Gourmet Food Supplier Chapter 1207: Cao Zhishu’s doubts


Yuan Zhou’s words were a bit like a rant, but the system still answered them seriously.

The current word in the system: “Yes, the host, the puffer fish at this time is at the peak of toxins, please handle it with care.”

“Thank you.” Yuan Zhou said noncommittally.

The current word in the system: “You’re welcome.”

“Have your puffer fish provided it?” Yuan Zhou asked suddenly.

The current word in the system: “Yes, the host has been provided.”

“The reward is a complete collection of puffer fish practices. I remember that both the sale and handling of puffer fish require certificates.” Yuan Zhou said suspiciously, touching his forehead.

The current word in the system: “The pufferfish purchase certificate is complete, the host does not need to worry.”

“Only a purchase certificate? That is to say, there is no sales certificate, right.” Although Yuan Zhou’s words were a question, his tone was firm.

The current word in the system: “Yes.”

“That means I need to take the test myself.” Yuan Zhou said.

The current word in the system: “Yes.”

“I see.” Yuan Zhou nodded to indicate that he knew, and then stopped asking.

Yuanzhou has already seen through the system of disregarding the head and the tail.

After a while, Yuan Zhou said, “Although I know a certain amount of puffer fish knowledge, it is still too little. I should study more before I start doing it.”

After speaking, Yuan Zhou picked up his mobile phone and started to buy books online.

“The breeding and disease control of puffer fish? You can also learn about it.” Yuan Zhou kept rummaging in his hands, and then tapped the screen continuously.

After a short period of time, Yuanzhou bought more than 30 books.

From research on the habits of puffer fish to commercially available books on the thirty-seven edible species of puffer fish, as well as the prevention and control of their breeding, as well as research on the individual growth of the most common puffer fish species, the tiger dolphin.

“That should be enough.” Yuan Zhou nodded secretly, and then paid for the order.

These books Yuanzhou is looking for are all in the same city as possible, so that the shipping speed is faster and they can be obtained faster.

“Speaking of which, in addition to my cooking skills and my growing handsomeness, I have also become more proficient in online shopping in the past two years.” Yuan Zhou sighed.

“Hey, it would be nice if I was more handsome sometime.” Yuan Zhou sighed in his heart. He always felt that he was single, and he was more restrained in being handsome.

At this time, a long-legged girl passed by on the street. Yuan Zhou subconsciously straightened his already straight back, put down his phone, picked up the wood at hand, and watched intently.

I was going to pretend to be deep, but looking at Yuanzhou, I was attracted by the wood, and I began to paint the texture of the wood and the precautions for carving in my mind.

Seriously, Yuan Zhou didn’t notice that the girl who had just passed by turned his head and looked at him three times.

Yuanzhou here is immersed in sculpture and cannot extricate himself from it, but on the other side, there are people who are very happy with a happy event.

There is no other reason, just because today is the day when Michelin’s new Little Red Book was released, and it was also the day when Cao Zhishu’s Shu Building was awarded three Michelin stars.

In the Shu Building, Bru who issued the certificate was followed by a few people who looked serious in suits and belts, while Bru began to hand out the certificate with a smile on his face.

“Congratulations to Chef Cao.” Bruce said awkwardly in Chinese.

“Thank you.” Cao Zhishu wore a pure white Tang suit, touched his bald head, and took it with a smile.

“You’re welcome.” Blue’s Chinese was still the same.

Speaking of which, it’s because Bruce knows two awkward afternoons that he’s the one to issue this certificate, so no one else came.

Cao Zhishu nodded, then handed the certificate in his hand to his apprentice, then turned around and asked in fluent English: “Mr. Bruce, I don’t know how many stores in Rongcheng have received three stars this time.”

Although Cao Zhishu has always flaunted himself with etiquette, he has always been very direct when he speaks, so he asked directly.

Bru was relieved when he heard the English, blinked his eyes and said gently: “Don’t be kidding, this time Chef Cao your shop won the highest honor.”

“You mean that Rongcheng did not select a three-star store?” Cao Zhishu asked in surprise.

It’s not surprising, as a chef, Cao Zhishu naturally knows that the Michelin selection is the most well-known selection today, and it is also one of the most authoritative selections in Europe and the United States.

The selection criteria of Michelin have also been stated in some words, as stated by Michael Ellis, International Director of the Michelin Guide.

In an interview, I said that the Michelin selection criteria are unified across the country in China. The criteria for one star is the fusion of ingredients, skills and tastes on the plate, the chef’s innovation level, the consistency of cooking standards, and the restaurant’s production. To maintain stability and value for money, if you want to upgrade from one star to two stars, you need to look at the refinement and skilled cooking techniques, and the three-star standard is to give diners an unforgettable experience, a unique experience.

In Cao Zhishu’s opinion, the service of Yuanzhou’s small shop can’t be compared with his own shop, but just by the taste of conquering everything and invincible, he thinks that these additional conditions are completely offset. Such a shop Impossible without Samsung.

Therefore, Cao Zhishu looked suspiciously at Bruce.

Bru nodded very simply and said, “Yes, no, only Chef Cao of your two-star restaurant has won such an honor~IndoMTL.com~ Oh thank you, then I will not be far away.” Cao Zhishu nodded. Nod, and start seeing off.

“Okay, then we won’t bother anymore.” Bruce nodded and started walking out with people.

Cao Zhishu sent the people to the door, and Blu looked back subconsciously, and found that those people were just standing there, without the intention of listing, Blu also joked: “Actually, Chef Cao’s brand can be hung up. , you deserve this review.”

“Thank you.” Cao Zhishu nodded politely and gave it away without saying much.

“I hope to have the opportunity to come back to Chef Cao’s shop next time. I hope you can keep the same and be innovative at the same time.” Bruce gave a blessing, then walked away and got into the car to leave.

Cao Zhishu kept a smile on his face the whole time, until the person left, and the apprentice behind him came forward excitedly: “Master, where do you see this sign?”

This apprentice is naturally holding the two Michelin star with two stars. There is also a standard English sentence on it. The translation means that the dishes are excellent, showing the chef’s attentiveness and extraordinary skills. Detour on the way.

However, the current Cao Zhishu frowned when he saw this brand: “Chef Yuan didn’t get three stars? It’s very unusual.”

“Master?” The apprentice said suspiciously.

“It’s fine, just leave it for now, I’ll talk about it later, I want to study it.” Cao Zhishu waved his hand.

“Are you going to show that Michelin humanoid stand?” the apprentice asked again.

“Didn’t hear clearly? I’ll say it for a while, and I’ll ask to repeat it a few times.” Cao Zhishu reprimanded, asking why Yuanzhou is not as important as Samsung.

The apprentice stopped.

Cao Zhishu took out his cell phone and called.


ps: Caimao is still having a fever, tomorrow will be better and more, thank you for your concern, I will take good care of…


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