Eternal Martial Emperor Chapter 648: Shoot away!


“What’s your name?” No. 3 was a little surprised to see that Marshal Qin was still alive.

In his impression, there is no martial artist in the Martial King Stage who can survive after being hit by his vitality ray. Could it be that this person is the target that the branch president said?

“Marshal Daqin, Qin Tian.” Marshal Daqin announced his name.

When I heard the name of Marshal Daqin, No. 3 looked a little disappointed: “You are the first King Wu who can block my blow. I originally thought that you were the guy named Lin Yun, but I didn’t expect it to be. “

When Marshal Daqin heard the words, his face was ashen. Obviously, he did not expect that his name in the southeast region was not as loud as Lin Yun.

No. 3 stood on the back of the wasp and said to Marshal Qin: “You have aroused my curiosity. I really want to see how strong your body is.”

As Number 3 speaks, millions of wasps gather over his head.

The wasps fuse together to form a human-sized bumblebee.

The hornet immediately raised its tail and aimed its blue tail at Marshal Qin.

Marshal Da Qin frowned slightly, and a deep vigilance flashed in his eyes. He felt a strong crisis from the hornet’s tail needle.

Just the tail needles of those little hornets can easily penetrate a samurai’s protective vitality. As for this bumblebee, which is fused by millions of little wasps, one can imagine how terrifying the attack power is.

Its tail needle contains a lot of vitality, it is more appropriate to say that it is a shell of vitality rather than a tail needle.

After feeling the fear of the tail needle, Marshal Daqin immediately evaded to one side.

The moment Marshal Qin made a dodging action, the tail needle shot out from the tail of the bumblebee, turning into a blue light and shooting at him at high speed.

As soon as Marshal Daqin jumped up from the ground, the area where he was just now suddenly burst into a light group, instantly crushing the soil layer on the ground into powder.


Accompanied by an earth-shattering explosion, the shock wave swept out along the ground and sent everything around.

A 30-meter-tall dust cloud rises from the area formed by the explosion. Under the dust cloud, there is a pit with a diameter of twenty meters.

Marshal Daqin stood 100 meters away, looking back at the explosion behind him with a cold sweat on his face. I was secretly glad that I dodged in time, otherwise the situation would be really dangerous.

The Martial Spirit ability of Marshal Daqin is to distribute the damage suffered by a certain part of the body to every part of the body.

This ability is only effective for attacks such as “fist” and “arrows” that focus on one point, and it is completely ineffective for large-scale destructive attacks such as “explosion” and “lightning”.

“Have you escaped?” As No. 3 spoke, millions of wasps gathered above his head and merged into several hornets.

Each wasp aimed its tail at Marshal Daqin and fired its tail needles at the same time.


Tail needles shot out at extreme speed, turning into streaks of blue light and shadows, shooting at Marshal Daqin at extreme speed.

Marshal Daqin dodged again and again, but the area of ​​the explosion was too wide, and the flames instantly enveloped dozens of meters in a radius, engulfing his figure.

The coalition soldiers couldn’t help holding their breaths, pale with fright.

In the next second, Marshal Da Qin’s figure emerged from the billowing smoke. Although he became embarrassed, he was not injured, and apparently was not hit directly by the explosion.

Seeing this, the coalition soldiers secretly breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

But in the next second, they tensed up again.

Because of the tails of those bumblebees, new tail needles were regenerated, and then the tails were aimed at Marshal Daqin.

These bumblebees are made of vitality, and tail needles are also made of vitality, so as long as you have enough vitality, there is no problem with how many tail needles you need to make.


Several blue lights and shadows fell from the sky, shooting directly at the area where Marshal Qin was located.

Marshal Daqin pushed his vitality to the extreme, bursting out with unprecedented strength, his feet slammed on the ground, and his body jumped straight into the air.

The explosive fireball exploded under his feet in an instant, and he soared into the sky, suddenly coming under No. 3, and slashing into the sky with an axe in both hands.

At the moment when the sky-splitting battle axe was split, the blue vitality suddenly poured out, forming a huge axe with a width of 20 meters and made of vitality. His aura seemed to tear the sky apart.

This is the most powerful blow of Marshal Daqin – Sky Splitting Slash.

Sky Splitting Slash is a low-grade martial skill, not only of the highest rank in the Great Qin Kingdom, but also of the highest rank in the entire southeastern region.

The power of this martial art also surpasses the entire southeastern region. It can be said that in the southeastern region, no more powerful martial arts can be found.

It is rumored that ten years ago, Marshal Da Qin used this martial skill to split the clouds in the sky into two halves. It can be seen how powerful this martial skill is. It can definitely be said that it deserves its name.

However, in the face of such a powerful blow, No. 3 made a simple move.

I saw him raise his right hand and slap his palm down at will.

The surging vitality poured out from his palm, forming a huge palm of vitality 20 meters long, which fell from the sky like a hill, just hitting the giant axe.


With a loud bang, the axe of vitality that seemed to be able to split the sky and the earth was shot and vanished in an instant.

And after shooting the giant axe of vitality, the power of the giant palm of vitality was still there, it continued to roll down, directly pressing Marshal Da Qin to the ground, and crushing his whole body into the soil.


With a loud bang, the ground instantly sags down two meters, forming a 20-meter-long palm print, like an artificially constructed pond.

The entire body of Marshal Qin was buried in the mud.

~Newest}Chapter #FSectionOon#d

Seeing this shocking scene, all the officers and soldiers of the coalition army were stunned.

They couldn’t believe their eyes. The Sky Splitting Slash, which they once regarded as the strongest martial skill, was slapped away by the enemy in front of them!

“Cough cough!” Marshal Da Qin climbed out of the soil, coughed violently twice, and coughed up a lot of blood from his mouth, apparently suffering from internal injuries.

At this time, several bumblebees have already raised their tails, and they all point their tails at Marshal Qin.


Several blue light and shadows flashed past, and then the area where the palm print was located was engulfed by the explosion of fire, and a large amount of soil was crushed into dust and dust, and was swept into the sky along with the billowing smoke.


Many generals on the city wall shouted in fear.

Even Qin Feng, who had full confidence in Marshal Qin, was as pale as paper at this time.

Everyone stared at the smoke area in horror, praying that Marshal Qin would emerge from the smoke in the next second.

But they waited for a while, but they didn’t see Marshal Qin emerge from the smoke…


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