Godly Student Chapter 5311: It’s not that easy!


“That’s right, it’s not easy to think of a way to deal with him, and if we think of a way to use it on him, it may really be of no use.

But if we don’t rush to take action first, but cooperate with all the methods we can think of, and then find a chance to use them together to deal with him.

Perhaps under such a chain plan, it may be more effective! “Boxin agrees.

Judging from Cheng Yu’s performance just now, it is indeed a very difficult thing to catch him.

So if you want to deal with him, it’s useless to just have a lot of methods. You must cooperate with each other in order to play the biggest role.

“He’s just left now, so the next time he reappears, it may take a while, so we have plenty of time.

If we use it well, maybe we can succeed next time! “Tang Luo said expectantly.

Although the grasp is not great, one should still have hope in life.

Whether it’s successful or not, it’s better than sitting here and waiting.

At this time, Zhenhun was also puzzled that Cheng Yu had just come out of the Immortal Demon Tower.

“Don’t you want Immortal Yuan Dan? Why didn’t you say it?” Zhenhun asked.

He thought that Cheng Yu would use the blood oath of heaven to scare them first. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for anyone to accept the blood oath of heaven.

And at this time, Cheng Yu can take the next step and let them take out the Immortal Essence Pill.

But he didn’t expect that Cheng Yu would come out without even mentioning it.

“Do you think you can get it if you say it?” Cheng Yu asked rhetorically.

“Although you don’t have the power of Immortal Essence, you can’t use the Immortal Magic Tower to control them, but how do you know if you don’t try?

If you tempt them with the condition of letting them out, they will surely refuse. “

“They’re not stupid. If you really want to take out the Immortal Essence Pill, it’s impossible to give it to me. If you can’t control them now, there’s no way to force it.

Anyway, they’re all fairies, so if they’re going to be released, there’s no way I can take them back.

So don’t mention that for now.

And if you really want the Immortal Essence Pill, doesn’t that reveal your lack of Immortal Essence? “

“What does it matter if they are exposed? Anyway, they are trapped in the Immortal Demon Tower. Although it is difficult for you to control them without the power of immortal essence, they cannot escape no matter what!

Now they also know how to use the barrier to soundproof, if they guess that your immortal energy is not enough, guess they will come to deal with you! “Soul Soul laughed.

“No matter what method they can come up with to deal with me, they can’t succeed!” Cheng Yu didn’t know where he was, but he didn’t care at all.

He doesn’t have the power of Immortal Essence now, and it is really difficult to force them to be controlled.

But that doesn’t mean they can kill him. In this fairy tower, he has a lot of protective umbrellas.

However, it is impossible for him to go in for the time being, because he wants to recover some of his immortal energy first.

After all, they are already trapped in the Immortal Demon Tower, and it is impossible to fight them as hard as they are outside.

And he just needs the power of Immortal Essence to control the power of the Immortal Demon Tower to forcibly control them.

But now he can only use the power of the Immortal Demon Tower to defend, at least they want to hurt him, it is actually very difficult.

After all, he is the owner of the Immortal Devil Tower. In the Immortal Devil Tower, the protection of the master is naturally very fast.

So even if Cheng Yu just stood there before, those mental barriers would easily protect him.

So he doesn’t have to worry too much about his own safety in the tower.

“Although the Immortal Magic Tower can indeed protect you, it should not be careless. After all, they are immortals, at least the current Immortal Magic Tower can’t ban them as casually as before.

And they still have enough power of immortal essence, they are still a great threat to you.

You don’t capsize in the gutter. ‘ reminded the soul.

The Immortal Demon Tower is indeed strong, but it is not omnipotent. In the past, it was true that dealing with those lower realms monks had been tried and tested, but now, wouldn’t it fail to deal with immortals?

Since these failures, how can Cheng Yu dare to guarantee that other means will not fail?

It would be a real shame and humiliation if Cheng Yu really fell on the prisoner who was trapped by him.

“Of course I understand this truth, but I’m not really defenseless. It’s just that I have the same mind with the Immortal Demon Tower. As long as I’m in the tower, my control over the power in the tower is very consistent, so even if There will be mistakes, but not very likely.

And even if it does fail, I’m sure there will be a follow-up. Unless they kill me on the spot.

To be honest, even if I don’t have the power of immortal essence at all right now, they want to kill me in seconds at the Immortal Demon Tower, that’s so easy!

After a period of time, after I recover some of my immortal energy, it will be even more difficult for them to deal with me. “Cheng Yu explained.

“Well, that’s true. But I don’t think you can fully control any means in the Immortal Magic Tower, but try to be safe.

After you recover some of your Immortal Essence, go to them to see if you can get Immortal Essence Pill.

After all, the effect of Immortal Essence Pill is definitely much better than your own recovery.

Of course, this is not the most important thing, I think it is definitely a good opportunity to return to the inner court now.

Now there are only five immortals left. If you can restore the power of immortal essence in a few days, and then kill the inner court, then you will definitely succeed.

This will save you at least years of preparation.

And your Cheng family doesn’t even have to spend a single soldier! ‘ said the soul.

“That’s what you say, but you think these immortals are so stupid. If I miss their Immortal Yuan Dan, will they not know what I’m going to do?

So I have no way to force them now~IndoMTL.com~ Even if they don’t want to agree, I have no way to force them. Cheng Yu said.

He knows better than anyone else, isn’t he in a hurry?

But he knew it wasn’t that simple. If Cheng Yu really said that he would use Immortal Yuan Pill in exchange for their freedom, how could those guys believe him.

And even if he really believed that he would let him go, it would definitely be a very scary thing for so many immortal essence pills from seven people to get to Cheng Yu alone.

As soon as they thought about it, they figured out that even if they were freed and returned to the Inner Dynasty, they might be captured by Cheng Yu again.

Because Cheng Yu didn’t have Xianyuan Pill before, they were arrested. Now Cheng Yu has Xianyuan Pill of seven immortals, so who is Cheng Yu’s opponent.

After all, they are only twelve immortals when they go back, and they are not as strong as the fourteen at the beginning, so there is no need to think about the result!


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