Godly Student Chapter 5313: Expel the Cheng family!


“I know you are not afraid of death, but your identity is different from theirs, so you cannot go to this operation!”

“What are the different identities? We are all disciples of the Cheng family!”

“But you are also the direct disciple of the Patriarch. If something happens to you, how should I explain to the Patriarch?” said the first elder.

“What do the elders need to explain to the head of the family? Since I, Bai Zhengqi, are part of the Cheng family, and now the Cheng family needs me, what reason do I have to stay in the Cheng family to be a tortoise.

If I really stayed this time, what would the rest of the Cheng family think of me?

A greedy person who only uses the identity of the patriarch’s direct disciple?

Elder, it is precisely because I am not only a disciple of the Cheng family, but also a direct disciple of Master, so I can’t shame Master.

The Cheng family needs me. As the direct disciple of the master, I should do my part, instead of curling up. I can’t let others think that I will only take out the identity of the direct disciple of the master when the Cheng family encounters difficulties!

I hope the elders can be fulfilled!

Even if I did die in this operation, it would be Bai Zhengqi’s life. I am willing and will never regret it! “Bai Zhengqi asked solemnly.

“Zhengqi, it’s not that we don’t let you go, but that this matter is not up to the elders and us!” At this moment, Han Yaowu opened his mouth to help the elders.

“Then who can call the shots?” Bai Zhengqi asked puzzled.


“My teacher?”

“Yes, this matter was specially ordered by the owner of the house. Everyone can go, but you can’t go!”

“Sixth elder, why is this? Why can’t the master let me go? Does he want me to smear him? Does he want me to be a life-hungry person in the Cheng family?” Hearing this The matter turned out to be an order from the master, Bai Zhengqi was in a hurry.

“The Patriarch didn’t tell us why, but the Patriarch said this very clearly. In any case, you must not go!” Han Yaowu said.

“Zheng Qi, don’t worry. I think the head of the family must have his reasons for doing this. Maybe he thinks you are his only direct disciple, and the Cheng family will be handed over to you in the future. /

And this time the action is really dangerous. It is definitely not as simple as you think the enemy is strong.

If you do have an accident, who will the Cheng family hand over in the future? “Second Elder Bai Xie also comforted.

If Cheng Yu hadn’t given such a death order, if Bai Zhengqi insisted on going, they would naturally not stop him too much.

Obviously, the owner of the family knew about Bai Zhengqi’s temper, so he issued a death order from the very beginning. No matter how persistent Bai Zhengqi was, there was no room for manoeuvre in this matter.

Actually, in the eyes of these elders, they are not satisfied with the order of the head of the family.

It’s not that they feel that the owner is too biased towards Bai Zhengqi, but that such a death order is not a good thing for Bai Zhengqi in the Cheng family.

Because the Patriarch does not seem to plan to have children at present, as the second elder just said, Bai Zhengqi is the Patriarch’s first direct disciple, and he is still in love with the eldest young lady, so he is definitely the first person to inherit the Cheng family. select.

In addition, Bai Zhengqi’s talent is really high. At present, even these elders are actually no longer his opponents.

Besides the head of the family and the eldest lady, he should be the most talented person in the Cheng family.

However, they knew the mission this time. It was a near-death experience.

So if Bai Zhengqi really participated in this mission, it would be very difficult for him to come back alive.

Although they can understand the emotion of the family owner, if Bai Zhengqi is really the successor of the Cheng family, he should actually take part in such an action.

How else would he convince the public?

Originally, the owner directly refused to let Bai Zhengqi participate in the selection, but after they discussed it, they felt that they should let Bai Zhengqi participate in the selection, and then brush him down.

Otherwise, what would the other disciples think?

Because this action was too dangerous, I didn’t even have the qualifications to let Bai Zhengqi participate in the selection. The Cheng family’s favoritism and protection for Bai Zhengqi was too obvious.

After that, Bai Zhengqi really became the new head of the Cheng family. How would these disciples view him?

Especially the disciples of the same generation as Bai Zhengqi couldn’t accept him as the head of the family.

But now the head of the family has said it clearly and clearly, even if they feel that doing this is not a good thing for Bai Zhengqi, and it is not a suitable way, but they dare not go against it.

Otherwise, if Bai Zhengqi really can’t come back, then they really have no way to explain to the owner.

“Although I am the first direct disciple of the master, I didn’t say that I would definitely inherit the position of the head of the family. And even if I really can’t come back, the head of the family will accept the second and third, or even More direct disciples.

I believe there will always be a suitable candidate to become the new head of the Cheng family!

But this time, I, Bai Zhengqi, must go! “Bai Zhengqi doesn’t care about that much, even if this is really an order from his master, he will go.

He is very strong now, but he feels that his current strength is useless at all.

And this is the first time the Cheng family has prepared such an action.

As the direct disciple of the head of the family, he didn’t have a share of participation, so wouldn’t this status become a burden to him instead? Even let others treat him as trash?

“You can’t go! Zhengqi, we usually won’t stop you from other things. But this time, no matter what, we won’t allow you to go!” The first elder finally lowered his face and said with a serious face .

“Then I’d rather go!” But Bai Zhengqi insisted very stubbornly.

“If you really want to go, then from now on you will no longer be a disciple of the Cheng family, and you will be expelled from the Cheng family immediately!” This time, the elder’s attitude was very firm, and there was no compromise!

Bai Zhengqi was stunned~IndoMTL.com~ I couldn’t believe that the Great Elder would say such a thing to him.

“This is the meaning of the head of the family. He knows that you will definitely do this, so he has already told me very clearly. You can’t participate in this operation anyway, otherwise you will expel the Cheng family. You have to think about it yourself. !” The first elder saw that Bai Zhengqi was indeed frightened, and felt helpless, this was indeed the order of the Patriarch.

“I don’t believe it! Master can’t do this!”

“Or do you think I am qualified to expel the direct disciple of the family master from the Cheng family?” The elder said uncompromisingly.

Indeed, if it is just an ordinary disciple, as the Great Elder, even if the Patriarch knows about it, he will not ask too much.

But as the direct disciple of the head of the family, whoever has the right to expel him is the head of the family.

But now he has been ordered by the owner of the family. If Bai Zhengqi insists, maybe he will be expelled from the Cheng family.


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