Greetings, Mister Principal: The Crimson King


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Reiner can use this magic to enter the quantum world in a short period of time and observe the rising and falling quantum tides. Naturally, he can also detect and even exploit the subtle connection mechanism between Sauron’s alien species.

After explaining his spells, Reiner and the legendary mages came to the bottom of the Rainbow Tower.

This is the base part of the Rainbow Tower, located inside the floating continent.

Reiner has never been here before, and this place is only a rumor, recorded in the classics of the Rainbow Tower’s library.

This is a dungeon.

It did not look like the dark, damp and miserable scene as imagined. The dungeon was built with gray-white stone and was spotless. It felt a bit like a temple.

There are no prisoners in the cell. In fact, the last prisoner imprisoned here was three hundred years ago, when the modern magic revolution just ended, a high-level mage who was detained here because he wanted to be tried. Just three days.

After that, there were no prisoners left in the dungeon of Rainbow Tower.

But at this time, the person they came to visit was not a prisoner, but a Sauron mutant.

After walking through the corridor and reaching a room at the end, Reiner stopped and looked at Lord Braggs beside him.

There is the strongest magical defense wall in the entire continent. At the same time, the prison is built with extremely strong building materials. Even the imprisoned legendary mage will have a hard time escaping from it.

Your Excellency Braggs nodded slightly. An extremely complex magic array suddenly appeared on the plain white stone door of the room. These magic arrays formed strong locks, like the gears of the most sophisticated machinery. He moved his whole body, exuding admirable majesty.

But these mysterious locks were unlocked one by one under the eyes of Lord Braggs. The runes dissipated and the magic circle dimmed. Finally, the stone door slowly moved and opened, revealing a road.

Lord Braggs walked at the front, followed closely by Reiner.

This is a dark passage. Different from the bright scene outside the dungeon, except for a road, nothing can be seen here. Reiner subconsciously used his perception to extend out, only to find that the dark thing was not a wall. But it is an extremely empty field.

“This is an unstable demiplane. The mages of the ancient Magic Empire transformed this demiplane fragment and turned it into a prison.”

Lord Braggs explained.

“In the past, at least two legendary mages and nineteen high-level mages were imprisoned here. My teacher was once imprisoned here.”

At this moment, a group of people walking on this road felt like they were walking in a dark abyss. There was only a small point of light in front of them. The stairs seemed to be endless. There seemed to be countless monsters in the darkness trying to tear them apart. Travelers who visit this place.

“A special illusion magic has been cast here. If it cannot be broken, you will be walking on the stairs forever, unable to reach the end in front, nor return to the starting entrance.”

Her Excellency Rumia Calvados, the master of astrology, explained as she walked behind Reiner.

“The unchanging scene can easily be misleading, and coupled with certain visual errors, it is easy to get lost. It’s like, do you really think that the ladder you are taking now is the only one?”

Hearing what Mr. Calvados said, Reiner carefully observed this staircase. After being reminded, he soon discovered that there was indeed more than one staircase here, and some of them were connected to the correct road. The method is extremely clever. If there is no reminder, if you are afraid of the darkness outside or only look at the light spots ahead, you will easily go astray.

Once they set foot on the wrong path, they will be misled by vision, confused by the illusion set by magic, and eventually walk on a circular staircase until they die.

But since Mr. Braggs is leading the team, these illusions are not worth mentioning at all.

The light in front of him became stronger and stronger, and Reiner finally saw a strange-shaped building. It was suspended in mid-air and connected to the stairs. It looked like a stone cube, which was quite similar to the traditional ancient magic empire style. Violation.

Reiner suddenly felt a strong sense of déjà vu. It wasn’t until he walked to the door of the building that Reiner had some impression. This architectural style was similar to the one from the previous era in the dead land of the Far North. Creation is the same.


Reiner glanced at Mr. Hohenheim behind him. The other person said nothing and only took a deep look at the building.

“Here are now being held the specimens collected when we first encountered Sauron’s alien species many years ago. It was frozen by spells, unable to move, and completely dormant. We conducted some research on it at the time, but found nothing. , so store it here for a long time.”

Preston said that he had observed the biological tissue of Sauron’s alien composition of this monster is similar to other animals, but the structural strength is obviously higher. Judging from the inspection of the corpse, Although the shapes of these creatures are not consistent, their internal structures are surprisingly similar. Considering that these creatures were artificially created, Preston speculated that they may be the product of gene editing.

As long as genes can be controlled, traits can be changed. People in the last era must have mastered this technology extremely well. For this reason, they created monsters that even themselves cannot destroy through gene editing. In the end, The end of the world has arrived.

The square building is very spacious, similar to the space in the Far North. Apart from an entrance, there are no other doors or windows. However, the items in the building are Reiner’s familiar experimental benches. In the center of the hall, is A transparent display case.

As he approached the display case, Reiner saw an ugly creature.

It has a human-like appearance, with dozens of eyes on its head, and six thick and dark arms. The ends of the arms are not palms, but sharp black spines, like the legs of an insect.

The legs are slightly short and have the reverse joint structure of insects. There are two pairs of white wings behind the monster. It looks like a fusion of humans and insects, which is disgusting.

It just lay in the display cabinet, surrounded by countless magic circles, imprisoning it inside. Fifty years of time have not left any traces on this monster. It seems that it will suddenly wake up in the next second. Massacre everyone present.

“I’ll try operating it while it’s sleeping.”

Reiner said, he stretched out a hand, and you could see that the ends of the slender fingers were as fuzzy as smoke, emitting light particles, floating towards the dormant Sauron alien species, and blending into it.

The next moment, Reiner felt countless information flowing into his brain, and his eyes widened.


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