Gourmet Food Supplier Chapter 1735: 2 new sauces


Yuanzhou has a lot of things he wants to ask, but he doesn’t vomit unpleasantly.

“Can you tell me how many kinds of sauces there are? In my impression, blueberry sauce is No. 13, shallot sauce is No. 22, beef sauce is No. 51, salad dressing is No. 17, and passion jam is No. 102.” Yuan The state remembers asking this question, but the last time the system didn’t answer it.

The answer has always been to let the host discover it by himself, but beyond Yuan Zhou’s expectations, the system gave the answer this time.

The current word in the system: “A total of 2,730 different sauces.”

“???” Three question marks were enough to express the doubts in Yuan Zhou’s heart. He guessed in his heart that if there were three or four hundred kinds, it would be terrifying.

Because the system will combine small items, for example, salad dressing can strictly be divided into several small items, but there is only one item in the system.

Under such circumstances, there could still be more than 2,000 kinds, Yuan Zhou admitted that he still underestimated the system comrade.

The system also explained: “Of the 2730 species, 1063 are from China, and more than 2,000 include niche and special sauces.”

The system also explained in detail what the niche and special representatives are.

Yuanzhou is not surprised that Huaxia occupies more than one-third, but is surprised by the detailed explanation of the system.

For example, the small group, how small is it, just like the Micronesians in the Mariana Islands, the special small crab sauce.

It sounds normal from the name, but the crab sauce is made of raw sea crabs, smashed alive, and then put in the dried fish residue.

Let’s not mention the taste, there are a lot of parasites in sea crabs. Except for the local people who are used to it, others eat it once and have stomach troubles for a month.

“In other words, to gather all the sauces, I have to create more than 2,000 Internet red dishes… uh.” For the first time, Yuan Zhou felt that he still had a long way to go.

Thinking that there are more than 2,000 kinds of sauces in the shop of God of Cooking, it really is that even if Yuanzhou does not cook, the sauce alone can attract a large number of people.

The current word in the system: “Congratulations to the host, get a random sauce*1.”

Jianghu cuisine is forgetting love water. This stalk was invented by Sister Wan, and then one by one, the friends who were in a bad mood tried it.

I don’t know how it happened afterwards, but I could cry so hard at the time, so it spread like wildfire on Weibo.

“System, if I remember correctly, the three popular dishes in the past were Lim Rice, Red Onion Sauce, and Crab Yellow Big Buns. These are all one dish, and my mountain city Jianghu dishes can be said to be a series, so If you have more dishes, you will be rewarded with a sauce, is it a little less?”

Yuanzhou put the facts and reasoned, and said to the system: “So should I reward one or two hundred sauces?”

This is definitely a big talk from the lion, but the so-called ‘asking the price in the sky, paying the money on the ground’ is a rule in the circle, and Yuanzhou believes that the system understands.

However, that was all Yuanzhou’s wishful thinking. Facing Yuanzhou’s counter-offer, the system used the method of pretending to be dead.

“Okay, okay, not one or two hundred, but dozens.”

“Hey, don’t be so stingy, the lowest price is twenty.”

“No more than eight.”

“Hey, give me some face, five sauces.”



The system that pretended to be dead suddenly deceived the corpse, and now the word: “Deal.”

Then when Yuanzhou didn’t react, he continued: “Because the Internet celebrity forgets love water series, it is a Jianghu cuisine, and there are many, so the reward*2.”

“Okay, comrade System System, I didn’t expect you, a fake with big eyebrows and big eyes, would be able to bargain.” Yuan Zhou sighed inwardly, and he didn’t know who to learn from. The system became more and more difficult to fool.

As soon as the decision was made, Yuan Zhou immediately took out two rewards.

The No. 83 hemp shrimp paste and the “No. 17 Mustard Sauce”.

Yuanzhou took a general look. Ma shrimp paste is very famous. It is made from small shrimp in fresh water. .

