Eternal Martial Emperor Chapter 621: Are you surprised or surprised?


Four in the morning.

The morning sun has not yet broken, and the dawn has not yet come.

The King City of Beiyan is now shrouded in smog, and everything is in chaotic haze.

On the lake south of Beiyan King City, on the distant horizon, sails gradually emerged.

The soldiers on the observation deck immediately cheered up and stared at the area where the sails appeared.

I saw the sails rise gradually, revealing ships with vague outlines.

“The enemy is attacking, go and report to the commander!”

The high-pitched sound of war drums immediately sounded from the port of the royal city. The sound was extremely penetrating, and instantly spread throughout the entire royal city, and other areas of the royal city also followed the sound of high-pitched war drums.

The soldiers of Beiyan who woke up from their sleep, like a swarm of bees, gathered in the port one after another, filling the port with water in a blink of an eye.

But the soldiers stood still, standing in the harbor waiting for orders.

The bloated Prime Minister Li climbed to the high observation deck and glanced at the ships on the distant horizon.

Although the distance was far apart and was shrouded in fog, he could still vaguely see the densely packed figures standing on the deck with his excellent eyesight.

“Immediately detonate.” Prime Minister Li turned around and walked down the observation deck after dropping those words.

The order he issued was immediately transmitted to the command room in the center of the royal city.

The three white-haired old men in the command room moved the magic circle in front of them at the same time, and the magic circle instantly lit up brightly.

Boom boom boom boom!

The ships sailing on the lake collectively exploded to pieces at that instant, forming violent shock waves, and rising fires 20 meters high.

Countless pieces of ship wreckage are scattered around like raindrops. The shock wave directly set off huge waves several meters high, rippling out along the lake.

Prime Minister Li admired the explosion in the distance with satisfaction, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It wasn’t until the waves landed on the shore that Prime Minister Li ordered the whole army: “The whole army strikes!”

Prime Minister Li’s order spread quickly, and Beiyan soldiers boarded the ship one after another.

Most;h new ☆Chapter C “Section J on ct

Dozens of ships Yang Fan set sail, heading for the waters where the explosion just now occurred.

At the bottom of the lake dozens of meters deep, Donghuang Taiyi and Donghuang Taier, leading dozens of generals from the East Sea Kingdom, quietly approached Beiyan’s ships.

These dozens of generals from the East China Sea Kingdom all possess water-type martial spirits, which can fully adapt to the underwater living environment. Not only can they breathe in water, but they are even faster in water than they can on land.

When the troops led by Dong Huang Taiyi and Dong Huangtai Er approached the Beiyan ship force, they began to float upwards quickly, and they came to the bottom of the ship one after another, sticking detonating charms one by one.

The Beiyan soldiers on the boat were completely unaware of what was happening underwater.

As the fleet got closer to the blast zone, the soldiers finally began to notice anomalies.

“How come it’s all scarecrows, what the **** is going on?”

“Where did the enemy’s body go? Could it be that…”

“Oops! We’re in the loop, there’s no one on these ships!”

Beiyan soldiers just realized something was wrong.


A ship on the right side of the Beiyan Fleet exploded without warning.

Although the explosion is not powerful enough to tear the ship apart, it can also blast through large holes in the bottom of the ship.

A large amount of lake water was poured into the cabin, and the whole ship began to tilt and sink.

“Enemy attack, enemy attack!”

The Beiyan soldiers on the ship screamed in panic.

The soldiers on other ships also looked around, but they didn’t see a single ghost.

And this is just the beginning.

Boom boom boom boom!

The bottom of the ships exploded one after another, forming waves that rose into the sky. The originally calm surface of the lake turned into an earth-shattering tsunami in the blink of an eye.

The entire water area was choppy, and the lake water was instantly evaporated by the terrifying high temperature, turning into a large amount of fog and rising into the air.

Standing in the distant harbor, Prime Minister Li, the sly smile on his face froze for a moment, revealing a look of disbelief.

The remaining Beiyan soldiers at the port also looked pale at the lake in the distance, completely unable to believe what was happening in front of them.

“What the **** is going on?!”

“Why did our own ships all explode?!”

After a violent explosion swept through, the ships began to tilt and sink.

In order to avoid the vortex generated by the ship sinking into the bottom of the lake, countless soldiers rushed to the surface and swam away from the ship.

The 300,000 Northern Yan soldiers collapsed at this moment and completely lost order. It is meaningless to let the generals issue orders.

At this moment, on the horizontal line a thousand meters away, ships appeared in the thick fog and were heading towards this direction at a very fast speed.

“Oops! That’s the real enemy!”

“We are in the enemy’s game, it’s over!”

“It’s too late to pull back, we got on board and fought with them!”

As the first general in the martial king realm, he immediately stood up to organize an army. In just a few minutes, thousands of warriors above the warrior realm were organized to use their vitality to step on the water and charge towards the ships coming from a distance.

Mr. Zhen Guo stood on the deck of a ship, measured the distance visually, and then issued an order to the fleet: “Send arrows!”

With the order of King Zhen, the archers on the ship pulled their bows and arrows, and shot arrows carrying various talismans toward the waters where the enemy was.

A rain of arrows fell from the sky, pouring down on the chaotic Beiyan army.

Thousands of warriors above the warrior realm were the first to be attacked by the rain of arrows.

For a time, flames, frost, lightning, and various energies intertwined to form an unforgettable feast.

However, this is not over yet, a violent pterosaur suddenly appeared from the end of the sky, flew over the Beiyan army in a blink of an eye, and threw a lot of gold coins at them.

A streak of golden light descended from the sky, and instantly a golden light rain fell over the Beiyan army.

After being baptized by the rain of arrows, there were only a few hundred remnants of defeated soldiers of the thousands of warriors above, and they successfully rushed to the front of the coalition fleet.

Jun Guojun raised his palm and fired a vitality cannon at the rushing person, instantly destroying dozens of enemies.

Nangong Yingzheng also summoned his martial spirit, and the golden lightsaber split into countless pieces in an instant, firing continuously at the rushing enemy.

Prince Nangong, Shangguan Xia Yan, and many generals on the ship with long-range attacks also shot.

In the end, there were only more than 100 strong martial artists and the general who led the army.

The powerful martial arts masters of the coalition also stood up one after another, mingling with the powerful martial arts masters of the enemy army, and finally overwhelmingly defeated the enemy with a numerical advantage.

Even the enemy general of the Martial King Stage was easily killed by the King of Zhen.


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