Gourmet Food Supplier Chapter 145: Master Chef


Yuan Zhou raised his eyebrows a little curiously. He didn’t expect Tian Penghao to say that. If he hadn’t swallowed hard before speaking, he would have thought that his craftsmanship had deteriorated, and his cooking was already out of order. attractive.

“Tian Lao, please tell me.” Yuan Zhou observed the details, and naturally could see Tian Penghao’s apprehension, so he directly gave him a step.

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Swallowed again, moistened the slightly dry mouth due to tension and said: “That’s it, I found that Chef Yuan is very suitable for wearing the clothes I designed, and can express every piece of clothes I want to express. All ideas can be expressed, so I hope that Chef Yuan’s clothes can be designed by me in the future, especially when Chef Yuan participates in competitions or events, I hope that Chef Yuan can wear clothes designed by me.”

Speaking of which, Tian Penghao became more and more excited and his voice became louder and louder.

It’s a very ecstatic person. By the way, he commented on the clothes Yuanzhou wore when he participated in the Bogus cooking competition. Tian Penghao has real materials. , Yan Junchang, who was next to him, kept nodding his head frequently, with a very agreeable look.

Yuan Zhou is fine, but he agrees with what Tian Penghao said, and some of his ideas coincide with his original intentions.

At this time, I can understand that Tian Penghao’s purpose of coming this time is to contract his future clothes. By the way, he can wear his clothes on big occasions. It can be regarded as an advertisement. As one of the top designers , the designed clothes do not worry about sales at all.

Yuanzhou himself is famous, and it is actually the icing on the cake, so he doesn’t need to be so persistent.

Seeing to see Yuan Zhou’s question, Tian Penghao said with a smile: “Chef Yuan, don’t think it’s a trivial matter, in fact, I think Chef Yuan is suitable for wearing the clothes I designed. Give me some inspiration. For designers, inspiration is the lifeblood. If you can, please ask Chef Yuan to agree to my request.”

What Tian Penghao said is indeed the truth. When he saw Yuanzhou’s solo exhibition, he designed this fleeting red series that he brought, which won the gold award at Milan Fashion Week. Before, he saw Yuanzhou participate in Bogus He has already conceived a costume for the cooking competition and his aura, etc. He has already finished most of it.

As an older designer, I can’t keep up with young people in both mental and physical strength, and I’m not as productive as when I was young, but since I accidentally saw Yuan Zhou’s video, it’s really The inspiration is surging, especially Yuanzhou’s special momentum when he cooks with Hanfu, it is exactly what he wants to express about Huaxia’s own ideas, how can Tian Penghao not be excited, say something There is no problem with Yuanzhou being his muse.

Although it feels strange, fortunately Yuanzhou doesn’t know it.

Naturally, I wish Yuan Li would agree to do so, but Tian Penghao also knows that a twisted melon is not sweet, and is ready to fight for a long time.

Yuanzhou can give him a lot of inspiration even before he wears the clothes he designed.

After everything was said, Yuanzhou was silent for a while, but his clothes were always made to order, and they were always made in one shop, no matter the quality or style, they were all made by Yuanzhou. The request came, but there was no dissatisfaction, and Yuan Zhou felt that he didn’t cooperate suddenly, but Tian Penghao was full of sincerity, and it was not a difficult thing to do, which was a bit difficult.

After thinking about it, Yuan Zhou suddenly thought of a way to get the best of both worlds. In the future, he could ask that shop to make clothes for Yin Ya, and Tian Penghao would do it himself. This would not cancel the original cooperation, but also satisfy a The aspirations of top designers.

“As expected of a future chef, I’m just that smart.” Yuan Zhou felt that he had to be a little more restrained. After all, there were still a lot of things that would be jealous of Yingcai, and he had to learn to protect his own dog’s life at all times.

“I will trouble Elder Tian in the future.” Yuan Zhou simply said.

“Actually, if Chef Yuan thinks there’s something wrong, we…” Originally, Tian Penghao saw that Yuanzhou didn’t answer for a while, thinking he needed to think about it, so he wanted to give it a step down, but he didn’t think he had finished speaking. Then, I was hit in the head by the pie, and I was a little dizzy.

“Chef Yuan agreed?!” Tian Penghao almost jumped up regardless of his image.

For a designer, inspiration is the soil for survival, and a designer who is depleted of inspiration will never go far.

Although Tian Penghao is not too young, he thinks he can work for another 30 years without any problem, so the importance of inspiration is definitely highlighted.

“Yes.” Yuan Zhou nodded.

After being confirmed, Tian Penghao was visibly excited. The chair could no longer fit him. He stood up and turned around in circles. It seemed that this was the only way to express his excitement. Not coming out of his age.

It took several minutes for Tian Penghao to calm down and stop slowly.

“Chef Yuan, please try this dress to see if it fits, so I can have a more perfect data storage to design clothes that are more suitable for you.” Tian Penghao seems very professional and reliable when talking about business.

I can’t tell that he was as happy as the 200-pound fat man before, it can be said that the switch is seamless.

Since he agreed to ~IndoMTL.com~ Yuan Zhou cooperated very well. He went to the second floor with his clothes and washed his clothes before changing into new clothes.

The material is very comfortable, not only close to the body, but soft and delicate to the touch, but not cold, but has a moisturizing feeling, especially suitable for winter wear.

Also, Yuan Zhou noticed that the lotus pattern on the lapel was not a simple decoration, but was combined into a four-character Kitchen God Store, but because it was very ingenious, if he didn’t look carefully, he would have ignored it. It’s no lie to say it was designed for yourself.

“As expected to be one of the top designers in China, just this ingenuity surpasses many people.” Yuan Zhou said with emotion.

Although Yuanzhou is a chef, his plate carvings are absolutely world-class. It is common to see the same things that require skillful hands. It can be understood that Tian Penghao’s strength.

The next thing is naturally a matter of course. Even if Yuanzhou’s size has not been accurately measured before, it is also accurate to estimate with a pair of eyes, not an inch more, nor an inch less.

The next step is to discuss the details. Tian Penghao made the preparations in advance, and the documents were readily available, so it did not take much time. It only took more than half an hour to wait until everything was done. It’s pretty quick.

After finishing the work, Tian Penghao and Yan Junchang returned with a full load. After saying goodbye to Yuanzhou warmly, they left the Kitchen God’s shop briskly.

After sending off the two old men who couldn’t wait to dance while walking, Yuan Zhou was relieved.

“As a future chef, you really need a face to wear. Now that you can solve this problem in advance, you don’t have to worry so much. Concentrating on improving your cooking skills is the key.”

Yuanzhou agreed to Tian Penghao not only because it was difficult to refuse, but also because of his own consideration.


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