But for those who like to eat this bite, Ma shrimp paste is really a good thing. It can be eaten with cakes, soup pots or even rice.

“A table of good dishes is not worth a bite of prawns.” He was talking about sesame shrimp sauce. Yuan Zhou thought about it. The friends in Jiangsu would be overjoyed when they saw this new sauce.

As for the mustard sauce, that’s pretty famous.

There are four kinds of mustards provided by the system: yellow mustard, Dijon mustard, green mustard, and instant mustard, which are produced in China, France, Japan and the United States.

The difference between the four is not the difference in practice. Whether it is yellow mustard or green mustard, it is almost ground from horseradish and wasabi as the main ingredients.

They are mainly distinguished by taste. Dijon mustard will add red wine, so it tastes slightly sour. Mustard is not a foreign seasoning. It has been used before the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. We are used to eating yellow mustard and instant mustard. It’s not that spicy and choking.

In the previous personal cooking exhibition of Chu Xiao, some people voted “No” because of the misuse of mustard sauce.

Judging from Yuanzhou’s cooking skills, Chu Xiao’s choice was no problem, because Chu Xiao only added elements of Japanese food.

As for the food in the solo exhibition as a whole, the yellow mustard he chose is much more than the green mustard.

Yuan Zhou also wrote an article to express his support for Chu Xiao.

To know what status Yuan Zhou is now, chairman of the Huaxia Famous Chefs Federation, and a long list of other titles, this article was directly published on “Food Map”.

One remark, Shitu is one of the three major food magazines in the world. If other chefs want to publish some articles on it, it is definitely more difficult, but it is easier for Yuanzhou.

This is also the fame in the circle.

Yuanzhou nodded: “Very good. Although I haven’t set foot in Japanese food yet, it would be good to have mustard sauce in advance.”

“Give me a cup of forgetful love water, and I will not be sad all night. We, the common people, are really happy today.” Yuan Zhou happily hummed a little song, and he must have been happy with two more sauces for no reason.

Then two new sauces were added to the menu. Today is still the number one. The store has selected eight people who eat vegetarian banquets as usual.

Roast goose, roast whole lamb, roast whole beef, vegetarian feast, whole fish feast, as well as the occasional street food, there are already many limited-time delicacies in the chef’s shop.

There will definitely be a lot in the future. Yuan Zhou touched the non-existent beard on his chin and felt that the store was a little small and should be expanded a bit.

But if it expands, firstly, there will be no place to expand near Taoxi Road, and secondly, if it is bigger, he will not be able to work alone.

“I don’t think about it for now. I’m a little hungry. Let’s make something to eat.” Yuan Zhou started busy in the kitchen, making things for himself.

Let’s eat glutinous rice **** first. Generally speaking, if you want to eat glutinous rice **** at night, if you don’t have quick-frozen ones at home, and if you don’t have takeout, then you can’t eat them.

But Yuanzhou is different! Mix noodles, wrap glutinous rice balls, you can eat as long as you want.

Two flowers, one for each, tell me about the couple who confessed today.

“Come on, drink.” Sister Xian didn’t go to the tavern or Fang Heng’s pub today. She was afraid of embarrassing Fang Heng, so she went to another small restaurant.

It is also a coincidence that Sister Xian found this small restaurant because of the banner hanging at the door: “The Chef’s Store is the first store that shocked China, and this store is the 99th store that shocked Rongcheng.”

Both and Li Lixue broke down, and they had to bring the chef’s shop for advertisements.

Pei Chuhu has a line: “Li Bai is the first sword to shock Chang’an, what Pei Chuhu has to do is to shock Chang’an with the first punch”.

Let’s get down to business, there is no doubt that the taste of small restaurants belongs to the middle and upper class. Rongcheng, as the capital of gourmet food, has so many delicious food that it must not be ranked in the top 100, but the ninety-ninth position is not. people rob.

