuses the Soul of Darkness, the repulsive force of Soul of Darkness and Heart of Darkness, which is enough to tear his body apart in an instant.

If he wants to fuse the Dark Souls, he must find the other of the Dark Triad, the Hand of Darkness.

The dark three bodies are in perfect balance.

“Nie Tian, ​​the soul of darkness has been handed over to you. I’m leaving.” At this time, Jiuying Fenghuo said goodbye directly.

“Lord Tianzun, cherish it.” Nie Tian did not hold back and said heavily.

The Virgin of the Nine Infants died, there must be a lot of things in the Nine Infant Heavens waiting for the Nine Infants Firehouse to go back to deal with.

And Nie Tian didn’t have much time.

Watching Jiuying Fenghuo leave, Nie Tian’s mood calmed down a little.

Nie Dao glanced at Nie Tian and didn’t ask any further questions.

Next, Nie Tian came to the small courtyard arranged for him by Nie Dao and entered his room.

He can rest for two days in Fengyun League, and on the third day he will go to Conferring Demon City.

“Little Fatty, since the Holy Mother of Nine Infants has already merged with the Soul of Darkness, why is she still being swallowed by the Soul of Darkness?” In the room, Nie Tian couldn’t help being curious and asked Little Fat Cat.

The figure of the little fat cat appeared, but his face was not good-looking. He looked at Nie Tian with heavy eyes and said, “Nie Tian, ​​in fact, about the power of the source, the deity still has many things that I haven’t told you.”

“The deity originally intended to tell you when the time was right, but now that you have asked, the deity will tell you.”

Seeing Little Fat Cat’s reaction, Nie Tian couldn’t help frowning, not knowing what the latter was going to say.

“Nine elements of heaven and earth, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light and darkness.” The little fat cat said with a serious expression: “Each element has its own unique attributes.”

“The strength of gold, the vitality of wood, the flexibility of water, the ferocity of fire, the thickness of earth; the swiftness of wind, the ferocity of thunder, the emptiness of light, the chaos of darkness.”

“The nine-element attributes are different. Each attribute has a different effect on the warrior.”

“The warriors who can integrate the power of the source are extremely rare, and they are all people with special bloodlines.”

“But even a person with a special bloodline is very difficult to integrate with the power of the source.”

“After all, the power of the source is an external force for a warrior, and it is an extremely powerful external force. The impact on the warrior’s body is very large.”

Nie Tian nodded slightly, he understood what Little Fat Cat said.

Little Fat Cat looked at Nie Tian with scorching eyes, and continued: “Even if it is the wood-type origin and the earth-type origin, this relatively soft origin power has a great impact on warriors.”

“Like you, although you have integrated the source of the leyline. But the source of the leyline, while providing you with powerful vitality, also suppresses your magic energy.”

“You must feel this.”

“When you release the power of the gods and demons of the gods and demons, you must be suppressed by the source of the leylines, right?”

When Nie Tian heard Little Fat Cat’s words, his expression changed slightly and he nodded solemnly.

Little Fat Cat is right, he does feel that the source of the earth veins has a certain suppressing power on his demonic essence and god-demon essence.

Sometimes, when his martial body is at the limit, he can clearly feel that the power of the heart of darkness is about to move, like a beast waiting for an opportunity, just waiting for his weakest moment , devour him directly!

This feeling, he thought was only temporary, was caused by his failure to fully integrate with the power of the source.

So, he never said it.

It was only at this time that he realized that this was the suppression of him by the power of the source.


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