Gourmet Food Supplier Chapter 2413: Engagement Night


The furnishings in the bedroom have been changed, and Yuan Zhou had prepared them when he woke up in the morning.

The large golden peony flowers look particularly enchanting and beautiful against the red quilt cover. Of course, they are also very festive, which is very suitable for a day like today.

As soon as Yin Ya was brought in by Yuan Zhou, she was struck by the strong color on the bed. In an instant, her cheeks were only pink, but her face turned red all of a sudden, and her neck was flushed. She opened her mouth several times without spitting out a complete sentence. words come.

Yuan Zhou didn’t know this. He thought that since they were engaged, they were a family, and the family should live together, so he was busy showing Yin Ya the changes in this bedroom.


Opening the door of the wardrobe, I saw that there were many beautiful clothes in the wardrobe, which were all Hanfu and small semi-regular clothes. They are all styles that Yin Ya usually likes. Skirts, pants, everything is ready, it can be seen It is very sufficient. Of course, there is no need to worry about the size. It is also suitable to wear a cheongsam without seeing it.

Yin Ya didn’t care about being shy, she stood in front of the wardrobe and reached out to touch those beautiful dresses. No woman can refuse these beautiful clothes.

“Wood, the material feels so comfortable, it must be more comfortable to wear.” Yin Ya’s mouth showed a delighted smile.

I feel like I’ve been surrounded by various surprises all day, overwhelmed, and my brain is not enough. I just know that my whole body is bubbling with happiness.

“You can only find out if you try it. Xiaoya’s pajamas are made of the same material as clothes. Now you can take a bath and try them on to know if you’re comfortable.” From the dark cabinet under the closet, I took out a set of apricot nightdresses.

When I started with the cold and cold one, I knew right away that it was indeed the same material as the clothes above. The style of the nightdress was not a suspender, but a tie with sleeves. It was short sleeves, and Yin Ya could The level of acceptance is that the shyness just now has been reduced a bit.

“Yeah.” Yin Ya took a deep breath, took her pajamas and turned to the bathroom.

I have been to the bedroom upstairs here many times. Although I have never stayed overnight, I still know exactly what is where.

As soon as I walked into the bathroom, I saw the changes inside. At first glance, it was a pair of brushing cups, a brand-new toothbrush, and a towel with a beautiful lotus pattern. The pink color was just for her. The gray with lotus patterns on the side complements each other. As for the long towel in the bath, it is naturally the same color as the face towel. At a glance, you can tell that it was prepared by Yuan Zhou, which is a straight man’s aesthetic.

Yin Ya smiled knowingly and began to prepare for washing.

And Yuan Zhou was not idle either. He took out all the gifts that everyone had given before, and planned to open them together with Yin Ya. Nothing can bring them closer than opening gifts together. Confident in this.

When Yin Ya came out wearing pajamas after taking a bath, it was probably because of the heat, her cheeks became more and more rosy, and her slightly damp hair was draped behind her shoulders. Thirsty, probably too much meat for dinner tonight for being too happy?

“I’m going to wash too.” After saying that, Yuan Zhou stood up, took his clothes and hurriedly went to the bathroom.


Yin Ya, who was still a little embarrassed, saw Yuan Zhou’s performance and felt that he should be as nervous as her, and suddenly felt very relaxed.

This is about the idea that the music alone is not as good as the music in the crowd?

After Yuan Zhou came out of the shower, Yin Ya had already prepared her mind. She sat leaning on the edge of the bed with her soft figure sitting there. Yuan Zhou felt very warm when she saw it.

“I will also have a complete home in the future.” Yuan Zhou said silently in his heart.

Ever since his parents left unexpectedly, Yuanzhou has always been alone. If the system had not suddenly broken into his life, no one can predict what it would be like now, but it is certain that cooking is impossible. So delicious.

“System, thank you.” Yuan Zhou suddenly said very seriously.

“Master host is worth a thousand gold for a moment, and I will close it by default tonight.” The system rarely spoke when Yuan Zhou was not talking about cooking.

But what he said was a bit of a tiger and a wolf, and Yuan Zhou instantly felt a little embarrassed.

Seeing Yin Ya looking back, Yuanzhou didn’t care about the system anymore, he walked up a few steps to surround Yin Ya’s body and said, “Xiaoya, I’m very happy today.”

“Me too.” Yin Ya’s voice was a little low, but her tone was firm.

“Then let’s take a look at the gifts everyone gave.”

Yuan Zhou quietly hugged Yin Ya for a while before opening his mouth. After all, it felt so good that the years were quiet. He was reluctant to talk to break the atmosphere. Still speaking.

“Yeah.” Yin Ya nodded, she was rare and well-behaved.

So the two of them came to the shelf where Yuanzhou put gifts just now. This is a Bogu shelf made by Master Lian. It doesn’t look like the space is small and can’t hold many things, but it is actually very good, even today at least There are 60 gifts on it~IndoMTL.com~ Although there is no space left, it looks amazing, at least Yin Ya thinks so.

“This is from Wang Hong, let me see what it is?” Yuan Zhou picked up a medium-sized box, and Yin Ya also took another.

“Then I’ll take a look at the gift from Sister Jiang.” Yin Ya also began to unwrap the gift.

Yuan Zhou opened it up first, revealing some quaint books inside. It seemed to be a book from a certain age. The three words “Fire Avoidance Map” on it were very conspicuous. For a while, the name seemed familiar, but suddenly he didn’t think Get up, and then turn to the first page to be dazzled by the fight of the goblins above.


Yuan Zhou quickly closed the lid and put it on the other side, but with the sound of closing the lid again, he turned his head and saw that Yin Ya had also closed the box.

Yin Ya was already too embarrassed, but Yuanzhou looked at it like this, even more so, she pretended to be calm and said, “The things Jiang Jie gave are very strange and not easy to use.”

When Yuan Zhou heard that it was Jiang Changxi’s gift, thinking about her usual way of speaking, she instantly felt a chill, nodded in agreement, and then both of them aspiringly forgot the box they just opened and began to open a new box , Fortunately, the next gift is normal.

When she opened the last box, Yin Ya exclaimed: “This is Ling Hong’s gift? He is here today, why didn’t I see it?”

Yuan Zhou thought for a while and said, “I think I saw someone very similar to him, who came before the ceremony, passed by in a blink of an eye, and didn’t stay for dinner, and was much thinner than before, no Do you know?”

It’s rare that Yuan Zhou’s tone is uncertain. It stands to reason that Yuan Zhou, with his five sensitive senses, would not be wrong, but this is what he said this time.


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