Gourmet Food Supplier Chapter 2190: The filter is too thick


Sometimes people really can’t talk about it. If they talk about it, they may appear. Lin Wan and Juan are really coming at dinner. Unfortunately, they are planning to come by themselves today, and they are destined to not be able to complete the task. ‘s task.

Yuan Zhou, who was concentrating on preparing the ingredients for dinner, didn’t know that either.

“Cousin, please slow down. Even if we have to queue up, we can’t go too fast. Don’t worry, it will be too late.” Hong Yundong walked forward with his short legs.

It’s not that Hong Yundong is too short. Anyway, he is still a little over 1.7 meters tall, which is considered to be in the middle of the south, but this actually depends on who he is compared with. If he is compared with the young man who is a few steps behind him, That’s not good to say.

With a height of 1.9 meters, plus her youth, she looks tall and has long legs, and her figure is quite good. It should be practiced, including the posture of walking, which has a kind of T-stage feeling.

“I said Wuzi, since you’re back, you’ll do as the locals do. You must wait in line to eat at Chef Yuan’s place. Hurry up.” Hong Yundong glanced at his grandson in disgust.

If he hadn’t had to drink for a while, and he planned to eat one less dish, he would definitely not let this kid Hong Wu stay by his side. You must know that there was only so much monkey wine, and he was reluctant to score a drop.

But Hong Wu’s grandfather had a better relationship with him than his own brother. He hadn’t seen him for many years, and his grandson rarely came back. As an elder, he had to entertain him. He remembered the delicious food he had in the morning, so Hong Yundong took him with him. Come to the Chef’s shop for dinner.

“Don’t worry, my cousin, I also ate Chinese food in Spain. I am very familiar with Chinese food, and I am used to eating it. There is no discomfort.” Hong Wu explained carefully. All right.

“Of course I know, just like your grandfather, if he eats food from other countries, he can turn the table up.” Hong Yundong is the door to his old brother.

Hong Wu refused to hear his grandfather’s gossip in his heart. If the old man in the family knew about it, he would definitely chase him with a cane, so he took advantage of his height and saw the lively scene not far ahead. topic.

“Is this here?” Hong Wu looked at the crowded scene in front of him, inexplicably sweating, and there were many thieves in line.

“It’s broken, let’s hurry up and line up to see if we can get some food.” Hong Yundong knew it was broken when he came back to his senses.

In the morning, I had already inquired with the very polite Lao Lu, and we must be early in the line for dinner, otherwise we will not be able to line up.

In the beginning, Hong Yundong felt that he couldn’t make it to dinner, so he could eat some other wines, but after eating a super delicious breakfast, he immediately changed his ways. If you can’t eat such top-level food from time to time , I feel that drinking is two points less flavorful.

“If you really haven’t eaten, you can bring Wuzi with you when you drink.” Hong Yundong looked at the long queue and became cruel in his heart.

He kept persuading himself in his mind to be more tolerant as an elder, and finally made his mood a little better. Hong Yundong’s Ah Q spirit was extremely skillful.

Of course, these intense ideological activities did not hinder his actions at all, and soon Hong Yundong flexibly led Hong Wu to the end of the team and lined up directly there.

“Cousin, is this one delicious? I feel like there are a lot of people.” Although Hong Wu grew up abroad, he is relatively familiar with the domestic situation.

There is a grandfather who is very nostalgic at any time. Even if he had to move abroad, he still misses his hometown very much.

However, this was the first time Hong Wu had seen so many people lining up together, so he was a little surprised.

“Chef Yuan is known as Asia’s No. 1. There are many natural people, and I don’t know if we can eat it.” Hong Yun said.

He wanted to eat it, otherwise the wine might not be able to keep it. When the red ball was drawn in the morning, Zhu Dakang and the others didn’t draw it, and then everyone became very friendly and just wanted to drink the wine.

In the end, Zhu Dakang made a high-level chess move and got a spot at Hong Yundong, but he was temporarily busy, so he didn’t come to dinner.

After giving up one place, Hong Yundong directly held the bottom line firmly and resolutely refused to give up the second place. Now he looked at the tall and straight grandson and felt that he might not be able to keep the place.

Facts have proved that sometimes cramming is useful. At least Hong Yundong and Hong Wu were the last ones to eat, but they didn’t run in vain, so they can breathe a sigh of relief.

“There are really a lot of people eating here.” Hong Wu looked at the queue number, and then looked at the front face of the shop, which was obviously very emotional.

“That must be a lot. Mr. Yuan is not only skilled in brewing, but also in cooking. It’s normal to have a lot of people.” Hong Yundong now has a 12-point admiration for Yuanzhou. trend changed.

“Could Grandpa is not only good at cooking, but also good at making wine?” At first, Hong Wu had no doubts, but after hearing Hong Yundong keep talking, he instantly had a lot of impressions of Yuanzhou, but now it’s getting better and better. It’s outrageous, how can one person have so many things.

“That’s not only these, Chef Yuan is also the same in the ice sculpture world.” Hong Yundong gave a thumbs up and said with emotion: “Old Zhu is right, no matter what aspect, the strongest in the country must win. It’s Chef Yuan.”

He has done a lot of homework, so he knows a lot about Yuanzhou. That is, the more he knows, the more he admires that there are such talented people in the world.

Although Hong Wu did not dare to refute his cousin’s grandfather outright, he felt that the achievements he said might only be good, and he should not be proficient in anything. It should be that his cousin admired this person too much. Too thick~IndoMTL.com~ Having said that, it should be true that the wine is good. After all, he knows the identity of his cousin is there. No matter how thick the filter is, he is also professional in wine.

Hong Yundong didn’t know that his grandson had gone too far, and he was still talking about it, mainly because he regretted that neither his mantle nor his old brother’s mantle had been inherited. His grandson had gone another way. What kind of supermodel is my cousin’s grandson? I heard that he is quite famous in Spain, but it is not good for no one to inherit the family business.

Because of the last few places in the queue, the waiting time for dinner was extremely long, especially when Hong Yundong wanted to eat and drink without delay, so he couldn’t wait.

It is impossible for the earth to be shifted by personal thoughts, and after waiting for more than an hour, the talents ahead are gradually becoming scarce.

“It’s too difficult to line up. Although it’s very orderly, is it worth it to line up for a long time?” Hong Wu murmured to himself that the waiting time was too long.

Looking at Hong Yundong, who was still standing in line in front of him, he was still very energetic. No matter how many thoughts he had, he could only bury them in his stomach. In this regard, we should respect our elders.



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