Eternal Martial Emperor Chapter 652: Bombardment!


Blurry afterimages and golden flashes collided continuously in the air, creating one after another earth-shattering explosions, releasing a terrifying thunderous noise, and even the clouds in the sky were disturbed.

Just as the aftermath of the confrontation between the two fell to the ground, thousands of people died in an instant, and even the nearby hillsides were shaken by the aftermath.

Everyone on the ground stared blankly at the battle in the sky, swallowing their saliva secretly.

Is this the battle between the Wuzong realm powerhouses?

A battle of this scale can no longer be defined by normal humans, and it is more appropriate to define it by a humanoid natural disaster.

The speed at which the two are fighting is so fast that no one can see how they are fighting. Even Qin Feng in the realm of King Wu could only see the golden light and afterimages constantly interweaving and colliding in the air.

Although it only took a few seconds, the two had already clashed in the air dozens of times.

In the last confrontation, No. 3 was hit by Lin Yun with a punch, instantly turning into a blurred afterimage and falling straight from the sky, falling on the earth like a meteor.


With a deafening loud noise, the ground instantly sags down five meters, forming a huge crater with a diameter of more than fifty meters, and a dust cloud with a height of more than eighty meters splashes into the sky.

The rolling air waves were mixed with dust and ash, centered on the area where the dust cloud rose, and spread out along the ground like a tsunami, sending all the soldiers around.

The soldiers farther away were lying on the ground one after another. When the rolling air wave swept over them, they shivered and got up from the ground, subconsciously turning their heads to look at the dust clouds behind them.

Seeing the ever-expanding dust cloud, all the soldiers had a broken look on their faces.

They couldn’t believe their eyes, was that really the devastation caused by one punch?

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, golden flashes also descended from the sky and landed not far from the edge of the dust cloud, revealing Lin Yun’s original appearance.

At this time, Lin Yun had removed the hardened armor, and his body became brighter red than before, and even started to emit red flames, and the temperature had obviously reached more than 1,000 degrees.

Although the hardened armor can protect Lin Yun from harm, it also confines the heat in his body, preventing the heat from spreading out.

In the second form of the Demon God Core Crystal, Lin Yun’s body temperature exceeded eight hundred degrees. If the heat is imprisoned and cannot spread, his body temperature will become higher and higher, until it finally reaches a point that he cannot bear.

Especially in the fierce battle, Lin Yun’s body temperature rose to more than 1,000 degrees in just a few seconds.

So Lin Yun had to stop now, remove the hardened armor, and continuously spew a lot of heat from his mouth to cool himself down in this way.

After spewing out a lot of hot air, the flame on Lin Yun’s body finally went out, and his body temperature dropped below a thousand degrees.

At this time, No. 3 stepped on a larger hornet and flew out of the dust cloud.

At this time, he no longer had the aloof appearance he had before. Some were only covered in blood and filth, his entire face had been severely deformed, his limbs were twisted at strange angles, and even a few teeth were missing. How embarrassing, how embarrassing.

Lin Yun raised his right hand to the flying No. 3 and raised the blood-colored bat sword in his hand: “Thank you for the sword, I like it very much.”

“Congratulations, you succeeded in angering me, and I will tear you to pieces!” No. 3 roared frantically, his face became extremely ferocious and contorted, and he was completely dazzled by anger.

In history, he has never been so embarrassed as he is now.

After the roar of No. 3 fell, all the wasps in the fortress were summoned back by him and gathered above his head, forming a scene that covered the sky and the sun, like a huge dark cloud.

The wasps began to fuse on a massive scale, forming a human-sized bumblebee.

More than one billion wasps eventually merged into thousands of bumblebees, all of which raised their tails and aimed their tail needles at Lin Yun.

Lin Yun immediately let the hardened armor grow again, wrapping his entire body in an airtight manner.

Whoa, whoa, whoa…

Numerous tail needles suddenly fell from the sky, turning into countless blue phantoms, shooting at Lin Yun like raindrops, covering all their dodging spaces.

In this case, there is no room for dodging on the ground, and Lin Yun can only hide in the sky.

He slammed his feet on the ground, and his whole body instantly soared into the sky, leaving only a hole ten meters in diameter on the ground.

In the next instant, the 10-meter-diameter pit was engulfed by the explosion.

Lin Yun instantly flew to a height of 100 meters, ready to cast the World Destruction Sword Art on No. 3.

However, as expected after 3rd, the bumblebee stepping on his feet spurted a storm of vitality directly from the tail.

The power of this vitality storm is not large, but its coverage is very wide, covering an area of ​​hundreds of meters in an instant, making Lin Yun unable to dodge at all.

After being hit by this vitality storm, Lin Yun’s speed suddenly decreased greatly.

At the moment when Lin Yun’s speed slowed down, all the bumblebees around No. 3 uniformly shot their tail needles at Lin Yun.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of tail needles fell on Lin Yun’s body one after another, forming violent explosions in mid-air.

Lin Yun was directly blasted back to the ground, and his whole body was completely crushed into the soil.

No. 3 still refused to give up, and controlled thousands of bumblebees, aiming at Lin Yun’s continuous and indiscriminate bombardment.

Boom boom boom boom!

The area where Lin Yun fell, turned into a sea of ​​flames in an instant, covering an area of ​​1,000 meters.

gc latest chapter? Section 7 (E

The sea of ​​fire spreads and swept outward like a tsunami, burning hundreds of thousands of Roman soldiers to ashes and turning the ground thousands of meters into scorched earth.

Even though No. 3’s attack on Lin Yun spread to his own army, causing hundreds of thousands of soldiers to die in vain, he didn’t care at all.

It seems that not hundreds of thousands of soldiers died, but hundreds of thousands of ants. As long as Lin Yun can be put to death, it doesn’t matter how many ants die.

The bombardment continued for more than ten seconds, and it finally stopped when No. 3 was constantly breathing.

Although the explosion has stopped, the sea of ​​​​fire is still strong and cannot be extinguished for a long time.

All the coalition soldiers in the fortress stared at the monstrous sea of ​​fire outside the fortress in a daze.

They can swear to God, this is definitely the most shocking battle scene they have ever seen in their lives.

Under such a destructive offensive, if anyone could survive, it would be a miracle within a miracle.

Even if the person being attacked was Lin Yun who once defeated Marshal Daqin, no one would think that he was still alive at this time.

Even King Zhen, who had the most confidence in Lin Yun, was not quite sure whether Lin Yun was still alive.


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