Gourmet Food Supplier Chapter 2410: Good things come 3


The engagement ceremony is still dominated by Yuanzhou, but all the jobs that can be divided have been taken away, and Zou Zhi, as a very difficult wedding emcee, has never hosted any engagement ceremony. This is the first time for Yuanzhou. , he was fully prepared, and also hoped that Yuanzhou could invite him when he got married.

Being able to officiate Yuanzhou’s engagement and wedding ceremony, how much is it to speak out?

So from the beginning, Zou Zhi’s witty remarks made people’s attention temporarily detached from the lingering fragrance of vegetables. Obviously, he was very capable.

Actually, it makes sense to say that an engagement ceremony is optional in this fast-paced era. It does not require a lot of steps and ceremonies like a wedding ceremony. It is just a simple explanation of the cause and effect and you can start eating.

Of course, this is really simple, but there are many steps that should be taken. For example, Yuanzhou prepared Yin Ya’s engagement gift, which was packed in a big red heart-shaped box, which seemed to be very heavy. Knowing what was installed, Yin Ya just took it but didn’t open it to see it. Although everyone was curious, they didn’t have to watch it.

There is also the part of exchanging engagement rings. It stands to reason that the red diamond that Yuanzhou had given Yin Ya before was the ring that he proposed when he proposed.

Even Yin Ya felt that if she knew in advance, she would definitely take the ring out of the safe.

That’s right, since she knew the value of the ring, Yin Ya couldn’t look at the ring at all, and kept it in the safe for the rest of the time except for the occasions when it was necessary to bring it. It was safe there.

Yuan Zhou didn’t have any other idea to directly take out a red velvet box from his sleeve pocket, a very classic square shape.


Open it with a sound to reveal the content inside. It is a purple-red diamond. This is a red diamond again, but it is a little smaller than the previous one. It only weighs 1 carat, which is really small.

Originally, Yuan Zhou was planning to give a bigger one, but he was more sincere, but remembered what Yin Ya said about the reason why he didn’t wear the red diamond ring before because it was too big, so he chose this really small one.

Although the person sitting below can’t see the actual situation of the ring, the bright light can’t hide it.

“Boss Yuan is quite sincere in his preparation.” Jiang Changxi curled the hair that was hanging around her ears with her hands, very leisurely.

“Really sincere.” Wu Yungui nodded in agreement.

He didn’t have to look to know what it was. After all, it was bought by the person he helped Yuanzhou contact.

Although Yin Ya thinks it should be expensive, she still accepts it, after all, the meaning is different.

The most important step in exchanging rings is the announcement of the wedding day.

This is the purpose of holding an engagement ceremony. This was announced by Yin’s father, and it was decided with Boss Tong and the others yesterday.

Because Yin Ya did not participate, Yuanzhou did not participate in the date setting in order to express that he would advance and retreat together with Yin Ya, and he did not know it before.

Now seeing Dad Yin come to the stage, Yuanzhou is rarely a little nervous. Even Yuanzhou is not immune to the important events of his life.

Yin Ya grabbed Yuan Zhou’s hand tightly, sweating from her palm, and she was obviously very nervous.

“The wedding of the little girl and Yuanzhou is scheduled for February 24th of the following year at 2:00 p.m. At that time, invitations will be issued to all the gentlemen, inviting you to come and have a drink.” Father Yin is obviously a clean and neat temperament .

I didn’t say a word of nonsense on stage, and went straight to the topic.

“Clap clap”

As soon as the words fell, the people below burst into warm applause, and many diners’ hearts also fell to the ground with a ‘putong’, and they kept thinking about when Yuanzhou would get married and when to ask for leave. Once one hits the ground, the other is definitely not far away.

There’s nothing more enjoyable than a boulder falling to the ground.

Of course some people react differently.

“Compasses, Fat Bear and I were also married at that time. It’s such a coincidence, let’s go together, it’s so lively.” Wu Hai said loudly.

When Mao Xiong sat next to Wu Hai at the beginning, she could see that she was a little confused, but she immediately responded and nodded: “Brother Hai is right, we will get married together.”

It’s a perfect performance of the husband and wife.

Originally, the venue where the congratulations and blessings came one after another was instantly quiet like a chicken.

Many diners raised their eyebrows and sat without moving, waiting for Zheng Jiawei to clean up the mess or Wu Lin to violently suppress it.

If the black beast doesn’t do anything, it won’t be the beast of the town shop, but it doesn’t matter, someone will come to clean up the mess soon, and everyone has seen it.

Zheng Jiawei and Wu Lin looked at each other and reached a consensus. In the end, Zheng Jiawei stood up and bowed slightly towards Yuan Zhou and said, “Boss Yuan, I’m so sorry, Xiao Hai is too anxious, but my heart is good, and Wu and I are in a good mood. Lin also chose that auspicious day to get married, otherwise we three couples will do it together, and they all say that good things come in pairs, and now we have three times as many happy events, and we will definitely be even more happy.”

Many of the diners who were waiting for Zheng Jiawei to clear up the situation all scratched their ears and suspected that they had just heard it wrong.

As if someone was saying just now that three couples are getting married together? They looked at each other and found that the people next to them were also dumbfounded and instantly felt balanced, they must have heard it wrong.

It wasn’t until they heard Yuan Zhou’s words that everyone woke up and realized that they had heard it right.

“It’s really a rare good day~IndoMTL.com~ Everyone can do it together, it’s lively.” Yuan Zhou looked at Yin Ya and nodded before looking at Wu Haidao, who had been staring at him.

Yuan Zhou said that it was a good day and he was not talking nonsense. This day was the best day chosen by the elders of both sides after rummaging through the calendar. It was also in line with the romance of young people.

“Hahaha, that’s great compasses.” Wu Hai laughed out loud.

The other three are also very happy with smiles on their faces.

Being able to hold a wedding with Yuanzhou is naturally a dream, and I can’t be overly happy.

Other slow-moving diners finally realized what they just missed!

It is a pity that time cannot be turned back.

“Why don’t I have a girlfriend, otherwise I can get married with Boss Yuan.” A regular customer who wears glasses is simply unlovable.

He thinks the world is too unfriendly to single dogs.

“Oh, seeing Boss Yuan and Xiaoya, I want to get married again.” Jiang Changxi said with a smile at the corner of her mouth.

“As expected, Wu Hai is too sensitive to what he eats.” Wu Yungui saw it from a different angle.

That’s right, the reason why Wu Hai wanted to marry Yuan Zhou on the spot was because he felt that he was the biggest on the wedding day and could eat Yuan Zhou’s dishes with an open belly. Others were embarrassed to rob him. A thing that bubbling with happiness.

At this point, the last part of the engagement ceremony is the last part that everyone is looking forward to, dinner!

Plates of delicacies were lifted off the lids and brought to the table. The taste of the already very fragrant dishes instantly swept the entire venue.

The people who were still whispering stopped immediately and craned their necks in unison to look at the dishes served by the waiters.


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