Gourmet Food Supplier Chapter 1654: Cooking like magic


Look at Chef Yuan’s footsteps. “Wang Huai said without turning his head when he spoke, looking straight at Yuan Zhou.

Wang Jike observed it for a while before saying: “It seems to be very regular, not just walking around the cow.”

As a five tiger, Wang Jike’s observation ability is still very strong.

“Yes, the ancient books once said that the touch of the hand, the leaning on the shoulder, the walking on the foot, the staggering of the knee, the direction of the hand, the sound of the sword, and the alto. It is suitable for “Sanglin” The dance is also the meeting of the “Sutra”, you can see if Chef Yuan is like this now.” Wang Huaidao.

Obviously, Wang Huai really knew Paoding Jie Niu very well. Zhuangzi could say it directly in the original text, and the ancient books that recorded this were all turned over.

“I don’t know what the Sang Lin Sutra is, but Chef Yuan’s movements are really beautiful and powerful, and the power is dissolved in the knife work, which looks very harmonious.” Wang Jike said.

“I thought that the ancient script was an exaggeration, but now it seems that it is not necessarily.” After Wang Huai finished this sentence, he shut up and did not speak.

“Dad, what you said is too exaggerated.” Wang Qiang heard the power dissolved in the swordsmanship, and felt that it was like watching a fantasy.

Of course Wang Qiang had no intention of doubting Yuanzhou’s cooking skills.

Accurately speaking, does he deserve to doubt Yuanzhou’s cooking skills?

Trash classification.

What **** are you?

Wang Qiang wanted to hear an understandable commentary because he couldn’t understand Yuanzhou’s fairy operations, so he wanted to shout 666, but now he found out that he didn’t seem to understand the commentary, so he said it.

“Dissolved in swordsmanship, it sounds like a very evil word, but it’s actually a very accurate description.” Wang Huai couldn’t help but spoke up, unable to hold back his desire to explain.

“You keep watching.” Wang Huai asked Wang Qiang to keep watching.

Actually, there are a lot of chefs who pay attention to Mr. Wang’s side. To be precise, the chefs of the Su cuisine all know that Mr. Wang has tried to cook the beef, so the Mr. Wang knows the most about the specific situation.

Hearing the words of Mr. Wang, everyone watched carefully, and Yuanzhou began to extract the next bone, which was also a rib, but this rib was not the one next to the one just now, but the very end, near the The end of a cow’s hind hoof.

This rib is shorter than the previous one, so the extraction time is shorter, and it is also a snow-white bone that is directly extracted.

The ribs are placed one by one, and the movements are smooth and smooth. If it is very inappropriate, the dissection with a scalpel cannot be so complete.

It’s the gospel of obsessive-compulsive disorder!

“Have you seen it clearly? Power dissolves in knife work, and slaughtering a cow is like slashing water with a knife. This knife work is really terrifying.” The old man Wang marveled again.

“Gu Dong.” The chefs such as Wang Qiang, who saw it so real, couldn’t help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. None of the people present were stupid, so they all realized why.

“So this is…”

Wang Qiang was interrupted by Mr. Wang before he could finish his words: “Yes, that’s what everyone thinks.”

“The knife passed and the flesh was separated, but there was no blood or minced meat. I have been a chef for thirty or forty years, but I have never seen this scene. Xiao Yuan doesn’t know how much he knows about this cow. “Zhou Shijie sighed and said the most incredible place in one sentence.

Zhang Yan said: “The legendary Paoding Jie Niu – there is no complete cow!”

I don’t even think about it, how many times Yuanzhou went to the ranch at night, and how many cattle were harmed…

With Yuanzhou’s fantastical display of the original technique of cooking the ox, the crowd of onlookers exploded long ago, and buzzing discussions were heard.

It’s obvious for the pros and cons, the chefs have a good discussion, and the media and tourists are much simpler.

First, a row of “Am I dazzled?” proves that the essence of human beings is a repeater.

And then it’s obvious that I don’t read much. I want to recite poems and write poems to describe it, but I can’t help it. I can only: “Fuck!”

There is also the skeptical nature: “Are we watching cooking? Why do I think the place I came to is a magic show?”

There are also many Yuan Chui at the scene. Yuan Chui’s favorite thing to say is, with a proud face: “It’s nothing to Boss Yuan, what else can our Boss Yuan do.” By the way, all kinds of Amway Yuanzhou, but This time, Yuan Chui felt that he couldn’t move.

The stone hammer is open and hanging, this is really immovable.

Yuan Zhou turned a deaf ear to these sounds, and continued to walk around the cow sharply, and then from time to time he pulled out the ribs one by one. All the ribs on both sides of the cow were pulled out before standing still.

“Huh” Yuan Zhou exhaled slightly while wearing a mask, his forehead was covered in sweat, one by one glistening in the sun.

Obviously this is not easy for Yuanzhou, and it consumes a lot of money.

After a short rest, Yuanzhou began to roast beef.

