Eternal Sacred King Chapter 18: 1 year later


Su Zimo was taken aback by the sudden display of such a ferocious blood ape hanging from the monkey.

In addition, Su Zimo suddenly realized the essence of this style, and if he was slightly wrong, he was smashed in the face by the monkey with a solid fist.

This time, Su Zimo was hit so hard that Su Zimo was caught off guard and was thrown into the air by a punch. He hit the stone wall of the cave, smashing a big hole, and a dense crack appeared around the stone wall.


Su Zimo was immediately stunned.

This monkey was laughing happily one moment, and the next moment he turned his face and hit someone, which is completely unreasonable.

In fact, although the monkey has been psychic and has wisdom, it does not understand the world, and it is not contaminated with the intrigue and intrigue in the mundane world.

In the jungle, the only communication of the demon clan is to fight.

The spirit monkey has a simple mind and preserves the most primitive wildness of life. He can fight if he wants to, and laugh when he needs to. The reason for saving Su Zimo is just because he has a grudge against the wolf, and he doesn’t care whether Su Zimo is at all. Humans are still monsters.

After this punch was thrown, Ling Monkey didn’t even think about pulling back.

If Su Zimo hadn’t cultivated the Secret Tome of the Twelve Demon Kings in the Great Wilderness, and devoured the Scarlet Flame Fruit, his body quenching and tendon changing had been completed, and this blood ape’s seal would probably have killed him half to death!

Su Zimo touched the blood dripping from his nose and said with a dark face: “Dead monkey, you want to fight, right?”


Ling monkey was very disdainful, hooked his fingers at Su Zimo, made a provocative gesture, and kept shouting.

Without saying a word, Su Zimo stood up and released the plow steps. In the blink of an eye, he came to the Spirit Monkey, turned his palms, burst into the ground, and fell with a bang!


The spirit monkey shuddered all over, and seemed to be startled by the momentum of the sky-ploughing step and the earth-shattering palm.

The Spirit Monkey seemed to be able to feel the power of the Earth Splitting Palm, so instead of fighting it recklessly, he tapped the ground with his toes, and swishly retreated, with extremely fast speed and light movement.

Su Zimo didn’t take it seriously when his palm fell in the air, pressing him step by step.

After half a year of life and death experience, Su Zimo not only cultivated his spiritual sense, his melee fighting power, and various martial arts skills, he has also matured.

Su Zimo jumped up, clenched his fists, and suddenly protruded from his abdomen, his knuckles protruding, like a pair of horns, stabbing the monkey’s chest!

Seeing this pose, the monkey does not retreat but advances, its body is curled up, one knee seems to be kneeling instead of kneeling, while avoiding the barren ox and the moon, both palms seem to hold a fruit and lift it up.

Blood Ape Donates Fruit!

Su Zimo couldn’t feel the murderous aura at all when this move was performed in the hands of the spirit monkey.

The posture of the blood ape offering fruit looks like a person kneeling down on one knee, bowing his head in obedience.

But for some reason, Su Zimo suddenly felt his scalp explode, and all the hairs on his body stood up.

The spiritual sense he cultivated told him that behind this style, there is a big killer move!

Su Zimo squinted his eyes and retreated violently, while paying attention to the next movements of the monkey.

Crash! collapse! collapse!

Originally, the body of the monkey was curled up, but when it came to Su Zimo, it suddenly bounced away, the muscles in the body trembled, the sound of the bowstring sounded, and the killing intent erupted, and it was suddenly released!

Su Zimo’s mind flashed a flash of light, vaguely grasping the essence of the blood ape hanging seal.

On the one hand, when the tendons are tightened and then suddenly stretched, a stronger force will be released.

On the other hand, the blood ape hanging seal is a move to show weakness first, restrain murderous intentions, and then counterattack.

The apes love to eat things like peaches, but now they are offering the fruits, and something goes wrong.

Bang! boom! boom!

Su Zimo and the monkeys were constantly fighting in this cave, curling their feet together, their palms like knives.

Su Zimo’s fighting skills are wide open.

After a while, the monkey was suppressed.

But it is not easy for Su Zimo to defeat the monkey.

Ling Monkey realized that it was difficult to gain the upper hand in the duel, so he began to walk around Su Zimo by jumping around with his light movement and flexible footsteps.

Of course, from beginning to end, Su Zimo didn’t use all his strength.

Therefore, even if the monkey is occasionally overturned by Su Zimo’s palm, baring his teeth and cracking his mouth in pain, he can still stand up and fight again.

Spirit monkeys are extremely warlike, and Su Zimo not only wants to hone his martial arts skills, but also wants to comprehend the essence of the three types of blood ape.

