Eternal Martial Emperor Chapter 595: Losing to a servant


Seeing Zhang Wei swept in, Xiao Shuang hurriedly raised her hand to block, and at the critical moment, blocked Zhang Wei’s kick in time.

Zhang Wei’s feet suddenly stopped when he was half a foot away from Xiao Shuang’s head. And at that moment, the mechanism installed on the foot was automatically triggered.

Several embroidery needle-like hidden weapons flew out of the holes in the calf. Because the distance was too close, Xiao Shuang didn’t react at all, and was directly hit in the head by a hidden weapon.

The penetrating power of these hidden weapons is not strong, and they did not pierce Xiao Shuang’s head, but only pierced her scalp and stuck it in her head.

However, after being hit by these hidden weapons, Xiao Shuang suddenly felt a numbness in his head, which quickly spread from his head to his whole body.

Though these hidden weapons have little lethality, they are all coated with potent paralyzing potions. This paralyzing potion was made by Lin Yun himself using the technology of God’s Domain.

Even if even the strongest warriors in the martial arts realm are infused with this paralyzing potion, they will immediately fall into paralysis. Xiao Shuang is a warrior, not to mention.

The moment she was hit by a hidden weapon, the outcome of this duel was already a certainty.

Xiao Shuang couldn’t move in a blink of an eye, and was frozen in place like a stone sculpture, with only two eyeballs left, and she could turn up and down, left and right.

Zhang Wei walked to Xiao Shuang calmly, put the sword on her neck, and said to her coldly, “Miss Xiao, you lost.”

Once upon a time, Zhang Wei was just a humble servant. And Xiao Shuang was the young lady he could only look up to.

And now, the eldest daughter he once looked up to was defeated by him.

The sense of accomplishment from this counterattack was something he had never experienced before.

All of this is because of Lin Yun, who made him who he is today.

Without Lin Yun, there would be no him today.

At this time, Xiao Shuang was stunned in the same place, his eyes dull like a pool of stagnant water.

In her senses, time slowed down in an instant, and Zhang Wei in front of her suddenly became distant.

All hearing and touch became blurred, and the whole world seemed to be quiet at this moment.

She couldn’t hear Zhang Wei’s words, couldn’t hear any voice from the scene, she was completely enclosed in her inner world.

In the depths of her heart, only one voice remained.

I lost to a servant!

I lost to a servant!

I lost to a subordinate…

Xiao Shuang seemed to have been abandoned by the whole world, closed her eyes unwilling to accept the reality, and let her body fall on the frozen ground.

She spent half a year in the Ice Palace, in order to defeat Lin Yun.

But she didn’t even dream that after half a year of hard work, she, who should have been ashamed, not only failed to defeat Lin Yun’s shame, but also lost to the servants around Lin Yun. Cast a new humiliation!

Losing to a subordinate, this is a fatal blow to her already arrogant, and it will blow her to the bottom of her body!

;Look at the official Wa s version chapter 5m!

“White Lord, I’m sorry, but our Nanxia guards won. According to the previous agreement, you should test my king’s strength.” At this time, King Zhen stood up and said to Bai Hanbing.

Bai Hanbing glanced at Zhang Wei, then said to Lin Yun, “That guard’s legs are the mechanism of the puppet sect.”

“These gadgets do have a great effect on enhancing the combat power of warriors in the low realm, but when they reach the high realm, they can only be a weakness.”

“It would be naive if you expected to use this kind of thing against me.”

Listening to Bai Hanbing’s tone, it is obvious that he is not very interested in testing Lin Yun.

Jun Guojun immediately explained to Lin Yun: “My king will not use those things in a duel.”

“Then how can a seventh-level martial artist defeat me as a ninth-level martial king?” Bai Hanbing was really curious as to where the confidence of these people came from.

Bai Hanbing’s words were like a bolt from the blue, and instantly exploded in Xiao Shuang’s mind!

She couldn’t believe her ears.

Lin Yun has become a seventh-level martial artist?

How is this possible?

Absolutely impossible!

If it wasn’t for the fact that his body was still paralyzed, Xiao Shuang would definitely hold his head in his hands and shake his head frantically.

She originally thought naively that her promotion from a second-level warrior to a sixth-level warrior in just over half a year was already a miracle in martial arts.

And now Lin Yun’s changes in the past six months have let her know what a real miracle is!

Recall that more than half a year ago, Lin Yun started from the same level as her, and was also in the second-level warrior realm. But now, after more than half a year, Lin Yun has already crossed over a dozen levels, soared to the realm of a seventh-level martial artist, and transformed into a supreme existence!

But she was still struggling in the warrior realm, still a disciple of the Ice Palace, and was left far behind by the waste of the past.

The gap between them is like the stars that are constantly moving away from each other in the expanding universe. It was so out of reach, so far away that it suffocated her in despair.

“Palace Master, let me test the strength of King Nanxia for you.” Louise, Xiao Shuang’s master, suddenly stood up and asked.

Bai Hanbing glanced at Louise, then nodded in agreement: “Yes, then you can test the strength of King Nanxia instead of Ben Gong.”

Louis has just broken through the realm of a martial king recently, and her strength is far beyond the scope of a martial artist, so Bai Hanbing is very relieved to let her face off against Lin Yun.

Bai Hanbing believes that no matter what tricks Lin Yun uses, it is impossible for him to defeat a strong warrior in the realm of martial arts with the cultivation of the seventh-level martial artist.

“Your Majesty.” Lord Zhen looked helplessly at Lin Yun, who was obviously underestimated at this time.

“It’s okay, I’ll just warm up.” Lin Yun waved his hand and said indifferently.

Hearing Lin Yun’s words, everyone present at the Ice Palace sneered. A seventh-level martial artist faced off against a martial king. He actually said that he should be warming up. I really don’t know where his confidence came from.

Everyone quickly stepped aside to make room for Lin Yun and Louise to duel.

“The boy who only knew how to concoct alchemy at the time is now promising.” Louise stood twenty meters away from Lin Yun and looked at Lin Yun with cold eyes. Looking at this boy who was only a warrior half a year ago, but now has grown into a seventh-level warrior.

With Lin Yun’s current strength, it is completely unrealistic for Xiao Shuang to defeat his shame. Therefore, as Xiao Shuang’s master, Louise could only stand up and defeat Lin Yun in her place, making her a shame.

Xiao Shuang stood sluggishly at this moment, looking at Lin Yun who was about to confront her master with unacceptable eyes.

About half a year ago, she confidently challenged Lin Yun, thinking that through her own efforts, she would be able to be ashamed.

And today, more than half a year later, she was defeated by a servant next to Lin Yun. He could only let his master go to duel with Lin Yun instead of him.

How ironic is this?

What a shame?

How sad is this?


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