Gourmet Food Supplier Chapter 9: 1st guest


It’s Thursday morning, when most people are at work, so there must be no business at this time.

Yuan Zhou had also spent time in the back kitchen of a three-star hotel. Although a star-rated hotel and a fly restaurant were different, the rush hours were similar.

Naturally, I know that there are no guests at this time.

Turned around and went back to his store, walked into the open kitchen, and turned around to find a red button in a hidden place.

“What is this system?” Yuan Zhou clearly remembered that there was no such thing in the store before the renovation.

The current word in the system: “Provide a place to rest.”

“It’s pretty straightforward.”

Press while complaining.


There was a soft sound, and a chair appeared in the middle. It looked insipid, just like a square wooden stool at home, but the legs of the chair were slightly different, and the bottom was covered with metal, which looked more sci-fi. Elements.

Yuan Zhou sat up with a little curiosity, and found that there was no difference. Of course, it was more comfortable than an ordinary chair. With a slight movement of his feet, he found that the chair could move with him.

And there was no sound at all, which made Yuan Zhou play like a child who got a new toy.

It’s just that this good mood didn’t last long. Seeing that the clock had already pointed to half past eleven, the crowd outside was gradually increasing.

Someone looked into the store, but had no intention of entering, Yuanzhou began to feel anxious.

At 12:20, there were more people outside, but there was not a single guest, not even anyone who came in to ask.

This made Yuan Zhou anxious. He walked to the door and looked out. There was a new fast food restaurant on the street. I woke up early yesterday and didn’t notice it. Today, I saw the grass-green signboard and it looked very conspicuous. .

Today, I can see that the business is not bad. Through the glass window, it is basically full, but there are still people crowding inside.

“What’s delicious about fast food, I’m here for it.” After muttering a few words, he went back to his restaurant.

“Jingle bell, jingle bell…”

The phone’s ringtone was especially harsh in the quiet shop.

Yuan Zhou walked over to pick it up and took a look from Sun Ming.

Sun Ming was the first friend he made after he came out to work. He was loyal to others, his family was well-off, and he got along well with Yuan Zhou, who didn’t talk much.

After I said hello just now, a series of words came from the opposite side, speaking very fast.

“Pi, what’s the matter with you kid, didn’t you say it’s for you to practice? Haven’t set a time yet?”

“Sorry, I’ve been busy for the past two days, and I’m not going to leave. I cleaned up the shop and reopened it.” After being reminded by this, Yuan Zhou remembered that Sun Ming had heard that he was leaving, and was going to practice it for himself. Okay, I was stunned by the surprise of the system in the past two days and forgot about it.

After a quick apology, Sun Ming didn’t mention it.

“Why didn’t you announce the opening of the store, I can come to cheer you on.” Sun Ming’s words were filled with dissatisfaction

“I’m about to announce, today is the first day, so I’m in a hurry.”

“Okay, you wait for me to send you two flower baskets, what do you do for a living?”

“Just eat…”

Before Yuan Zhou could finish speaking, he simply said, “I’ll just go to your place for dinner, and how about a little more revenue for you.”

“Don’t worry, things are good, but a little expensive…”

“It’s my brother who said this. How expensive is your small shop. Wait for me to arrive at night.” Sun Ming hung up the phone.

“Maybe so.”

Inspired by Sun Ming, Yuan Zhou came up with an idea.

Returning to the kitchen, Yuanzhou started cooking egg fried rice again. The second time he made egg fried rice, he felt like he was familiar with it. It took less time to make a bowl of golden egg fried rice.

“Still salivating.”

Once again, I experienced the feast of my taste buds. After enjoying a bowl of Yuanzhou, I prepared to make another bowl.

That’s right, Yuan Zhou came up with the idea of ​​eating a few more bowls by himself, and when he invited his friends to eat more at night, he bought it himself if he couldn’t, and Yuan Zhou also worked hard to get the reward.

The dream is beautiful, but the reality is skinny. At this time, the system came out again.

Current word in the system: “Each guest can only eat one serving per meal.”

“This portion is so small, what if the customer is not full?” Yuan Zhou felt that the system was 360% free from blind spots to prevent loopholes.

The current word in the system: “As the future God of Cookery, the necessary temper and rules are necessary.”

Yuanzhou now has a feeling of “what you said makes sense, but I have no words to drive me.”

Time came to the evening in Yuanzhou and the system’s battle of wits and courage.

“Pi, you are in such a hurry, you don’t even have a sign.” Sun Ming parked the car, put the flower basket at the door, and walked in and joked.

“With such a personality, are you alone?”

Yuan Zhou walked out, led Sun Ming to the high chair and sat down, then looked behind him and found no one else, a little disappointed.

“It’s too late, I’ll come here by myself first, next time I’ll bring someone over for you.”

Sun Ming sat down and said, “You are very elegant, just these few seats, what’s delicious for my buddies.”

“I can say it first, it must be a good thing from you. I will support you, and it will be expensive. Don’t worry, I will pay.” Sun Ming said generously with the appearance of a local rich man.

“Okay~IndoMTL.com~ It’s just that I only have egg fried rice now, I’ll give you one…” Yuan Zhou smiled when he saw Sun Ming.

It’s just that the words “my treat” were left before the words were finished, and the system’s reminder choked in his mouth and didn’t say it.

The current word in the system: “Everyone who enters the store is a customer, please charge the host according to the price.”

Silently gave the system a **** in his heart. This system also loves money to no end.

“Egg fried rice is just egg fried rice, hurry up and wait to eat.” Sun Ming didn’t care, he smiled and rushed Yuanzhou to fried rice, and carefully examined the environment of the store.

The area is 30 square meters, and the layout is simple. Immediately, I saw the price list at the back. It really only said egg fried rice, but the price above made Sun Ming suspect that the way he had just entered the door was wrong.

Subconsciously, I looked at my surroundings and looked back at the price. It still showed the same egg fried rice: 188RMB. ,

The next thought in my mind was that Sun Ming felt that he understood.

“Hahaha, Pi’s price list is wrong.” Sun Ming smiled and said to Yuan Zhou who was busy in the kitchen.

At this moment, Yuanzhou’s egg fried rice was ready. He put the fried rice in front of Sun Ming and looked at the price on the wall before saying, “Yes, that’s all.”

Sun Ming’s face is a little ugly now. What’s wrong with Yuanzhou? He thought he was a friend and came to cheer, but did he think he was a Kaizi? A bowl of egg fried rice was sold for 188RMB, and he played himself like a monkey.

Forget it, it seems that he knows the person, the face, and the heart. This friend has nothing to do. He just said that he would pay for a meal. Now Sun Ming can’t get up and leave, so he can only sit down and eat. Besides, ~IndoMTL.com~ welcomes readers to come and read. The latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all available at ~IndoMTL.com~ mobile phone users, please come and read.


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