It takes a very long time to roast a whole cow, and Yuanzhou also needs to keep an eye on the heat and adjust the firepower from time to time.

Because each part of the whole cow needs to be roasted for different times, Yuanzhou pays attention to the heat at all times and adjusts it at any time.

The reason why the fraudulent banquet was lost is because of the craftsmanship. According to the information given by the system, the fraudulent banquet required more than 20 people to complete the whole process.

Of course, more than 20 people are a bit expensive, and with the advancement of technology, in fact, five or six people are definitely needed, but there is only one person in Yuanzhou!

It is said that such a moment is a bit boring, but seeing Yuan Zhou’s serious appearance, all the audience or chefs who come here are full of admiration.

Without him, because Yuanzhou maintained such concentration for four hours, from the time the whole cow went in to the whole cow came out.

It’s hard for anyone to maintain such a strong focus for four hours.

“Xiao Yuan’s attention is terrible.” Zhou Shijie said with emotion.

If there was anything else, it would be that Yuanzhou cooked a large pot of beef bone soup during the break.

Yes, Yuanzhou boiled the beef ribs that he had taken down, and the strong aroma of beef soup slowly wafted through the entire venue, making people drool.

“This is too fragrant, why is the beef soup I stewed at home not so fragrant.” Someone couldn’t help but ask such a question.

“It’s enough to have a Boss Yuan.” That’s an excellent answer.

So much so that the audience who just asked the question was instantly speechless.

Of course, Yuanzhou not only boiled the soup, but also prepared the side dishes of roast beef, all of which were handled by Yuanzhou himself.

Originally, Wu Yungui said that he arranged for the chefs in his hotel to help, but he didn’t dare to say that it was okay to wash dishes, but Yuanzhou refused directly.

Even Yuanzhou’s apprentice Cheng Zhaomei was rejected by Yuanzhou.

Therefore, the whole roasted whole beef and the side dishes of the roasted whole beef were all done by Yuanzhou alone.

Soon, as the sky was getting darker and the temperature in Rongcheng was getting cooler and cooler, the huge oven was put out by Yuanzhou half an hour ago.

And the scent begins to slowly dissipate at this time.

“Very fragrant roast beef.” Chu Xiao’s nose was the most sensitive, and he could directly distinguish the first trace of the aroma of roast beef from the rich beef soup.

“Well, yes, the taste is indeed very fragrant, and there is no slight burnt smell.” Wang Jike nodded.

“It stands to reason that such a huge cow’s whole head will be incompletely roasted or burnt, but obviously this does not exist for Yuanzhou.” Chu Xiao said confidently.

“It’s true.” Wang Huai on the side continued: “You should be able to see Paoding Jie Niu’s true face in a while.”

“The real face? What do you mean, Mr. Wang?” Wang Jike asked curiously.

Wang Huai’s words also attracted the attention of the surrounding chefs, and everyone looked at Wang Huai curiously.

“What? Do you think it’s all about cooking at the beginning?” Wang Huai said.

“Is there another world?” Wang Jike’s words obviously meant acknowledgment.

It was like magic just now, so what else?

And the chefs nearby also nodded and drank, all of which were the same idea. Even Zhou Shijie and Chu Xiao looked at Wang Huai and waited for him to explain.

“Hmph, if it’s that simple, it’s not impossible to solve the problem.” Wang Huai said.

“The speed of the knife just took out the bone.” Hang Tian said: “This is no longer something that people can do.”

“Old Wang, do you misunderstand the word “simple”?” Wang Jike said seriously.

“Indeed, Yuanzhou can pull out the bones of the cow without collapsing the belly of the cow. I don’t think anyone present can do that.” Chu Xiao said with certainty, “I can’t either.”

Anyway, everyone thinks that it’s Pao Ding Jie Niu.

Wang Huai ignored Chu Xiao’s words, but stared at Yuan Zhou tightly and said, “It’s not that simple to understand the cow. We only saw the outside, and we should look at the inside of the cow just now.”

“And we can see this soon.” Wang Huai watched Yuan Zhou start to turn the large oven, and then said with a slightly excited voice: “If you can complete the real cooking, just look at the cows that come out. .”

Wang Huai’s seniority is there. Strictly speaking, he is half a generation higher than Zhou Shijie, so it is not easy to refute it. The key is so excited that it is not easy to pour cold water.

“It seems that apart from the mysterious bone extraction method just now, there are other things that I haven’t seen. Old Wang should not be able to speak empty words.” Chu Xiao thought so, and also looked at Yuan Zhou in the center of the field.

At this time, Yuanzhou really began to prepare to take out the whole cow.

Roasting a whole cow is too heavy. With only manpower, it is impossible for one person to move out a whole roasted cow. At this time, the rack that Yuanzhou asked even the carpenter to make came in handy.

I saw Yuan Zhou operating the machine bracket on the shelf to directly lift the top of the oven.

