Eternal Martial Emperor Chapter 731: With just one sword, you can kill them all!


Hearing that Lin Yun was mentioned on the 35th, Julia immediately showed an unbelievable expression, and then shouted Lin Yun’s name: “Lin Yun, is that you?!”

The sword that Lin Yun cut just now happened to cut off the ceiling of Julia’s room, so Julia was in the open air at this time.

Although Lin Yun couldn’t see Julia because of the angle, he could hear her cry.

“Sister-in-law, it’s me.” Lin Yun responded immediately.

“Why are you here?” Julia asked in disbelief.

Lin Yun went to the top of the continent and has been leaving for several days. Therefore, in her opinion, Lin Yun has already left the territory of a thousand countries. Even if she came back to rescue as soon as she learned that she was arrested, it would not be so fast.

“We’ll talk about this later, but now I’m going to save you first.” After Lin Yun finished speaking, he blessed the energy of the Demon God Core Crystal on the blood bat sword in his hand.

“Go and stop him, don’t let him disturb me before I send the target back to God’s Domain.” On the 35th, he issued an order to all the members present, then turned and walked to the super large teleportation circle, ready to start Activate the super large teleportation circle.

The super-large teleportation formation on the Tianwu Continent must be horizontally aligned with the general formation of the God’s Domain in order to complete this ultra-long-range space teleportation.

The two continents are rotating at any time, and the teleportation arrays built on the two continents are only aligned horizontally for a few minutes.

On the 35th, to teleport Julia to the realm of the gods, it must be completed within these few minutes. If he misses these few minutes, he has to wait for the next alignment, which will be delayed for at least a few days. So he can’t be disturbed by anyone during the transmission.

After receiving the order from No. 35, all the killers in the scene turned their attention to Lin Yun, urging their own vitality to condense their martial souls.

“I’m in a hurry, let’s all go together!” Lin Yunyou glanced coldly at all the enemies, and then directly launched the Divine Sword Art of World Destruction.

Death Sword Art – Fifth Form!

Lin Yun slashed vertically with his sword, and instantly released a nanometer sword energy, slashing straight at No. 5.

No. 5 had just condensed a cross-shaped martial spirit, and before he could use his martial spirit’s ability, he was directly split in half by Lin Yun’s sword.

What confuses Lin Yun is that after No. 5’s corpse fell, the cross-shaped martial spirit did not dissipate, but suspended above No. 5’s corpse.

No. 10, No. 8, No. 7 reacted very quickly. At the moment when Lin Yun was stunned, they activated their martial arts abilities at the same time, unleashing three fierce attacks, and slammed into Lin Yun from three different directions. .

Lin Yun didn’t even bother to hide, so he just stood there still, letting the attack of the three people fall on him, and then formed a violent explosion, blasting a pit with a diameter of tens of meters on the ground, and splashing upwards A cloud of dust dozens of meters high.

No. 10, No. 8, and No. 7 all had fanatical smiles on their faces, apparently thinking that Lin Yun had died in their attack.

However, in the next instant, the smiles on the faces of the three of them completely froze. Because Lin Yun’s naked figure flew out of the dust cloud intact.

Except for the fact that his clothes were completely destroyed, he didn’t even have the slightest scar on his body, not even the slightest bloodstain.

All three were stunned in shock, almost dropping their jaws on the ground. They couldn’t believe that their all-out attack could not cause any damage to the enemy in front of them.

Before the three of them recovered from the shock, Lin Yun cut out a sword again, directly beheading No. 7 at a distance of tens of meters.

No. 8 and No. 10 came back to their senses and hurriedly attacked Lin Yun again.

Lin Yun didn’t give them another chance, and he slashed out with another sword in his backhand, releasing a nanometer sword energy that directly cut off the two of them in the middle.

In the blink of an eye, the four assassins of the Martial Sect were all killed in Huangquan!

A sword!

It’s all a sword!

Whether it is a first-level Wuzong, a second-level Wuzong, or a third-level Wuzong. In Lin Yun’s eyes, there is absolutely no difference between them, they only need one sword to kill them all!

The branch president of this branch, as well as the three senior leaders of A, B, and C, as well as the other top ten killers, seem to have gone out to perform missions and did not stay at the branch base.

When the four killers were killed, the only one who stopped Lin Yun was the red-haired woman at the beginning.

After seeing that the other killers were all killed, the red-haired woman finally did not dare to hide anymore, and immediately urged her vitality to condense her martial spirit.

Her spirit form is very special. It is neither a tool nor a creature, but a magic circle that glows with blue light.

Centered on herself, this circle suddenly spreads out in all directions, covering an area with a radius of fifty meters.

In the area covered by this magic circle, the gravity seemed to increase countless times in an instant, all the puppet guards were crushed to the ground and unable to move, and even the ground was constantly collapsing downwards.

The red-haired woman in the center of the circle is completely unaffected by gravity. The land under her feet did not collapse down, in sharp contrast to the surrounding collapsed land, turning into an earth pillar half a meter in diameter.

Lin Yun didn’t have that much time to observe the red-haired woman’s abilities, so he swung his sword towards her without saying a word.

The red-haired woman had long observed Lin Yun’s movements, and at the same time Lin Yun’s sword was slashed out, she had already jumped up from the soil pillar and charged towards the area where Lin Yun was.

The Martial Spirit in the form of a magic circle also moved synchronously with the red-haired woman, and the ground collapsed down one after another.

When the red-haired woman moved to Lin Yun’s side, a strong gravity suddenly hit. Lin Yun suddenly sank toward the ground, and his whole body was buried in the soil, as if he was stuck in a swamp.

Lin Yun, who had practiced in the super-heavy world, immediately judged by feeling that the force of gravity had increased at least a thousand times.

Lin Yun itself weighs hundreds of thousands of pounds, and in an environment with a thousand times the gravity, it weighs more than 100 million pounds.

Although Lin Yun can bear this kind of weight, the ground under his feet cannot. After all, these grounds are made of soil, which is incomparable to the ground on black dwarf stars.

It is for this reason that Lin Yun sinks directly into the soil.

After sinking into the soil, Lin Yun had nowhere to use his feet, as if he were moving in a swamp, no amount of strength could be used.

Lin Yun tried swinging his arms to swim in the soil, but his swimming speed was very limited, and he couldn’t escape the red-haired woman’s gravitational range. Because the red-haired woman moves on the ground many times faster than he swims in the dirt.

And Lin Yun wanted to attack the red-haired woman, but he was restricted because he was in the dirt, so he couldn’t attack her at all. The ability of this red-haired woman’s martial soul can perfectly restrain a martial artist like Lin Yun who is overweight.


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