Heavenly Monarch of All Times Chapter 2358: Shocked


Tian Kui’s figure stood in the air. Hearing Nie Tian’s words, his eyes trembled violently, and he was shocked and surprised!

“Nie Tian, ​​what do you want to say?” At the next moment, Tian Kui forced himself to calm down and said solemnly.

Nie Tian talked about the true identity of the Seven Kills, which made him very nervous.

But he didn’t believe that Nie Tian really knew the identity of Seven Kills.

“Destroy the devil’s heart and transform the devil’s heart into three forms.” Nie Tian smiled lightly and said eight words calmly.

Hearing these eight words, Tian Kui frowned, and the whole person was stunned, astonished on the spot.

He was still holding a bit of luck, but what Nie Tian said just now was just to bluff him.

However, the words “Destroy the devil’s heart and transform the devil’s heart into three transformations” completely wiped out the trace of luck in his heart.

Obviously, Nie Tian already knew the truth: the seven killings are the killing of the devil’s heart!

Raging Flame Jiufeng looked at Nie Tian, ​​but was not too surprised.

Nie Tian is someone who has been to Jiuli Demon Territory after all, so it’s not surprising to know that he has a devilish heart. With Nie Tian’s cleverness, he can guess that seven kills are body killings.

Seeing Tiankui’s reaction, Nie Tian smiled lightly and said, “Lord Tiankui, can I make an offer now?”

Tian Kui’s face was as low as death, he forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, and almost squeezed a word from his teeth: “Speak!”

“Thank you, Lord Tiankui.” Nie Tian laughed, then his face became serious, and said, “I will rescue Qisha, but I need a promise.”

“After Emperor Ming’s resurrection, Xue Er has nothing to do with Tianluodiwang and Emperor Ming anymore!”

Tian Kui frowned when he heard Nie Tian’s condition, his eyes were a little weird, and he fell silent for a while.

“Lord Tiankui, are you unwilling to agree to my terms?” Nie Tian asked in a deep voice when Tiankui didn’t speak.

Tian Kui’s eyes flickered, and he said, “Nie Tian, ​​since you already know the heart of killing the devil, you should understand the relationship between the Emperor’s Highness and the Emperor Ming.”

“Once the Emperor Ming is resurrected, it is not up to me to decide whether His Royal Highness the Emperor will leave.”

“Even if Her Royal Highness is willing to leave, it must be approved by the Emperor Ming.”

“I promise you now, but when that day comes, I won’t be able to.”

“Would you like to have such a promise?”

Nie Tian frowned, not expecting Tiankui to answer him like this.

Indeed, once the Emperor Ming was resurrected, Tian Kui’s status would drop instantly.

Many things are not something that Tian Kui can decide.

“Okay then, I’ll lower my requirements.” Nie Tian thought for a moment, then said, “I must be present when the Emperor Ming is resurrected, is that okay?”

Tian Kui’s eyes narrowed and he looked at Nie Tian very strangely, not knowing what the latter wanted to do.

“Yes.” But he agreed without much hesitation.

Before the Emperor Ming was resurrected, Tian Kui still had an absolute status.

When Emperor Ming was resurrected, Tian Kui and the others would definitely be present, and they were not afraid of Nie Tian playing tricks.

“Very good.” Nie Tian smiled lightly and said, “Lord Tiankui, we’ve settled on that. See you in Feng Mocheng in three days.”

Tian Kui nodded, moved his figure and left.

Riyan Jiufeng glanced at Nie Tian, ​​his eyes were strange, but he didn’t say anything and left.

Nie Tian looked at the direction where Tian Kui and Li Yan Jiufeng left, but his face was not good.

This trip to the Dark Sea and Black Prison is sure to be a dangerous journey.

“Nie Tian, ​​are you sure?” Nie Dao calmed down a lot and asked Nie Tian.

“At this point, are you sure it’s still important?” Nie Tian gave a wry smile, a helpless expression on his face.

Nie Tian didn’t know what was going on in the Dark Sea Black Prison.

But this time, he has to go!

A moment later, Nie Tian and the others returned to the Wind and Cloud Hall.

