Eternal Martial Emperor Chapter 728: It’s more than that


“How’s it going? Surprised? But I’m here to tell you that there’s more to resilience and resilience than that!”

After the one-eyed middle-aged man finished speaking, he activated his vitality, which made the vitality in his body run at an extremely high speed, which was hundreds of times faster than the normal speed in the blink of an eye.

His body also became hot, and his skin began to turn red and smoke continuously. His state at this time is somewhat similar to the first form of the Demon God Nucleus.

The one-eyed middle-aged man said to Lin Yun: “When a martial artist uses the vitality in his body to operate at a speed far beyond the limit, the operation of the body’s functions will speed up.”

“Increased metabolism, faster cell turnover, faster blood flow, and even faster neural responses. This allows a warrior to go beyond his own limits.”

“However, the high-speed movement of vitality in the body will generate huge pressure, which is far beyond what ordinary warriors can bear. Only me with super elasticity and toughness can withstand that huge internal pressure. “

After finishing speaking, the one-eyed middle-aged raised his left foot and swept towards Lin Yun. The feet stretched and stretched at the moment of sweeping, like an iron whip dozens of meters long, and the rocks and trees were swept away.

Lin Yun can clearly feel that the speed of the one-eyed middle-aged at this time is much faster than before. However, compared to myself, it is still a little bit worse.

Lin Yun instantly raised his hand to catch the sole of the one-eyed middle-aged man, then grabbed the sole of his foot and threw him backwards, throwing him backwards, and slammed into a mountain a hundred meters away.

The one-eyed middle-aged man stepped on the mountain with his feet, and bounced back at the same speed. At the same time, he threw his fists at Lin Yun. In an instant, hundreds of blurry fist shadows were thrown out, and they fell densely towards Lin Yun. cloud.

Although Lin Yun would not suffer any damage even if he was hit by his fist, he would be pinned to the ground and unable to move.

Lin Yun didn’t want to be pressed on the ground with a hammer, so he immediately evaded the punching shadow.

The hundreds of fist shadows were avoided by Lin Yun one after another, bombarding the rocky ground like a storm, and the rocky ground was smashed to pieces in the blink of an eye.

Boom boom boom boom!

After being bombarded by a violent storm, the ground within a radius of tens of meters was exaggeratedly dented downward, forming a huge pit several meters deep, and the rocks in the pit were crushed to the size of fingernails.

Under the inertia of the elastic force, the one-eyed middle-aged man’s punching speed became faster and faster, and in the end, even the shadow of the fist disappeared. Only his armless body remained, miraculously hovering in mid-air because of the reaction force of his fist hitting the ground.

At first, it was easy for Lin Yun to avoid the one-eyed middle-aged fist, but it became more difficult to dodge as he went to the back. In the end, he had to turn on Wei Wei to help.

After turning on the micro state, the picture in Lin Yun’s eyes instantly became slow. The shadow of the fist that was almost blurry in Lin Yun’s eyes also instantly became clearly visible.

Lin Yun raised his left hand and grabbed it violently, instantly grabbing the wrist of the one-eyed middle-aged man. At the same time, a blood bat sword appeared in his right hand, and he slashed straight at the grabbed wrist.


A cold light flashed instantly, and the one-eyed middle-aged man’s stretched wrist was directly cut off by Lin Yun.

The one-eyed middle-aged groaned, and hurriedly retracted the other arm. He no longer dared to attack Lin Yun rashly, but took out his sword and confronted Lin Yun.

The one-eyed middle-aged Martial Spirit ability is similar to and opposite to that of the Red Rakshasa.

Red Rakshasa’s martial soul ability can ignore any sharp weapon’s slash, and it is the natural nemesis of sword-type weapons.

The one-eyed middle-aged martial arts ability can ignore any blunt impact and is the natural nemesis of fists and hammers.

But as long as the ways to deal with them are converted to each other, all problems will be solved.

Lin Yun rushed to the one-eyed middle-aged man with a sword and slashed at his remaining arm, apparently wanting to abolish his arms first, and then his feet.

The one-eyed middle-aged man clearly understood Lin Yun’s intention and immediately parried and evaded, avoiding Lin Yun’s attack in time.

Lin Yun continued to pursue the victory, but after fighting with him for a few rounds, he still failed to cut off his remaining arm.

It’s actually very easy for Lin Yun to kill him, and he can easily do it with just one sword. But if you want to capture him alive, you don’t dare to be too ruthless, otherwise you will kill him accidentally, and you will know the location of the branch base at that time.

The two were at a stalemate for a while, and the battle was inconclusive.

The one-eyed middle-aged man knew that he was not Lin Yun’s opponent, and that Lin Yun did not dare to kill him, so he simply turned around and ran away.

Lin Yun immediately chased after them. The two chased and fled between the mountains. In a blink of an eye, they ran more than ten miles away, just in time to run into the circling violent pterosaurs.

Lin Ying, Yun Ruoxi, and Zhang Wei on the back of the violent pterosaur stared at Lin Yun intently.

The one-eyed middle-aged immediately judged that the three people on the back of this violent pterosaur were Lin Yun’s companions.

The one-eyed middle-aged man didn’t think much about it, he immediately rushed towards the violent pterosaur, obviously wanting to hijack Lin Ying and others to threaten Lin Yun.

At this moment, an ancient and vast aura suddenly filled the heavens and the earth, like an ancient devil descending.

Lin Yun instantly floated up in the air, and behind him appeared a seven-eyed prehistoric demon god, releasing a god-like coercion.

The Demon God of Honghuang opened the first eye on the right. The pupil of this eye was red, with a **** branded in the pupil, and it was constantly rotating inward.

Lin Yun’s scarlet pupils also appeared in a **** pattern and lit up with a dazzling red light.

The power of the devil – control of all things!

An invisible force as vast as a star filled the entire world in an instant.

Gravity disappeared in an instant, and everything on the ground below was irresistibly suspended in the air.

The one-eyed middle-aged man who had come to Lin Ying was instantly bound by that irresistible force, and suddenly froze in place, unable to move, and just suspended in midair quietly.

He wanted to break free from the shackles of this power, but he was very desperate to find that his body seemed to be frozen in ice. No matter how hard he struggled, it was of no use in the end, and he couldn’t even move his fingers. arrive.

Lin Yunxuan floated in front of the one-eyed middle-aged man, and unceremoniously slashed a sword vertically, directly chopped off his remaining arm, then swung a sword horizontally, and slashed his legs. cut down.

After doing all this, Lin Yun released the Great Desolate Demon God. His glowing pupils returned to their original state, and the black **** pattern in the pupils also disappeared.

And those substances that floated in the air before fell to the ground at the moment when the Great Desolate Demon God disappeared. Lin Yun grabbed the one-eyed middle-aged man with only the torso left, and brought him to the back of the violent pterosaur. He began to extract his memory. From his memory, he quickly found the location of the base of the assassination club…


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