Eternal Sacred King Chapter 30: Happy and grudge


Su Zimo walked out of the room.

Zheng Bo noticed that Su Zimo was not looking right, so he chased after him and said in a low voice, “Second Young Master, don’t be stupid and go to assassinate King Yan, the big deal is that our Su family is far away, the world is so big that there is no one A place to stay.”

“Uncle Zheng, you’ve been worrying too much. I never thought of assassinating King Yan.” Su Zimo shook his head, his expression not as if he was fake.

Uncle Zheng nodded in disbelief, and said, “We plan to move to the ghost village to hide for a while. After all, there are 5,000 black armored cavalry over there, so it can be safer. Second Young Master, you too. Come together.”

“I still have something to do, I will go to the ghost village to find you in a while.”

Su Zimo changed the subject, pointed to Song Qi and said, “This is Mr. Song Qi, who is here to protect the safety of the Su family. If there is anything, Uncle Zheng can discuss with him.”

Uncle Zheng didn’t think much about it, thinking that Song Qi was just a friend of the rivers and lakes that Su Zimo made.

Su Zimo turned around and left, and just after reaching the gate of Su Mansion, Song Qi chased after him.

“Young Master Su, you don’t really want to go to King Yan City, do you?” Song Qi vaguely felt the killing intent in Su Zimo’s heart, so he asked this question.

Su Zimo kept walking without saying a word.

Song Qi chased after him again and said solemnly, “Young Master Su, I know that you have the ability to kill Qi practitioners. You are very strong in melee combat, but you are only fighting alone. Under the siege of the vast army, you You can’t get close to the qi refiner at all, you have no chance!”

“Even if you can kill King Yan, can you escape from the heavily guarded King Yan City?”

“The army of the king’s city, the elite forbidden army, plus the siege crossbow and other big killers, combined with the attack of the qi trainer, let alone you, even if the Dzogchen qi trainer goes to assassinate the king of a country, it will be ten deaths. live!”

“Okay!” Su Zimo turned around suddenly, his face gloomy.

Song Qi was taken aback.

Su Zimo said expressionlessly: “Your mission is to protect the Su family, don’t worry about me!”


Just as Song Qi was about to persuade him again, Su Zimo interrupted with a wave of his hand, saying, “I will leave it to you, eldest brother. I hope you can take good care of his body. As for eldest brother’s heart disease, I will help him cure it.”

After speaking, Su Zimo started to plow the sky and ran wildly, before disappearing in front of Song Qi in a blink of an eye.

There is only one medicine that can cure Su Hong’s heart disease, and that is King Yan’s head!

Running on the streets of Pingyang Town, Su Zimo’s expression was icy cold. He only felt that a flame was burning in his heart, the more he burned, the more prosperous it became.

This flame can only be extinguished by the blood of the enemy!

After a while, Su Zimo returned home, pushed in the door, and walked directly to the training ground.

In the training ground, Dieyue was still sitting on the bluestone, looking indifferent, and gave Su Zimo a faint look.

After a year of not seeing her, Dieyue has not changed in the slightest. It seems that the years can’t bear to leave a trace on that beautiful face.

Su Zimo had thought about many kinds of meeting scenarios, but… not this one.

“I’m leaving.” Su Zimo lowered his head, not daring to look at Dieyue, and said softly.

“Oh?” Dieyue frowned slightly.

“This time I leave, I may not be able to come back.”

“Are you going to die?”

“That’s right.”

Wanting to enter the capital of the kingdom and kill the ruler of a country, Su Zimo is not facing a single person, but a country, many Qi practitioners, and a sect of self-cultivation.

A sect of self-cultivation with foundation-building cultivators!

Su Zimo didn’t plan to come back alive when he went to King Yan City.

This farewell may be the farewell of the two.

Dieyue looked at Su Zimo with a touch of softness in her eyes, and asked, “I know I’m going to die, but I still want to go?”

Su Zimo was silent.

Dieyue said again: “Actually, you have a better choice. You can choose to be patient, continue to practice, and wait for yourself to be strong enough.”

In front of Su Zimo’s eyes, pictures suddenly flashed past, and in a trance, he seemed to have returned to sixteen years ago.

He saw his father and mother die tragically under the knife.

He saw the people of the Su family being slaughtered, blood flowing into rivers and bones forming mountains.

He saw the big brother protecting him and Xiao Ning, madly escaping from the royal city, being slashed in the face, and the blood was all over his face without realizing it.

In the end, Su Zimo’s eyes were fixed on the eldest brother’s white hair, withered cheeks, and empty eyes.

“What do I practice for?”

Su Zimo suddenly said something, as if asking Dieyue, but also talking to himself.

“I don’t practice for the sake of forbearance. If I want to be forbear, why would I kneel down when I faced the bullying of Zhenren Canglang a year ago? If I want to be forbearance, Zhou Dingyun came to kill me, why would I show weakness and beg for mercy?”

The next moment, Su Zimo raised his head abruptly, only to feel a rush of blood, his eyes were red, and he said loudly: “Since there is grievance in my heart, I will wipe out the grievance! It doesn’t matter if he is the king of a country or whether he cultivates the truth. Zongmen, if you want to kill, kill it happily! It’s better to live in a moment of vigour than to endure for a lifetime, I, Su Zimo, cultivate, what I want is to have a good idea, and to be happy and grudge!”


Dieyue nodded.

After a year and a half of cultivation, Dieyue has never appreciated him. This is the first time Su Zimo has heard from Dieyue.

“Remember what you said today, this is related to your future life, death and achievements.” Dieyue said another sentence but Su Zimo could not understand.

Dieyue’s eyes flashed a strange light, and then, a few more scriptures appeared in Su Zimo’s mind.

“This is the scripture of the Bone Forging Chapter, which is taken from the demon king of the **** horse, the **** horse, which is fierce in nature, has the power of swift hoofs, is tough without casting, and has a strong momentum and explosion in its galloping momentum. “

“Let’s pass on your three styles, the **** horse will divide the body, the **** horse tramples on it, the **** horse crosses the gap, you should think more about it along the way, if you have some understanding, you may be able to fight with the tenth-level Dzogchen qi practitioners. “

Dieyue jumped off the bluestone and began to practice her moves.

Su Zimo did not blink a single eye, and was attentive. He knew that this was probably his hope to kill King Yan and save his life!

Soon, Dieyue rehearsed the three moves, looked at Su Zimo and said, “Go ahead. Let me remind you, a demon cultivator is the easiest to kill opponents by leaps and bounds. Your current strength is far away. It’s inferior to the foundation-building cultivator, but if you can get close, you have the same chance to kill him on the spot!”

Su Zimo nodded.

The power of the base-building cultivator to control the flying sword is far greater than that of the Qi cultivator, and his flexibility is also better. He may also have other means of attacking his life, all of which are enough to kill Su Zimo.

But this doesn’t mean that the Foundation Establishment cultivators have no weaknesses. Although their physical bodies are stronger than those of Qi Practitioners, they are still far inferior to Su Zimo.

If Su Zimo can find a chance to get close, he can complete the leapfrog kill!

It sounds simple, but it’s actually as hard as the sky.

Su Zimo looked at Dieyue, no longer concealed the reluctance in her eyes, smiled slightly, and said, “Miss Die, goodbye.”

Dieyue turned around and waved her hand away from Su Zimo.

Su Zimo took a deep breath, walked out of the training ground, looked in the direction of King Yan’s city, clenched his fists, and whispered softly, “King Yan, wash your neck, I am Su Zimo!”


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