“Grandpa, where is Ruxi? I ​​want to see her.” Above the main hall, Nie Tian looked at Nie Dao and asked with burning eyes.

In the blink of an eye, he and Mo Ruxi have been separated for several years, and he misses the latter very much.

I don’t know what Mo Ruxi’s strength is now, and their children, is everything okay.

“Nie Tian, ​​Miss Ruxi is in the ancestral land of the Nie family at this time. If you want to see her, I’m afraid it will be too late.” Nie Dao frowned and said with a troubled face.

Nie Tian’s eyes flickered, he let out a deep breath, forced a smile, and said, “If that’s the case, then forget it.”

He only needs to know that Mo Ruxi is safe, and there is no rush for the two to meet.

“Nie Tian, ​​you still have three days. Take a good rest first. After two days, I will send someone to take you to the Demon Sealing City.” Nie Dao nodded slightly and said.

“Okay.” Nie Tian agreed and got up to leave.

Nie Dao also stood up, and everyone walked outside the Fengyun Hall.

“Huh?” At this moment, Nie Dao suddenly looked up into the sky, as if he had found something, frowned, and said in shock, “There are strong people!”

Just before he finished speaking, a figure in black, like a ghost, appeared above the sky.

Nie Tian’s eyes narrowed, looking at the figure in black, his eyes were slightly surprised.

He actually felt that the breath of the coming person was very familiar.

But again he couldn’t remember where he had seen this person.

“Who are you, Your Excellency? When you come to the Fengyun Alliance, do you have a job with you?” Nie Dao stepped out, his figure rose into the sky, and the black-clothed figure faced the high sky.

“Nie Tian, ​​you really are here!” But the black-clothed figure didn’t pay attention to Nie Dao, but fixed his gaze on Nie Tian’s body. When his figure moved, it turned out to be rushing towards Nie Tian.

“Presumptuous!” Seeing this, Nie Dao roared wildly, his whole body surging with momentum.

“Grandpa, don’t shoot!” But at this moment, Nie Tian’s voice suddenly sounded, his figure moved, and he came to Nie Dao’s side in an instant, signaling the latter not to be impulsive.

“You know him?” Nie Dao was stunned for a moment, his aura slightly restrained, but he remained vigilant.

The man in black is very strong, and he is barely under Nie Dao.

“Yes.” Nie Tian nodded, with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, looked at the figure in black, and said, “Lord Jiuying Tianzun, long time no see.”

Nine Infants Celestial Lord!

The man in black who appeared at this time was Jiuying Tianzun, Jiuying Fenghuo.

A few years ago, Nie Tian participated in the Nine Infant Hunting Ban, and later learned that the place he went to was the ancestral land of Qi Wu’s family, one of the nine great families that created the world.

There, he met Jiuyingtian of the Qi Wu family, and even got the power of the dark origin, the heart of darkness!

When he went to see Our Lady of the Nine Infants, it was the Nine Infants Tianzun who led the way.

The status of the Nine Infants Heavenly Venerate in the Nine Infants Heaven is second only to the Mother of the Nine Infants.

He did not expect that the Jiuying Celestial Clan would appear here at this time.

“Nie Tian.” Jiuying Fenghuo’s face at this time was very solemn, with undisguised grief in his eyes.

“Lord Tianzun, what happened?” Nie Tian looked at Jiuying Fenghuo, frowned, and asked in surprise.

“Nie Tian, ​​this deity is here to find you this time to give you something.” Jiuying Fenghuo spoke in a serious tone.

Nie Tian was stunned for a moment, feeling faintly that something bad had happened.

Jiuying Fenghuo slowly raised his hand, and a dark vortex emerged from his palm, and the surrounding space was immediately enveloped by an extremely terrifying dark aura.

“Soul of Darkness!” Nie Tian saw the dark vortex, his eyes trembled, and he exclaimed.

The dark vortex above the palm of the Nine Infants Beacon Fire is one of the dark three bodies of the dark origin, the dark soul!

But the Soul of Darkness was clearly fused by the Mother of Nine Infants, so why did it appear on the body of Nine Infants Fenghuo?


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