Gourmet Food Supplier Chapter 132: Delicious Dim Sum


A test is definitely a must. Without further ado, Lillian can’t control the power of the wild in her body. Mung bean cake is the type that smells more and more fragrant.

It’s not strong, but it is impossible to ignore, ethereal, even if it doesn’t occupy the position of the protagonist, it is also a heavyweight supporting role.

I couldn’t wait to pick up the chopsticks, so Lillian took it directly. Her hands were fair and slender, and her nails were dyed with bright red nail polish, which made them whiter and more delicate.

Tentacles, Lillian knew that there was no contrast. When I ate mung bean cakes before, I used to hold them with my hands. It felt a little dry powder, not very comfortable.

Lilian is definitely trying to compare the texture of the two mung bean cakes and definitely not because it is more convenient to eat with the hands.

Put it in the mouth, but with a slight bite of the teeth, the soft and sweet mung bean cake is bitten off a piece. The scent of light flour, mixed with the taste of slightly sweet mung bean, is fresh and natural.

It stands to reason that mung bean cakes are the most refreshing and refreshing to eat in summer, but now sitting in a store with a suitable temperature, sipping a piece of mung bean cake, the elegant aroma makes people simply addicted, different from eating in summer Sometimes there is a feeling of relieving the heat and cooling, but because it is a hot meal, it feels warmer.

The glutinous fragrance is sweet and the taste is mellow and natural. Lillian’s eyes lit up from the first bite. After three or two bites, she took one piece and then took another piece. Maybe she thought that one hand was not enough to eat, so she directly opened the bow to the left and right, each hand. I was holding a piece of it in my left hand, and when I finished eating the right one, my left hand immediately grabbed a piece and put it in my hand for preparation.

It is estimated that Lilian’s attitude of eating cakes is not a problem for the old urchin to fight each other. She definitely belongs to a type of extremely talented person.

Manman is not the first time to eat the mung bean cakes made by Yuanzhou. The difference between the mung bean cakes is quite big. The ingredients and proportions of each famous mung bean cake are different. She is also the first time to eat these Min-style mung bean cakes.

If it wasn’t for Lilian to have a clear idea of ​​the overall taste of Yuanzhou’s food, she could eat one more piece at a time than Lilian.

After Lilian ate three or four pieces in succession, Manman started. The total plate was only eight pieces. If she didn’t eat it, it would be gone.

The entrance is sweet and smooth, warm and palatable, it doesn’t feel dry or greasy at all, just the right amount of sweetness and softness. Manman also likes this taste very much.

After eating the mung bean cake, Lilian barely paused and directly aimed at the beautiful and lifelike Longjing tea cakes next to her.

To be honest, Lilian speaks Chinese relatively well, but she doesn’t know much about Chinese culture, so I don’t know that this Longjing tea cake looks like a touch of fresh green tea leaves, but it doesn’t hinder her. I think the appearance of this Longjing tea cake is very nice.

It is said to be called Longjing Tea Cake, but in fact it is not all made of tea. Although it smells like it has a long-lasting tea fragrance, its green color is dyed with spinach juice.

I don’t know if it’s because it’s been fried at high oil temperature or because of the color ratio. It looks like the appearance and color of spring tea Longjing, which is very beautiful.

“Well, it smells so good, it seems to be the taste of the tea you like to drink here, but I don’t like tea, I think it’s too bitter.”

Lilian stuck out her tongue slightly, as if she remembered the taste of tea brewed when she curiously tried it. To be honest, she was not used to it.

Coffee is also bitter, but it can be seasoned with sugar. Tea leaves are bitter and bitter, and it feels like a flavor rooted in the bones of every tiny tea leaf. Although the person who introduced it said that the tea leaves are sweet, they will taste a little sweet at the end. .

But Lilian just didn’t notice any sweetness, the bitterness is real, and now she smells the light tea taste of Longjing Tea Crisp, and remembers the bitterness of tea leaves.

“You can eat and see, this is fundamentally different from tea.” Manman said directly without explaining.

She has never eaten the Longjing tea cakes made by Yuanzhou, but Yuanzhou’s golden signboard has nothing that is not delicious, so she is not worried at all.

Lilian thought about the taste of the mung bean cake just now, and picked up a piece of Longjing tea cake without hesitation.

If the mung bean cake just now is warm to the touch, the current Longjing tea cake is slightly hot to the touch. When the fingers touch the cake, there seems to be some crisp swoops.

The slightly hot temperature will not make people feel uncomfortable or difficult to pick up, but the temperature has not been eaten into the mouth, and it slowly starts to walk inward through the skin.


It is a pastry pastry. When you take the first bite, the sound is very crisp, not only the sound is crisp, but the skin is also very crisp, and there is no moisture, as if the moisture was taken away by the oil, leaving only Crispy and dry.

Different from ordinary dryness, this dryness is the result of the mutual blending of flour and oil, which is crispy and delicious.

The first bite was more delicate, and I didn’t eat the filling inside. When I took the second bite, ~IndoMTL.com~ only got it. It was different from the crispy outer skin just now, and the inside was soft and soft, with a faint hint of Tea flavor, no bitterness of tea leaves, only slightly sweet fragrance.

This is the first time that Lillian can clearly feel that tea leaves really seem to be the wonderful taste that a former friend said is slightly sweet.

As a refreshment, Longjing tea cake is eaten with tea, and it is fried at low temperature, so the traditional tea cake will be slightly greasy, just enough to combine the heavy and bitterness of tea leaves.

The one here in Yuanzhou will not have such a feeling, not only because the frying temperature is just right, but the taste is also because of the proportion of Yuanzhou, which makes the Longjing tea ghee just right, too much is too much , a little less is slightly dry.

Originally, when Lilian was eating Longjing tea cakes, she was thinking that she ate two more mung bean cakes just now, and Manman only ate two pieces. When the tea cakes were over, she would eat less, at least one person should be allocated fairly. Half, so I won’t be too embarrassed, but also to be able to eat more of the subsequent snacks.

After eating it in the mouth, all the thoughts and intentions in my heart are scattered by the tea cake. As long as it is eaten in the mouth, it is a skill. It doesn’t matter whether it is eaten more or less. Just a surprise.

Because the Longjing tea cake is not small, at least it is larger than the mung bean cake. It is impossible to eat two bites of a piece like the mung bean cake just now. This tea cake can only be eaten in four or five bites. Finish.

In order to eat one piece as soon as possible, and then eat the next piece, Lilian is also very hardworking. If you can solve it in four bites, you don’t need five. Of course, you have to eat fast and at the same time, you must ensure that you can taste the taste perfectly, otherwise Like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit, that’s not interesting, and it’s not her original intention.


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