Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei Chapter 4398: Xiudi bites the hook


City Lord Bei escaped from death, leaving only the soul rescued by Emperor Xiu.

Emperor Xiu gave her a body change, which was the captured woman.

City Lord Bei is picky and dislikes these ugly bodies. She is not as beautiful and young as before, and she is especially weak.

She wanted a perfect body of the Shura tribe, but was ruthlessly rejected by the emperor.

“It’s just you, but it’s not as precious as our Shura women, you don’t deserve it!”

Beicheng vomited blood angrily, “Don’t you still need me? You treat me like this.”

Xiudi said: “Can you do this?”

He brought in a few Shura people whose faces had been changed to handsome Gods to show City Lord Bei.

City Lord Bei’s face instantly turned bloodless, “This…how is this possible? How is this possible? There must be drawbacks, and it must be very dangerous…”

“In other words, you can’t do it!” Xiudi said coldly.

Sure enough, the women of their Shura clan are still outstanding, and women of other clans can’t be counted on at all.

“Then you should study carefully what are the drawbacks, what are the dangers, if not…”

If not, he can ask that Luo Xi to give him a face that Aro likes.

Then, married Aro and gave birth to a son of God.

City Lord Bei’s body trembled. If there were no drawbacks, then she would be useless, and Emperor Xiu would never leave her.

She must be found, she must find the problem.

City Lord Bei asked: “May I ask who is the holy man who has achieved this level?”

Xiudi said: “You don’t need to know this.”

City Lord Bei is even more aggrieved and angry. The ten elders came to look for Mu Qianxi and said, “His Majesty Xiu is asking you, he seems to be interested in you! But don’t be selfish, he is interested in your abilities, not you as a woman, he is deeply interested in you. The only person I love is Luo Huang

! “

Mu Qianxi said indifferently: “The entire Shura tribe knows about this matter, the ten elders don’t need to say more, I know very well!”

The ten elders are strange, this woman is not interested in His Majesty Xiudi just like other Shura women.

Or because of His Majesty Luo Huang, I can only hide my love.

In the eyes of the ten elders, even if Emperor Luo doesn’t look down on Emperor Xiu, other Asura women are crazy in love with him, but they can’t stand high.

The ten elders stared at Mu Qianxi’s face. His Majesty Xiu seldom mentioned other women. If…

Emperor Xiu and His Majesty Luo Huang are really difficult to match. If His Majesty Xiu Di is with this woman, even if he can’t give birth to a son of god, he may be able to have a very talented son.

Thinking of this, the ten elders began to promote his Majesty with Mu Qianxi.

The attitude towards Mu Qianxi is much friendlier than before, and she treats her as a concubine.

The corner of Mu Qianxi’s mouth twitched slightly, and Emperor Xiu finally bit the hook, which is a happy thing.

But this guy didn’t mention plastic surgery because of his face, making this old man think that the Emperor Xiu had a crush on her.

Ji Tianbai’s subordinates died, were injured, and were caught, and he was very angry.

The Shura statue of the Shura clan is indeed difficult to deal with. He sent someone to go there and it would be in vain. This is just one elder, and the Asura clan has a total of thirteen elders.

If he can’t even deal with an elder, he can’t take on the status of the first disciple of His Majesty the God Emperor.

He asked to come to the Shura clan in person, avenge his subordinates, deal with the ten elders, and take over a large area of ​​the Shura world. This request, the **** emperor replied: “The ten elders are not important, you can’t kill him! It’s enough to seriously injure him and occupy his territory. The most important thing is to find Xi’er! She must be in the Shura world, and even has something to do with mixed blood. Intentional distraction

Clan to help! “

Is God Emperor being used in vain? Naturally not.

Knowing about this before sending someone over.

Knowing it was a deliberate bait, he still bites the hook.

Because he wants Xi’er to come to him, because Wu Ya…

Ji Tianbai’s face sank, Mu Qianxi!

He has lost so many people, and she is behind the scenes, she is using the Protoss.

This time, he must go, he can’t swallow this bad breath.

People like Ji Tianbai came to the Shura world, and they brought a large army with them. The Shura statue sensed it immediately, including Emperor Xiu.

“It’s just Ji Tianbai, the ten elders should be able to deal with it! He didn’t handle his own affairs well, so the Protoss took hold of it and handled it himself.”

Mu Qianxi looked at the streamer in the sky, the space of the tenth main city was changing, and there was a familiar atmosphere.

“Ji Tianbai came in person! He came directly to the main city and started the war. Are you so impatient?”

Mu Qianxi was not in a hurry at all, and asked Xiu Yue to find her patients who had undergone plastic surgery to become Ji Tianbai, and let him, the deity, appreciate her masterpiece.

Although her business is getting bigger and bigger now, Ji Tianbai’s face is still the number one in the Shura tribe, and no one can surpass it.

Ji Tianbai was dressed in a battle robe, immortal, and compared with the Shura tribe he faced off, he was a handsome man and a beast. Ji Tianbai said: “Today I came to the Shura Clan, the first is to let you release people, the second is to ensure that the mixed blood is treated equally in the Shura world, the third is to pay the price for the Shura people who hurt my God Clan, and the fourth is to make our God Clan pay the price. In the Shura world

Find someone…”

Except for the first point that the Asura tribe can easily accept, the other three, none of them can accept it.

Dirty and weak as an ant hybrid, still wanting equality, dreaming!

The one with the most and the heaviest wounded God Clan is the ten elders. How could the ten elders let them hurt themselves with a tit-for-tat.

As for the fourth point, find someone, let the Protoss walk freely in the entire Shura Realm, treat the Shura Realm as the territory of their God Realm, and dream!

The ten-year-old said: “Ji Tianbai, you should know that this is impossible to agree to. You should change some conditions.”

Ji Tianbai thought about lowering his requirements, but suddenly familiar faces appeared in his sight one after another.

These familiar faces are my own.

For a while, blood surged up.

He had never encountered such an outrageous attack in his life, leaving him unscathed, but he felt uncomfortable and uncomfortable everywhere.

Ji Tianbai said firmly: “I will not change the conditions, and I will also add conditions. These Asuras, they all have to die! And they will die by cutting off their heads.”

Ji Tianbai burst out with a terrifying murderous aura, which made many Shura people feel cold.

“We can understand that you feel uncomfortable when you see it, but as long as you don’t come to the Shura world and don’t watch it, it’s fine. If you want us to die, that’s absolutely impossible.”

“Your face, we are very happy and happy to use it. In the future, the Shura people will promote this technology for the benefit of all Shura people.”

“Actually, if you are tired of looking at your own face and like other things, you can also ask Lord Luo Xi to change your face for you. Anyway, Lord Luo Xi is not expensive, but it is difficult to queue up.”

The Asura tribe did not repent at all for this incident that made the Protoss furious, and carried out a super hatred provocation. When it comes to this, there seems to be no other way than to fight again, decide the winner and defeat the Shura tribe.


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