Eternal Martial Emperor Chapter 649: Fall down!


It was not until the billowing smoke dissipated that everyone saw the figure standing in the scorched pit. That was the Marshal Qin, whom they regarded as their faith.

At this time, Marshal Qin had long lost his invincible image. The armor on his body was tattered, and most of the horn helmet on his head was missing.

Under the desperate gazes of everyone, Marshal Da Qin’s shaky body finally couldn’t support it and slowly fell forward.

The scene is silent.

All the soldiers in the fortress stared at Marshal Daqin, who was leaning forward, with dull eyes, and watched the number one powerhouse in the southeastern region fall.

Everyone can’t believe this fact.

Marshal of Great Qin.

The legend that was regarded as a belief by Daqin soldiers.

The myth that has fought countless battles in his life, but has never been defeated.

The man whose reputation alone can make his country’s army fearless.

He is synonymous with invincibility in the Southeast.

And now, the man who created the myth of invincibility in the southeast has fallen in front of hundreds of thousands of allied soldiers.

He lost this battle.

A total defeat!

At this moment, the beliefs of all coalition soldiers collapsed with the fall of Marshal Daqin.

The confidence of all coalition soldiers was completely shattered with the fall of Marshal Daqin.

The morale of the whole army dropped to freezing point in an instant, and the hearts of all soldiers were occupied by helplessness and despair.

Qin Feng was the first to recover from his horror. He jumped off the city wall and landed on the open space in the fortress, and then urged his vitality to condense his martial soul.

A hoe, glowing green, suddenly appeared behind him. He immediately pressed the ground with both hands, and the solid soil that had been dry was instantly liquefied into mud after being touched by his hands.

The liquefied mud continues to spread underground, and the spread is very rapid. In just a few seconds, it extended from the position where his hands touched to the position where Marshal Daqin was hundreds of meters away from the fortress.

The soil under Marshal Daqin immediately liquefied into mud, and then Marshal Daqin also sank quickly, as if he had fallen into the water, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

After a breath, the **** Marshal Qin was pulled out of the mud by Qin Feng.

Qin Feng immediately checked the situation of Marshal Da Qin. After finding that he still had a weak heartbeat, he breathed a sigh of relief for a while, and then took out a medicinal pill for him to take.

Boom boom boom boom!

At this moment, a series of explosions sounded, and the entire fortress was constantly shaking.

Qin Feng hurriedly looked up and saw that the towering city wall was blasted out of a huge gap, and a large amount of smoke filled the gap.

The next second, the thick smoke was torn apart, and the enemy troops rushed into the fortress like a tide.

Marshal Daqin was defeated and the fortress wall was breached. Qin Feng knew that the fortress could no longer be defended.

Not only this fortress, but the entire Beicang County could not be defended.

Faced with a powerful enemy that even Marshal Daqin could not defeat, even if the remaining coalition forces stayed and defended, they were just making unnecessary sacrifices.

As the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you won’t be afraid of running out of firewood. Instead of defending here, it is better to keep the troops, retreat to the Beiyan King City, integrate with the legion stationed in the Beiyan King City, and then join forces to fight the enemy.

“The whole army obeys the order and retreat immediately!” Qin Feng made a decisive decision and immediately issued an order to the whole army.

Qin Feng’s words are like a key fuse.

As soon as he finished speaking, countless soldiers turned and fled.

Even some generals followed suit.

They knew very well in their hearts that there was absolutely no chance of winning the battle, not even the slightest hope.

Because even the invincible Marshal of Qin in their eyes was defeated, how could they still have the courage to fight the enemy?

Just as the coalition forces began to retreat, dozens of bumblebees appeared over the fortress and began to bombard the coalition forces with their tails, killing tens of thousands of soldiers in a blink of an eye.

The ten generals in the army stood up recklessly and joined forces to block the attack of No. 3 and cover the soldiers to evacuate.

“Just because of you rabble, do you want to fight me?” No. 3 was surrounded by ten generals of the Martial King Realm, his face still full of indifference.

The ten generals all mobilized their vitality, condensed their own martial spirits, and rushed towards No. 3 like moths fighting a flame.

The overwhelming vitality burst out of No. 3’s body, forming a vitality shield with a diameter of more than ten meters outside his body, which bounced off the generals who rushed towards him.

No. 3 raised his hand and pointed forward at will, and a ray of vitality with the thickness of the finger shot out at several times the speed of sound, and shot straight at one of the generals who flew out.

The vitality ray seemed to pass through a layer of paper, and easily penetrated the general’s breastplate, then penetrated his entire chest, and then penetrated the building behind him.

The number 3 finger moved to one side, and another vitality ray shot out, and in a blink of an eye, it penetrated the chest of another general.

No. 3’s backhand pointed again, and the third general’s head was also shot through a blood hole.

The martial spirits of these ten generals do not have the ability to share damage, and cannot withstand the vitality rays of the strong Wuzong like Marshal Qin.

In front of Wuzong’s strong people, their bodies are as fragile as tofu scum, completely vulnerable to a single blow!

The offensive formed by the ten people joined forces, and it collapsed under the 3rd finger in a blink of an eye.

Whether it is a first-level martial arts king, a second-level martial arts king, or a third-level martial arts king, there is no difference in front of No. 3. With just one finger, all of them will be dropped in seconds!

These ten generals are also naturally aware that even if they all unite, they will not be the opponent of No. 3. They stood up to block No. 3, just to buy more time for the coalition to evacuate.

What they didn’t expect, however, was that No. 3’s strength was far beyond their imagination.

A’update y update “;the fastest~h on;d

In just a few seconds, they all fell to the ground covered in blood, dead and crippled.

At this time, most of the coalition soldiers had not yet withdrawn from the fortress, and were all exposed to the fierce attack of No. 3.

Marshal Daqin fell, and ten generals were either dead or disabled, and no one dared to stand up in the entire fortress.

When everyone is fleeing.

When everyone is in deep despair.

When everyone thinks they won’t see the sun tomorrow.

A piercing screeching sound came suddenly from the distant sky.

The soldiers who were fleeing desperately all raised their heads subconsciously and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a roaring flying behemoth, passing over them at high speed, flying straight towards the center of the most fiercely fighting fortress.

Qin Feng, who was evacuating with Marshal Daqin on his back, recognized this flying beast at a glance. It was the mount of the commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces – the Raging Wyvern!


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