Eternal Martial Emperor Chapter 591: Meet Xiao Shuang again!


After negotiating the leadership of the coalition forces, the leaders of the Eight Powers then held detailed talks on the allocation of troops and resources. Finally, the young talents of the eight countries are screened and divided in detail.

After two hours of detailed planning, this grand summit meeting of the eight countries finally came to a successful conclusion.

After leaving the Daqin Kingdom, Lin Yun did not return to Nanxia, ​​but went directly to the Ice Palace.

The Ice Palace is located on the Ice Mountain, in the west of the southeast region, not far from the Daqin Kingdom. Lin Yun rode the violent pterosaur, and in just two or three hours, he arrived at the iceberg.

The iceberg is thousands of meters high, and the snow on the top of the mountain does not melt all the year round, forming a thousand-year-old ice, so it is called the iceberg.

The Ice Palace is built on the top of the Ice Mountain. The elders and disciples there have the most yin to cold physique and are very adaptable to the cold environment, so they do not feel cold.

As soon as Lin Yun and his party arrived at the top of Hanbingshan, they immediately felt the chill.

The temperature here is at least minus Baidu, which is not a place where ordinary people can live.

Zhang Wei and several lieutenants had to stretch their protective energy to resist the cold.

Even King Zhen, who was in the realm of the Martial King, had to protect his body and vitality in the end.

Only Lin Yun, who has two top-grade bloodlines, doesn’t need to care about the attack of severe cold at all, and he doesn’t need to stretch his body protection vitality at all.

In the middle of the top of the iceberg, there is a large-scale building complex, almost comparable to a small town.

All buildings are covered with crystal clear ice crystals, and even the roads are frozen, looking like an ice sculpture city from a distance.

The only building complex that can be built here is obviously the Ice Palace.

The raging pterosaur landed on the ice sculpture square in front of the building complex, and several people jumped off the back of the raging pterosaur.

“Who is coming?” A sharp female voice sounded immediately ahead.

Everyone followed the sound and looked forward, only to see two women in white clothes like snow, walking towards them with swords.

Both of them had frosty faces, giving them an air of indifference.

“Please inform Palace Master Ling that King Nanxia is visiting.” Lord Zhen said to the two women, and then saw Lin Yun pull out a golden token from his arms. This token is Lin Yun. proof of identity.

The two women looked at each other, and then one of the women took the token and poured vitality into it to examine it carefully.

The token of the king seals the will of the first generation king. No matter the age or the cultivation base of the first generation, it can be detected, so it is impossible to fake it.

After checking Lin Yun’s Wang Ling, the woman returned the token respectfully to Lin Yun: “I’ll report to the palace master now, and ask the King of Nanxia to wait patiently here.”

After the woman finished speaking, she turned and left, leaving only another woman left to greet a few people: “I am reporting to the palace master, please be patient.”

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“Your Majesty, let’s wait here for a while.” Lord Zhen turned his head and said to Lin Yun.

After all, the Ice Palace is a second-rank force that does not lose to Nanxia, ​​and the Lord of the Ice Palace and the King of Nanxia are on an equal footing. Therefore, even if King Nanxia wants to enter the Ice Palace, he still has to get permission from others.

Lin Yun didn’t speak, just nodded his head by default, and then waited patiently in place.


At the same time, the main palace of the Ice Palace.

At this time, a dreamy ice palace, with pillars made of ice, floors made of ice, and ceilings covered with ice. Even the tables and seats are made of ice.

At the top of this ice sculpture palace, a glamorous white-haired woman is sitting cross-legged on the ice lotus throne.

This white-haired woman is in her twenties, with three vertical marks carved between her eyebrows, her skin is so white that it is crystal clear, and she is pure and spotless, like an ice sculpture beauty.

The white-haired woman is closing her eyes, her hands are flat on her knees, her orchid fingers are raised upwards, and she is muttering words.

Below the white-haired woman, there are hundreds of women in white clothes, all sitting on their respective ice sculpture seats, imitating the movements of the white-haired woman, placing their hands flat on their knees and raising their orchid fingers upward.

Perhaps because the severe cold makes the cells less prone to aging, they are all young, the youngest are only in their teens, and the oldest is in their thirties.

Just as everyone was immersed in their cultivation, an untimely voice sounded.

“Palace Master, the King of Nanxia is visiting.”

Hearing the three words of King Nanxia, ​​the white-haired woman on the ice lotus throne slowly opened her eyes, and then asked coldly, “Is King Nanxia here?”

“Yes.” The woman who notified the report respectfully clasped her fists and replied.

The white-haired woman still said coldly, “Let him come in.”

“Yes.” The reporting woman nodded respectfully, then quickly turned and left.

After the reported woman left, many women below began to whisper.

“There was a special envoy from Daqin not long ago, why is there a Nanxia king now?”

“It must have come to win us over again, and want us to join their alliance.”

“King of Nanxia, ​​it sounds familiar. Oh wait, isn’t Nanxia the hometown of Xiao Shuang?”

A girl accidentally mentioned Xiao Shuang, and the other girls turned their heads and looked at the blue-eyed girl.

This blue-eyed girl has a beautiful face, but she is always indifferent like frost, like an iceberg beauty that will never change.

She is none other than Lin Yun’s former fiancee Xiao Shuang.

Xiao Shuang’s master, Louise, sat cross-legged beside Xiao Shuang at this time, accompany Xiao Shuang to practice together.

When someone said that Nanxia was his hometown, Xiao Shuang slowly opened his eyes.

“That is no longer my hometown. My hometown is only the Ice Palace.”

Xiao Shuang replied coldly, then stopped talking to those women, then closed her eyes and continued to practice.

Lin Yun had humiliated her in Nanxia, ​​so that she really couldn’t have a good impression of Nanxia as a country. Since she left the Nanxia Kingdom, she has never regarded herself as a Nanxia person.

Not long after closing her eyes, Xiao Shuang heard the sound of crisp footsteps and exclamations from her side.

“Is that boy…the King of Nanxia? No…no?”

“Nan… how is the king of Nan Xia… why is he so young? Did he make a mistake?”

“His age seems to be about the same as ours. How could he become the King of Southern Xia at such a young age?”

Hearing these exclamations, Xiao Shuang couldn’t help but open her eyes curiously, wanting to see how young this Nanxia King is.

The moment she opened her eyes, she was completely dumbfounded.

I saw a young man wearing a royal robe and a crown, leading a few majestic generals into the palace with their heads held high and imposing like a rainbow.

Although this young man has changed his clothes, she still recognizes this young man at a glance. It is the young man who had a marriage contract with her at the beginning, but in the end he severely humiliated her in the martial arts examination——Lin cloud!


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