Eternal Martial Emperor Chapter 659: Yun Ruoxi hasn’t come out yet


Outside the Witch God’s Pagoda, many young geniuses have been teleported from the first floor one after another.

Some of them failed to pass and chose to give up directly, and some returned through victory.

Murong Xue, Nangong Qian, Nangong Luo, Hua Mochou, Shangguan Yehua, and Shangguan Zihua did not choose to enter the second floor, so they all returned victoriously from the first floor.

Even though they only crossed the first floor, their cultivation has also increased by two levels. From the previous second-level martial artist to the current fourth-level martial artist.

About two or three minutes later, Lin Ying and Zhang Wei were also teleported from the first floor.

The two who came out were no longer warriors, but warriors in the martial arts realm.

Lin Ying, who was originally an eighth-level warrior, jumped up three levels in her cultivation to the second-level warrior realm.

As for Zhang Wei, who was originally a fifth-level warrior, his cultivation level jumped up five levels to the first-level martial artist.

Apparently they all passed the first floor and gained a lot of cultivation in the first floor.

“I broke through… I broke through the martial artist!” Zhang Wei cheered excitedly, as if he had met a big happy event.

You must know that in the original Qingyun City, the martial master was a martial arts powerhouse that even the Lord of Qingyun City looked up to.

A year ago, Zhang Wei didn’t even dare to think about the height of a martial artist. Because at that time, he was just a servant without dignity.

And today, a year later, he has become the martial artist who he didn’t even dare to think about back then.

All of this is due to Lin Yun. Without Lin Yun, he would not be what he is today.

Following Lin Yun for just one year, you can grow into a strong martial artist, what if it is five or ten years?

At first Zhang Wei always thought that Lin Yun was just exaggerating when he said that he wanted to make him the top powerhouse in the mainland. But at this moment, he had no doubts about Lin Yun’s words.

After seeing Lin Ying and Zhang Wei both pass the first floor, many people were extremely shocked. They all clearly remembered that before the two of them entered, they only had the cultivation of the warrior realm.

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It is unbelievable how a warrior can leapfrog a third-level warrior and pass through the first floor of the Witch God’s Pagoda!

Especially for those geniuses who didn’t pass the first floor, they just can’t wait to find a hole to burrow in and never show up again.

Even the warriors of other people’s warrior realm can break through the first floor, but these dignified warriors can’t even break through.

Watching more and more geniuses come out of the tower, the tower guards began to count the numbers.

At this moment, there was a sudden exclamation from the crowd.

“The third floor is lit up!”

“What! Is the third floor lit up?”

For a time, everyone turned their heads in unison, and their eyes fell on the third floor of the Witch God’s Pagoda.

I saw that the originally dim third floor actually shone brightly at this time.

After seeing the light on the third floor, everyone’s eyes flickered with throbbing.

Each floor of the Witch God’s Pagoda is a formation. After the formation is cracked, that layer will light up brightly.

The third floor lights up, which means someone has passed through the third floor.

And it was only a few minutes before the training began.

What is the concept of passing through the third floor in a few minutes?

You must know that even Marshal Daqin took nearly half an hour to break through the third floor with difficulty.

And at this very moment, someone managed to break through the third floor in just a few minutes. This is a complete blow to Marshal Qin!

It goes without saying that everyone also knows that the person who completely destroyed Marshal Qin was undoubtedly Lin Yun.

However, what they never thought was that Lin Yun broke through the third floor in a few minutes because he was testing the strength of the enemy. If he goes through the level at the fastest speed, I am afraid that he can easily pass through the third floor without even ten seconds.

“The commander passed the third level, but he did not come out. It seems that he is passing the fourth level.”

“With the ability of the commander, it will be no problem to pass the fourth level, right?”

“Aren’t you talking nonsense? Don’t say it’s the fourth level, even the fifth level, the commander doesn’t matter at all.”

Everyone stared at the fourth floor with anticipation. What they thought was not whether Lin Yun could clear the level, but how much time Lin Yun would take to clear the level.

It didn’t take long for some geniuses to be teleported from the second floor one after another.

From the second floor, the worst ones are Jiang Nanjian’s level, and at least they all have ground level martial arts.

Finally a few minutes later, Nangong Yan was teleported from the second floor.

When she was teleported out, all the vitality in her body had been exhausted, and she was almost in a state of collapse.

Even on the edge of the corner of her mouth, the blood that has just been wiped can be seen, obviously she has suffered internal injuries.

However, her injury is worth it, because after killing the enemy on the second floor, her cultivation base has jumped up to the sixth-level martial artist. Compared with when she first entered, she has improved by four levels.

“Sister Yan, are you alright?” Seeing Nangong Yan’s pale face, Lin Ying immediately stepped forward to support her.

Nangongyan is Lin Yun’s wife, so Lin Ying regards her as her sister from the bottom of her heart.

Nangongyan knew that Lin Yun loved Lin Ying, so she also loved Lin Ying as her own sister.

Over time, the two sisters’ relationship has gradually become deeper.

“I’m fine, just take the medicine pill.” Nangong Yan shook her head and smiled reluctantly.

“Okay.” Lin Ying immediately helped Nangongyan to the seat and helped her take out the medicinal pill.

“Thank you, my good sister.” Nangong Yan gratefully took the medicine pill and swallowed it in one mouthful. After taking the medicine pill, her complexion quickly recovered a lot.

Lin Ying suddenly remembered something: “By the way, Sister Yan, it seems that Sister Ruoxi hasn’t come out yet!”

“Did she also go to the second floor?” Nangong Yanliu frowned slightly, then immediately turned her head and looked at the Pagoda of the Witch God.

The first floor of the Witch God’s Pagoda has become dim at this time. This means that the first floor is empty, and the remaining people have either come out or have entered the second floor.

Yun Ruoxi didn’t come out, that means she must have entered the second floor.

“Oops, she’s on the second floor, I’m afraid her life will be in danger.” Nangong Yanliu’s brows furrowed more and more tightly.

She knows how powerful the demon women on the second floor are.

That’s by no means comparable to a Tier 1 enemy!

Even she almost died on the second floor. If it was Yun Ruoxi, she might have really fallen if she was not careful!

Thinking of this, Nangong Yan’s face became more and more solemn.

Although Nangongyan and Yun Ruoxi are not familiar with each other, they know that Lin Yun attaches great importance to her, not even below the three evil spirits.

Since she is someone Lin Yun attaches so much importance to, Nangongyan definitely doesn’t want her to have any accident.


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