Although there is not much communication between one person and one monkey, they have an indescribable tacit understanding.

For the next time, Su Zimo lived in this cave.

One person and one monkey go out occasionally to find trouble with the blue wolf clan. After killing a lot of blue wolves, they escaped before being besieged by the blue wolves.

Of course, Su Zimo didn’t say anything about wiping the monkey’s feces. Instead, he found an herbal medicine that could cover up the breath on his body and avoid the sense of smell of the wolf clan.

Outside the cave, Su Zimo and Spirit Monkey joined forces to kill wolves.

But back in the cave, if one person and one monkey can’t communicate a few words, they will fight in one place.

Later, when Ling Monkey saw that he couldn’t take advantage of it, he was angry, so he began to attack.

Sometimes, when Su Zimo was resting and falling asleep, the monkey sneaked up and punched, then turned around and fled, hiding in the distance and grimacing at Su Zimo, laughing arrogantly, like a victorious general Same.

Over time, as Su Zimo’s spiritual sense became more and more sensitive, it was difficult for the spirit monkey to make a sneak attack.

In the blink of an eye, more than five months have passed.

The one-year test of surviving in the Canglang Mountains is approaching its deadline.

During this period of time, Su Zimo devoured flesh and blood while refining the power of the Scarlet Flame Fruit. The realm of quenching the body and changing the tendons continued to rise, moving towards the realm of great achievement.

Su Zimo’s body is coordinated, firm and soft, and his steps are as light as a civet cat. He walks silently and walks without a trace. He jumps and shuttles in the dense forest, like a monkey. With the help of ancient branches, he can make No point.

Of course, for Su Zimo, the biggest improvement is his melee power.

In the Canglang Mountains, there are not many spirit beasts who can fight Su Zimo without defeat.

One person and one monkey seem to have become the overlords of one party. Many spirit beasts will choose to retreat when they see them.

Su Zimo always felt that the cold pool in the cave was unusual. During this period, he dived into the depths of the cold pool several times, trying to find out.

But before Su Zimo could dive to the bottom of the water, the chill had already penetrated into his body.

On this day, Su Zimo planned to go to the cold lake to investigate for the last time before leaving the Canglang Mountains.

It didn’t take long for Su Zimo to climb up, unable to hide the loss in his eyes, and shook his head.

Still not working.

The two articles of quenching the body and changing the tendons are the muscles and tendons. In the depths of the cold pool, the flesh and the tendons can block the scouring of the cold, but when the cold penetrates into the bones and seeps into the blood, Su Zimo can’t bear it anymore.

In the Secret Tome of the Twelve Demon Kings of the Great Wilderness, the two chapters after Yijin are Bone Forging and Marrow Cutting for It seems that only after cultivating the Marrow Cutting Chapter, can the strength approach the bottom of the cold pool. At that time, you can investigate again. “Su Zimo thought to himself.

The spirit monkey doesn’t know where to go, and Xu is going out to find trouble for the wolf clan again.

Su Zimo is not worried.

The spirit monkey is extremely alert and clever. Although there are many spirit beasts in the Canglang Mountains, it is difficult to hurt it.

What’s more, during this time, Ling Monkey and Su Zimo kept fighting each other, and their own strength also improved a lot.

What makes Su Zimo most curious is that Ling Monkey seems to have learned about Yi Jin.

The spirit monkey not only understands the three forms of the blood ape, but even its normal breathing, breathing and breathing are very similar to the content of the Yijin chapter, but slightly different.

This is a little weird.

Su Zimo once asked Spirit Monkey, and Spirit Monkey seemed to be very shy about this matter and avoided answering.

Later, Su Zimo stopped asking questions.

On this day, Su Zimo did not go out. He planned to wait for the monkey to return, so he said goodbye to it and returned to Pingyang Town.

A year has passed, Su Zimo misses the Su family very much and misses his eldest brother and sister.

Of course, Su Zimo is also looking forward to seeing Dieyue again.

In the blink of an eye, the sun was setting, and it was almost evening.

The monkey has not returned yet.

Su Zimo frowned slightly, a look of worry flashing in his eyes.

The night in the Canglang Mountains is still terrifying, and terrifying spirit monsters often appear to hunt for food. Although Su Zimo and the spirit monkeys are strong, they are still unable to fight against the spirit monsters.

So, before night comes, they all return to the cave early.

There has never been a situation where the monkey has not returned for a day like this.

Su Zimo felt uneasy, suddenly got up, pulled out the Thunderbolt Saber inserted on the stone wall and tied it behind him, and walked out of the cave.


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