Heavenly Monarch of All Times Chapter 2354: Original fusion


Nie Tian suddenly heard the little fat cat’s voice, and couldn’t help but froze for a moment, and asked, “Little fat, did you find anything?”

The little fat cat didn’t seem to hear Nie Tian’s words, and his expression was very strange. His dark blue eyes released a strange light, and he seemed very excited.

Nie Tian felt even more strange when he saw Little Fat Cat’s reaction.

But instead of disturbing the little fat cat, he waited patiently.

“This deity knows, it must be like this!” After a while, the little fat cat screamed strangely, with a rippling smile on his face, as if he had made a major discovery.

“Little fat, what do you know?” Nie Tian couldn’t help but asked again.

“The deity knows why there is such a strange agreement between those two ancestors.” The little fat cat was very proud and laughed.

“Why?” Nie Tian frowned and his eyes became hot.

He couldn’t understand why there was such a strange agreement between the ancestors of the Nie family and the Nangong family.

The two people who appear to fuse the power of the source at the same time must be united.

If two people are of the opposite sex, what about the same sex?

“Those two ancestors wanted to combine the power of the two sources together!” The little fat cat said with a weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

When Nie Tian heard Little Fat Cat’s words, he couldn’t help being stunned.

“Is it difficult to understand?” The little fat cat couldn’t help laughing when he saw Nie Tian froze in place.

Nie Tian’s expression was shocked, and he finally reacted, saying: “Little fat, you mean that different origin powers can merge with each other to form a new power?”

He tries to express his understanding, but his face is very incredible.

He couldn’t understand how the two origin powers could be merged together.

The nine elements of heaven and earth are originally powers with different attributes.

It is precisely because of the different attributes that they are independent and become different forms of power.

The power of the source is a kind of existence that maximizes the attributes of the nine-element power to the extreme.

What would it be like if the two powers of origin could be merged?

What kind of attribute is the newly generated power? Will it form a new attribute?

The place that Nie Tian couldn’t understand was in this place.

And he knows that the surrounding space is filled with the power of the nine element attributes, if the nine major sources can be integrated with each other.

Then, why didn’t the nine elements in the space merge together?

“The deity just said, the power of the source and the mutual integration.” The little fat cat smiled and said: “As for whether it will form a new power, the deity does not know.”

“The power of the source can really merge with each other?” Nie Tian was stunned for a moment, his expression was so terrified that he was speechless for a long time.

What the little fat cat said was too shocking for him, and he needed time to accept it.

“The power of the source can indeed be fused together. This deity is very convinced of this.” When Nie Tian’s expression became calmer, the little fat cat continued: “The two ancestors, let the two people who fuse the power of the source. When the warriors are together, in fact, they want the power of the two origins to merge with each other.”

“…” Nie Tian was in a cold sweat, and his whole body was shivering.

I can’t imagine what it would be like if two men who fused the power of the source were together.

But he is very puzzled. Can two origin warriors be able to combine the power of two origins together?

The little fat cat saw the doubts in Nie Tian’s heart and said: “The power of the source is very strong. Even if the power of the source is different, there is still a very strong induction.”

“Like two origin warriors, staying together all the year round will strengthen the sense of origin between each other.”

“When the source induction reaches a certain level, the power of the two sources can be merged together.”

After Nie Tian heard what the little fat cat said, the doubts in his heart were even greater.

He already understood what the little fat cat meant. The two origin warriors were together, not because they were combined, but very close to each other, causing the origin power to have origin induction.

But, he felt, that was simply not going to work.

Because there are two kinds of origin power in his body, the earth origin origin and the dark origin origin.

These two source powers are in his body and merge with his magic essence. It can be said that they are the closest.

But he can feel that there is no so-called source induction between the two source powers, and they even repel each other.

The two origins, which are located on the same magic element, cannot have origin induction.

Could it be that the two origins are in the bodies of two people, just because they are close to each other, can origin induction occur?

Thinking about this, Nie Tian felt even more impossible.

“Nie Tian, ​​the origin induction between origins does not happen overnight.” The little fat cat knew what Nie Tian was thinking, and said with a faint smile, “Also, different origins have different attributes.”

“The source of the earth veins and the heart of darkness in your body, one is the origin of the earth element, and the other is the origin of the dark element. The mutual induction force is not weak, but it is not strong either.”

“Generally speaking, the two sources of mutual restraint have the weakest induction force, such as light and darkness, water and fire.”

“The source with close attributes has strong induction, such as Shuimu and Guanglei.”

“However, even if there are two sources with strong induction, it will take decades, hundreds or even thousands of years for the source induction to occur between each other.”

“The time for you to merge the source of the leyline and the heart of darkness is very short. The two sources are not even familiar with each other, and of course no source induction will occur.”

Nie Tian frowned when he heard Little Fat Cat’s words, his expression shocked.

It turns out that the induction between the original sources is so difficult that it even takes thousands of years.

However, he still doesn’t quite understand what it will look like after the fusion of the two origin powers.

“The two ancestors let the two origin warriors be together, definitely want to let the two origin powers merge with each other.” The little fat cat then smiled and said: “As long as the two warriors are patient, stay together all the time. , it takes tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years for each other, and the fusion of the original source is still possible.”

Nie Tian couldn’t help twitching the corners of his mouth, and said in his heart, “People who are so loving can only stay together for hundreds of thousands of years?”

If men and women are okay, if two men have been with each other for hundreds of thousands of years, I will sweat just thinking about it.

But Nie Tian now believes that the power of different origins can be fused together.

But the next moment, he thought of another question, his eyes trembled, and he asked: “Little fat, it’s like the power of different origins can be integrated with each other.”

“Does that mean that the nine sources can be integrated!”

“What would happen if the powers of the nine sources were fused at the same time?”

When the little fat cat heard Nie Tian’s words, his eyes trembled, he shook his head in shock, and said, “This deity doesn’t know.”

The fusion of the nine origins, he really didn’t think about this issue.

But what Nie Tian said was indeed possible.

The fusion of the power of the two sources is already very terrifying. The fusion of the nine sources, what kind of terrifying power will be born, is simply unimaginable!


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