“Wow” the white hot air shot straight into the sky, about three meters high, and as the hot air rushed into the air, the faintly floating aroma of roast beef spread.

“It smells good.”

The audience present smelled the fragrance and couldn’t help whispering.

The smell is like the smell of the white fat when frying the steak when it is fried in a wok and heat until it becomes transparent and makes a sizzling sound while emitting into the nostrils.

That’s called a temptation, that’s called an appetite.

The crowd of people in the audience couldn’t help but start gulping, and unconsciously took a few steps forward, in order to be able to see what the roasted whole cow with such a fragrance looks like more quickly.

Yuanzhou also lived up to expectations, and soon used a rack made by a carpenter to erect a whole cow.

Yes, it’s the whole cow, which was roasted in the giant oven for four hours and it was still intact.

However, the appearance has changed. The once smooth outer skin was baked with white heat, and the oily brown-red exterior was full of small oil beads.

The most amazing thing is that the whole cow has a uniform and beautiful caramel color, and all of them have an attractive aroma.

That is, the cow’s ears, which are the worst to bake, are fragrant, not burnt at all, and the heat is very even and in place.

“It’s amazing, such a big cow is so perfectly roasted, it’s worthy of being the enemy of my life.” Chu Xiao said solemnly, while looking at Yuan Zhou with a more serious look.

He even has the urge to go back and reform the menu for solo exhibitions.

Yes, Yuanzhou’s roast beef gave him new inspiration.

“No, this is just the beginning.” Wang Huai’s eyes remained still, and he even stood up and said solemnly.

As Wang Huai stood up, the senior chefs also stood up and looked at Yuan Zhou.

The chefs stood up, and the audience on the side also stood up, while the media were mostly standing.

The media was for better filming, while the audience and chefs all looked at Yuanzhou with scorching eyes.

At this time, Yuanzhou had already placed the whole roasted whole cow on a huge special porcelain plate.

Of course, this porcelain plate was also obtained by Wu Yungui according to Yuanzhou’s request. It was specially ordered, and it was not sold outside.

Packed in a huge porcelain plate, the Tiandu cattle with a net meat weight of up to 900 catties occupies a space in the middle.

Yuan Zhou suddenly said, “I’m going to start dividing cattle.”

The voice was transmitted to everyone’s ears through the microphone on the neckline, which made everyone look forward to it even more.

After all, this roasted whole cow looks so perfect, I feel like I want to jump on it and take a bite.

And now that Yuanzhou is going to start dividing, it naturally makes everyone look forward to it even more.

Even the chefs are looking forward to it. After all, there are still a lot of people who have never tried Yuanzhou cooking, and they have wanted to try it for a long time.

Yuan Zhou once again took out the Jie Niu Dao that was praised by Chu Xiao as a good knife just after he appeared on the stage. First, Yuan Zhou cleaned and disinfected in front of everyone, and then wiped it dry and held it in his hand.

A huge china plate was placed on the low table, and the whole roasted Tiandu Niu landed on the plate with its feet upside down.

Yuan Zhou did not stand at the head of the bull this time, but at the tail of the bull. After being silent for about ten seconds, Yuan Zhou began to move.

Holding the knife with his right hand and pressing the back of the knife lightly with his left hand, Yuan Zhou no longer turned his back to everyone, but turned his side to everyone ~IndoMTL.com~ and then hurried a few steps to the bull’s head.

As Yuan Zhou walked, the ox slowly separated from the ox’s tail in front of everyone’s eyes, like a flower bud in full bloom.

Yes, Yuan Zhou raised his knife and dropped the whole cow, whose stomach didn’t even break open, slowly opened in front of everyone’s eyes.

“Pop” This is the sound of two beef slaps on a porcelain plate.

The sound also clapped in everyone’s ears, because everyone looked at the beef in the china plate and couldn’t help but **** in the aroma of the beef.

Without him, the beef in front of me is so perfect, so perfect that a medical student would be amazed by it.

After the whole cow is spread out, all you can see is the slightly browned whole spine and the bones of the four limbs of the cow, and the meat of various parts of the cow is neatly arranged on the edge.

It’s like a work of art. Yes, roast beef is a work of art. It’s awkward, but it can only be described as a work of art when it is really placed in front of people’s eyes.

Every part of the meat is fragrant and smells like an oily barbecue.

After the whole roast beef in Yuanzhou was cut in this way, everyone realized that the beef was cut directly according to the muscle lines grown by the cow itself.

Speaking of human words, this cow was actually cut before it entered the oven, but the cowhide looks complete, so it is such a perfect effect.

Sometimes, it’s not a matter of being able to do it, but a matter of daring to even think about it!



This chapter of the food supplier said that the winner of the 7.13 like event _ Ruoran brother, please enter the Dragon Tiger Fighting Group (full subscription group) and find the group owner to verify it, so that it is convenient to participate in the lottery activity~

Cai Mao thinks that Brother Ruoran should have special winning skills~Congratulations

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