Gourmet Food Supplier Chapter 1736: The Great Master’s Greatness


You are no longer the Dashi-san I used to know. “

In the small store of Dashi, a dwarf in his thirties shouted at Dashi Xiujie, the emotions contained in his tone were very complicated, and most of all, he hated iron.

“Qianyuan-sang, Chef Yuan deserves my respect, and follow his instructions to walk on the road of cooking.” Dashi Xiujie looked at Qianyuan Taku, helpless.

As mentioned earlier, Oishi Hideyoshi was designated as a leading figure in Japanese culinary arts by Iemoto Fujiwara before he won the championship of the Young Chef Exchange Conference.

After being instructed, Dashi Xiujie clarified his own path and began to improve kaiseki cuisine, showing his demeanor as a leader.

And Qianyuan Tuo regards Dashi Xiujie as his lifelong opponent, just like Dean regards Chu Xiao as his lifelong opponent.

Of course, admit it or not, that’s another matter. Chu Xiao never took Dean seriously, and Dashi Xiujie… I won’t say anything later, and Qianyuan Takuya is not easy.

Cooking is not better than writing skills, nor is it better than calligraphy and painting, which is better than a meal.

In the case of the same theme, without the memory sensory bonus, the winner can still be determined.

So chefs, especially famous chefs, are very fond of setting a target for themselves. This is not a middle school for young people, but it is motivated to play a good role in promoting.

Zhang Yan regards Zhou Shijie as his opponent, and Wang Jike regards Hang Tian as his opponent.

As a goal in his heart, seeing Dashi Xiujie so highly praised a Chinese chef, Chihara Takuya is of course not happy, seeing Dashi Xiujie so “humble”.

This afternoon, Dashi Xiujie held the book “The Great Master Talking Notes” again and gave a lecture to the students of “Washoku University”.

Explain, Washoku University is not a regular ordinary institution of higher learning, it is more like a large training class, and the students are all over the age of 25.

Chihara Takuya finally “exited”, so naturally he also went, and then he was not happy.

Let’s take a look first, Dashi Xiujie’s clip.

“The Great Master once said: ‘You can’t slack off on ingredients and cooking skills, otherwise the diners will be slack’. Did any students tell me their understanding of this sentence?” Dashi Xiujie asked.

Then many students below raised their hands, and Dashi Xiujie picked the closest male student.

“The great master said this in an exclusive interview with the “Culinary Master” food magazine. At that time, the reporter asked him why he didn’t ask a cook to help him, at least he didn’t have to do the chopping and washing by himself.” Male The students were eloquent and joking, and there was a copy of “The Great Master Talking Notes”.

The male student continued: “From material selection to washing, processing, cooking and other steps, we are all hands-on. Only when everything is under our own control can we guarantee everything.”

“Very well, I understand it well, but the words of the great master have another meaning.” Dashi Xiujie said: “In the second half of the sentence, the only people who may be neglected are the diners, the master and the ordinary cook. This is the biggest difference between the masters.”

“Ordinary master chefs, including me, have formed their own unique style, so when cooking, they will mainly use their own style.”

Dashi Xiujie looked around at everyone present. There were about forty students in this class today. Dashi leaned forward, and the next words seemed to include all the students.

The students also listened more seriously, except for Takuya Chihara.

“It’s not just Japanese, French, and Italian food about this, but the chef’s will is greater than the diners’ will.”

“But that’s not the case with the Grand Master. While maintaining an excellent standard, he focuses on diners. This is something I’ve always wanted to learn, but it’s very different.” Dashi Xiujie took a deep breath. Firmly said: “But I will work hard in that direction.”

The voice fell, and there was applause from below.

“Very good, there is a five-minute question time below. After the question, we will talk about other things.” Dashi Xiujie withdrew his emotions and his face became calm again.

A student asked: “Teacher, does the Great Master really even clean the ingredients himself?”

“Yes, about this, it’s definitely not propaganda. I often listen to the guidance of the master, so I am very familiar with the chef’s shop, there is no second chef, no helper, only the master in the kitchen, no False.” Dashi Xiujie said.

The students below were very surprised after hearing this. Although they had heard about it early in the morning or through other channels, it would still be shocking to hear Dashi Xiujie’s 100% sure words.

Let’s not mention anything else, among the students present, many of them have opened stores, and many even in Sesame Small stores have help cooks.

The Chef’s Store is an Asian-level famous store, and Yuanzhou is even more the vane of the Asian culinary world.

Not to mention washing the dishes by yourself, it is amazing to do every dish by yourself.

“The great master is worthy of being a great master, this is not powerful, this is simply terrifying!”

At the end, a student’s words were summed up. After telling the spirit of the great master, Dashi Xiujie began to answer the questions about cooking.

Dashi Xiujie, who has made breakthroughs in cooking, has already shown signs of being a master, so answering these small questions is still within reach.

Let’s get down to business~IndoMTL.com~ Anyway, Takuya Chihara said word by word: “Oishi-san, you are the most outstanding genius in Japan, no matter how powerful and excellent Chef Yuan is, but you will not be worse than anyone else. !”

“Well, I have no doubts about this. I am the most outstanding genius in Japan.” Dashi Xiujie nodded confidently, and did not say the last sentence: because only the most outstanding can be instructed by Yuanzhou .

Hearing Dashi Xiujie’s confident words, Chihara Takuchi was delighted, this is the Dashi Xiujie he knew, the one who wanted to challenge everyone.

But the last sentence made Takuya Chihara’s expression freeze.

“Chef Yuan is the most outstanding genius in the world, so there is no conflict.” Daishi Xiujie said.

“…” Chihara Takuma.

“Qianyuan-sang, you have been retreating in the countryside for the past two or three years. You want to pursue the most original taste of the ingredients. I admire the spirit of Qianyuan-sang, but in the past two or three years, Qianyuan-sang, you have missed too many things.”

Dashi Xiujie said: “Qianyuan-sang, you missed Chef Yuan’s food at the Asia-Pacific Cultural Exchange Conference, you also missed Chef Yuanzhou’s history-making solo exhibition, and you missed Chef Yuanzhou’s amazing food. You can only roast the whole cow with skill, so you just read the report, and you have preconceived the situation of Chihara-sang, so you don’t know the greatness of Chef Yuan.”

Chihara Takuma opened his mouth to refute Dashi Xiujie, but the latter did not give the former the opportunity.

“You must not have read the “The Great Master Talking Notes” that I gave you.” Dashi Xiujie said, “It just so happens that I have something to do in Huaxia the day after tomorrow, and I will definitely visit Chef Yuan at that time, so Qianyuan-sang When you go with me, you’ll know why I respect Chef Yuan so much.”

Chihara Takuya has held back everything he has to say, and of course it would be best to see him.


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