Gourmet Food Supplier Chapter 2211: French National Chicken


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To put it bluntly, including the Olympic Games, any large-scale event cannot be at a loss, nor can it be held for a long time at a loss.

Do you really think you can live on sponsors alone?

Take the Olympic Games as an example, his broadcast fees, and even the cost of selling the mascot, are all paid to the Olympic Organizing Committee, just like when you bought the Fuwa of China, the money was actually earned by the Olympic Organizing Committee .

There is no mascot for the Bocuse World Cooking Competition, but there are broadcasts in more than a dozen countries including France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Spain.

The organizers are very generous to the contestants, and naturally they can’t lose money. There are also tickets. There are more than 30,000 auditoriums open, which may not count for many concerts of 50,000 or 80,000 people. many.

But for a culinary competition, not even in the world.

Everyone has a variety of different native languages, and the cheers are like a hodgepodge of everything, Swedish, English, French, Latin, etc.

Of course, Yuan Zhou’s ears were bright and he even heard the voice in his native Chinese language. Looking at the source of the voice, Rao was also moved.

There were not only Zhou Shijie and the others in the exchange group, but also more than 20 small shop diners, Yuanzhou’s apprentice and his party. Of course, Dean and the others were very conspicuous when they were huddled there. After all, a group of black hair Black eyes suddenly mixed with some blonde and blue eyes, it’s hard not to pay attention.

The whole team looks like there are not many people, that is, nearly a hundred people, but like the other people who came to cheer the contestants, they all brought banners and slogans, the standard cheerleading posture.

Yuan Zhou nodded over there as a greeting, and found a stove closest to their auditorium, which happened to be the one on the far left, which was considered to be in the corner, but it was close to President Zhou and the others.

Others have also chosen the stove one after another. There are 20 contestants in total, plus 3 assistants, there should be 80 people.

Dozens of people gathered together, if the venue is not large enough, it is estimated that the crowd can be seen, but now it does not feel that way.

On the higher platform opposite the high platform is the jury seat. This time there are eight judges sitting in a row on the chairs.

The lights over there were deliberately dimmed at this time, and with the bright contestants, not many people noticed the heavyweight judges above.

“That’s the person you want to invite for breaking the rules?” Ju Man Li wore tinted glasses. As soon as Yuan Zhou came on the field, he looked at him from head to toe, and came to the conclusion that he would meet in the first round. Be eliminated.

“Why don’t I know that the Bogus World Cooking Contest has become a beauty contest? It just looks like the winner can be divided?” August was also extremely rude.

The eight judges this time are evenly matched, four from Juman Li’s faction and four from his faction.

“Humph!” Seeing that the host was on stage, Ju Man Li was a good-natured old man, he immediately shut his mouth and put on a serious and high-end expression.

“Hello everyone, I’m Jack, the host of this Bocuse Cooking Contest. Welcome to the 18th Culinary Contest. Now let me introduce you to the 20 to 10 participants. Chefs.” Jack showed a humorous typhoon as soon as he took the stage.

Jack is a handsome black-haired, blue-eyed guy with a height of about 1.8 meters. He is a well-known handsome guy in the French hosting circle.

“The first one is from Yuanzhou, the mysterious ancient country of the East, known as the No. 1 peak in Asia. Chef Yuan, although everyone may be a little unfamiliar with Chef Yuan, he is the highest score as a personal cooking show. The chef of the record holder is definitely not to be underestimated, let us welcome him.” Jack introduced Yuan Zhou as soon as he opened his mouth.

As for Yuan Zhou, when he heard the host’s introduction, when the spotlight hit him, he nodded reservedly in the direction of the auditorium, like a master.

“Next is the luminary of today’s classic French cuisine, Chef Podraco, who is known as the king of sophistication. Let’s welcome him.” Every introduction Jack is cadenced.

It sounds like a blood-boiled feeling, so the audience below is very face-saving, screaming as long as a chef is introduced.

There was a commotion, and apart from Podlaco, Julian, and Steller, I couldn’t tell which chef was more popular.

After introducing the contestants, Jack began to introduce the judges this time. In addition to August and Juman Li, there were also Manfred, Gauss, and Anthony. Most of these were familiar to Yuan Zhou. As for Ju Man Lee’s faction is Podlaco’s master Alexandra, as well as Adelaide and Abby.

They are all well-known bigwigs in the European catering industry. When they are introduced one by one, the atmosphere at the scene is stronger than before.

Next is the speech of August, the chairman of the organizing committee of the competition.

Different from his usual behavior in a small shop or in front of Yuanzhou, August, who officially took the stage to speak, was very serious and well-mannered, so that the diners of the small shop below who thought him familiar were afraid to recognize him for a while.

The visible contrast is quite large.

“The next competition is about to start. The theme of this competition is chicken, Brace chicken, use it as the main ingredient to cook an appetizer, a main course, and a dessert.” Jack said directly after August went down. The main content of the competition was announced.

“Now I announce the official start of the game!” Although the typhoon was a little rough, Jack didn’t hesitate, and directly announced the start.

After this order was given, many competing chefs on the stage began to get busy. “Bang dang, ding bell”, the sound of kitchen utensils colliding with each other was heard from time to time.

“Does this Brass chicken sound good?” Tang Qian had never heard the name of this chicken.

“I know, this must be a delicious chicken.” Wu Hai said first, and also abducted Chu Xiao: “Chu Er Lengzi, do you know this chicken?”

“France’s national chicken, almost every French person knows this chicken. The meat is fresh and tender with a slightly milky taste. It is a relatively high-end ingredient in French cuisine.” Chu Xiao said directly.

“Isn’t that delicious?”

In the ears of the diners in the small shop, this chicken tastes good~IndoMTL.com~ If it passes through Yuanzhou’s hands, it will definitely taste even more delicious, and I feel drooling just thinking about it.

“It’s a pity that they didn’t invite judges from other industries this time, otherwise I would be able to eat it.” Wu Hai looked at the direction of the podium regretfully, and began to focus on Yuan Zhou’s every move.

As long as Yuanzhou officially starts cooking, everything else will be put aside first.

When I heard the host Jack say that the theme was Brass Chicken, I started to wonder how to cook it to make it taste better.

“This chicken has a good taste and is suitable for a lot of dishes.” Yuanzhou Club’s dishes are definitely the most on the field.

Because I am thinking about and sorting out the ingredients that I have at hand, I am very leisurely and in stark contrast to other chefs who are already busy.


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