“Auntie, I think Fang Heng is pretty good too.” Cao Mi said.

Zheng Xian said: “Is it because today’s wine is not good enough to keep your mouth shut?”

“Uh, Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing I drink with my aunt, emotional matters, it is really difficult for me as an outsider to interfere.” Cao Mi said, and then in order to ease the awkward atmosphere, he said: “Speaking of which, Boss Yuan’s Pi The barrel wine is really good to drink.”

“On the Internet, I have seen many people who have and haven’t drank and praised Boss Yuan’s wine.” Cao Mi said: “I just think that what others praise is definitely not good, so I came to try it. Once you try, you won’t know if you don’t try it, and you’ll get on with it once you try it.”

“Do you know what a person like you is called?” Zheng Xian smiled.

Cao Mi said: “A pursuer who is persistent and not blindly following the current.”

“Well, this is the first time I’ve heard someone say that the gangster is so arrogant.” Zheng Xian said.

The appetizers are on. I’m used to Fang Heng’s cold pig ears, crispy peanuts and other appetizers. The difference between eating this small restaurant is really big.

On the other side, Fang Heng and Zheng Xian did the same thing.

After Wang Hong invited Fang Heng to eat Jianghu dishes, Fang Heng, in return, brought Wang Hong to a roadside stall on Fifth Avenue.

The Fifth Avenue is located in Chenghua District. Because it is close to the university, before Yuanzhou became famous, it was one of the famous snack streets in Chenghua District and even Rongcheng.

Because of the existence of Yuanzhou, many delicious restaurants have moved to Taoxi Road or the surrounding area.

“Witch, you should be the chef of God of Cooking, the first drinker who got a spot in the tavern and then asked for leave.” Wang Hongdao.

Fang Heng nodded deeply. After all, there are too few places in the tavern. It’s a good thing to be able to draw, let alone not go.

“Today I can see that Sister Xian is in a very complicated mood. I will be very embarrassed to go again. Sister Xian can’t drink well, so I won’t go tonight.” Fang Heng said.

Wang Hong nodded and said, “I thought it would be troublesome to give up the quota~IndoMTL.com~ I didn’t expect Boss Yuan to agree instantly.”

“Thank you for writing books. Boss Yuan has always been a knife-mouthed tofu-hearted person.” Fang Heng said: “And he also values ​​friendship. If you really have something to ask for Boss Yuan, you will definitely help.”

“That’s right, I was stupid.” Wang Hongdao.

Fang Heng Ma Liu ordered a table of crayfish with garlic, oysters with garlic and spicy scallops.

The two chatted while eating.

“Actually, I’m really curious, does the number 188 have any special meaning?” Wang Hong held back for a long time, but his curiosity was too strong.

“Of course there is.” Fang Heng agreed with one sip, and then answered mysteriously: “Sister Xian usually goes to Boss Yuan’s place to drink, and rarely eats in the store. I have asked Xiaoyan, Xian My sister used to order fried rice with eggs.”

Xiaoyan should be referring to Su Ruoyan, Wang Hong nodded, wondering what it had to do with it.

“You stupid, how much is the egg fried rice in God of Cooking’s shop, one hundred and eighty-eight!” Fang Heng said: “So I specially chose 188 roses to express my heart.”

“…” Wang Hong’s eyes widened, he never imagined that such an operation would still happen.

In a sense, Fang Heng is really attentive.

“I will always be called a witch in the future.” Fang Heng said: “It’s okay to be ambiguous, just being called by you. I always think of a witch when I fight pesticides. I call Han Xin today, and the first piece of equipment will be released. The witch was scolded to death.”

Wang Hong asked: “And then.”

“What and then.” Fang Heng was stunned.

Wang Hong was curious: “After Han Xin finished the witch, what happened to the battle.”

“And then of course I blocked my teammates and lost the game, but I couldn’t take me away. My teammates are really useless.” Fang Heng regretted.

Very strong.


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