Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei Chapter 4704: Goodbye Qingying


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“You obviously have no mouth, so don’t talk, shut up!” A Nian was already particularly impatient with Tiandao.

Countless sword lights flashed, and Gu Baiyi said coldly: “Get out of here immediately!”

This **** is so mean!

Mu Qianxi really wanted to scold him to death, but she felt it was a complete waste of energy!

“Get out of here! I’m annoyed when I see you.”

Then treat it coldly and ignore it.

“Girl, how much more life force can you use, use it all on me, I have a way.”

Heaven is unkind, but there are kind seniors in this world.

“Great, senior, you have a way!” Mu Qianxi was surprised and pleasantly surprised.

“You have done something that I never thought of. You have tried your best, and it is great to have such a result. Next, it is natural for me to get excited!”

Before the Zhuanhun Ancestral Tree fell into sleep, he thought he was going to face a very bad situation.

The whole world will become this broken heaven, a playground for anyone to do whatever they want, and all living beings will be in trouble.

But now, the Eternal Artifacts are united, the Soul of Destiny has not disappointed, and the Way of Heaven has not succeeded.

The sacrifice also disappeared, and the soul he tried his best to save could finally enter reincarnation smoothly.

The soul race, a race that goes against the law of reincarnation, also disappeared.

It’s just that the way of heaven is too bad. If you lose, you will implicate so many innocent people.

Mu Qianxi exploded all her life force and enveloped the rotten and cracked soul-turning ancestral tree.

Give it life and bring it back to life.

But she can feel it, but it’s still not enough! Senior, it has run out of fuel.

“I know that you have tried your best. This is enough. You can probably save about half of the people. Save as many as you can! My child, I don’t blame you for this.”

The way of heaven has already been completely evil and distorted. It has caused evil. How can you blame her!

It is very rare for her to be able to protect herself against such malice and calculations.

“I’ll try again!” Mu Qianxi squeezed out all her life force, but it still didn’t work.

“A-Nian!” Mu Qianxi grabbed A-Nian and suddenly thought of something.

“Can you connect me to the Tree of Life? When it comes here, the soul-turning ancestor tree will definitely be fine.”

In the previous battle in the Xuantian Realm, Anian was able to complete the connection between the Human Emperor and all the human races.

A-Nian’s soul turned into countless small chains, “The tree of life? He is very, very far away. Compared to before, I don’t have one-tenth of my strength. It will be a bit difficult…unless…”

There is a slight possibility that it can be successful, such as…

He smiled and said: “I sensed it, he is thinking about you!”

A tree, all emotions, belong to its owner.

It seems difficult for him not to be able to sense it.

“Qingying, Tree of Life, help me!” Mu Qianxi’s soul power swayed away.


This space of the Soul Clan became a broken ruin after one battle after another.

It is filled with darkness, destruction, and death, and is completely lifeless.

But the greenery representing life appeared in vain in the sky, and a familiar tree full of vitality appeared out of thin air.

Under the tree stood a figure that looked like an ink painting, with thin lips slightly opened, “Qian, I see you!”

Mu Qianxi said: “Long time no see, Qingying, you are much better! That’s great.”

The neglected soul-turning ancestral tree suddenly intervened.

The Tree of Life, which should have completely fallen long ago, seems to be getting better and better. It has also been brought here by the Eternal Chain, and the way of heaven has become even more gloomy.

“What are you going to do? Qian Xi, do you think two trees can stop the crazy gluttony? It’s wishful thinking.”

Mu Qianxi smiled playfully: “Hey! You don’t know either! You are the way of heaven! I thought you knew everything!”

“Since you don’t know, just keep your eyes open and watch carefully. I believe in Senior Zhuanhun Ancestral Tree.

“It is so loving, caring for the creatures in the world, and the souls who have nowhere to go, and sticks to their mission. How many times better than you, a dog of heaven?”

Mu Qian now started scolding it and stepping on it.

If the way of heaven is like that of Senior Zhuanhun Ancestral Tree, how can there be so many troubles? Many living beings will not suffer so much.

The Soul-changing Ancestral Tree was also surprised, “Can you summon the Tree of Life here? It’s beyond my expectation. If it comes, it can do more things.”

The Tree of Life senses the situation of the Soul-Transforming Ancestral Tree. They are of the same kind, and they have some sympathy for each other.

Qingying would not refuse Qianxi’s request, so naturally he could only try his best to help it recover.

The soul-turning ancestral tree was bathed in the endless power of life, and its recovery was particularly good.

“Lord Eternal Chain, I still need your help. I alone can’t do it.”

A Nian replied without hesitation: “How can I help?”

“Connect all the creatures you can sense and fall into the nightmare.”

“Hmm!” This is not difficult to do as long as the owner’s perception is actively weakened.

The emotions of the life trapped in the nightmare were particularly strong, and they poured in like a tide in an instant, and A Nian’s face turned pale.

The feeling of suffocation and wanting to die immediately could not be controlled at all.

“A-Nian!” Mu Qianxi said worriedly.

“It’s okay, I’ve long been used to it.” Anian comforted Qian Xi nonchalantly.

Having locked onto the living beings, the terrifying influence that the nightmare had on them was suppressed by the soul-turning ancestral tree.

Although Zhuanhun Ancestral Tree is a weak old man, after he has completely restored his vitality, his ability is not simple at all.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Ji and Tiandao to join forces to still protect those ancient souls.

Tiandao snorted, disapproving.

“Huanhun Ancestral Tree, you are kind enough to save them once, but can you save them every time? I will kill you unless you have a way to catch the nightmare and make the nightmare disappear.”

It is not so easy to make the three primitive soul arts disappear.

The disappearance of Siheji was entirely due to their own suicide, violating a taboo beyond their own capabilities.

There is no such thing as nightmare!

The Zhuanhun Ancestral Tree sighed: “It’s not impossible! You are too complacent. I still need a strong enough soul power. My child, you can do it.”

Mu Qianxi’s soul power has improved a lot since coming to the Soul Clan, which is definitely enough.

He is the master of Eternal Thoughts again!

“There is also the Tree of Life, please do me a favor! Every living creature in this world is connected to you!”

The soul-turning ancestral tree is in charge of reincarnation!

The tree of life governs life!

The eternal chain can connect everyone’s emotions.

The soul of destiny, the soul born under the expectation of all living beings.

After these four major groups are combined, the soul-turning ancestral tree will be at the helm.

In the intertwining and intertwining operation of the power of soul, life, reincarnation and eternal chain, it covers all realms.

Mu Qianxi’s soul was suddenly drained. She was sure that the senior soul-turning ancestral tree was going to play a big game, which was not easy.

Even Tiandao’s expressions froze, and he had an extremely bad premonition.

It feels like something will happen that will make it angry and violent, something that is beyond its expectation. The Zhuanhun Ancestral Tree smiled kindly and said: “Master Eternal Chain, I give you a gift. I hope you like it.”


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