Eternal Martial Emperor Chapter 577: My mother’s identity?


Under the horrified and frightened eyes of everyone, Lin Yun’s bright red figure like a soldering iron slowly stood up from the ground, and thick smoke was continuously released into his body.

Lin Yun slowly raised his head, those scarlet eyes like devils, slammed into the Warring States Marshal on the giant chariot.

At that moment, the pupils of the Warring States Marshal shrank inwards, and then Lin Yun appeared in front of him like lightning, and punched him firmly in the chest.


With a loud explosion, the Warring States Marshal’s breastplate shattered, and the whole person instantly turned into an afterimage and flew out.

The giant chariot made of gold iron wood also shattered the moment the Warring States Marshal flew out. The nine powerhouses of the Martial King realm were also blown away by the rolling air waves in an instant.

The Warring States Marshal smashed through the city wall in a blink of an eye, flew out of the king’s city, and landed on the ground, rolling and continuing to slide forward, leaving a ravine more than 100 meters long on the ground, and a high dust was raised in the sky. , the scene was magnificent.

Marshal of the Warring States Period had not stopped yet, but Lin Yun had already appeared at the finish line waiting for him. When he slipped to Lin Yun’s feet, Lin Yun raised his foot and stepped on him.

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“I have a question for you. You can choose to answer it or you can choose to die.” Lin Yun looked down at the Warring States Marshal and asked him in an irresistible tone.

“I answer…I answer…You don’t…don’t kill me.” The Warring States Marshal said vaguely. At this time, his entire chest was seriously sunken inward, and his internal organs were also shaken. It was broken, and blood flowed from the mouth and nose.

The second form of the Demon God Nucleus is by no means comparable to the first form.

The current Lin Yun, after opening the first form, can only be tied with the Warring States Marshal at most. But after turning on the second form, he can instantly kill him in an instant.

If it weren’t for the fact that he had to ask about his father’s whereabouts, Lin Yun’s blow just now would have directly killed him!

“A year and a half ago, there was a man named Lin Tianyang who was taken away by members of your assassination club. Where is he now?” Lin Yun’s tone was very cold, so cold that he didn’t have any temperature, as if he wanted to take a person’s soul. freeze.

Hearing Lin Yun’s words, Marshal Warring States suddenly widened his eyes, as if he suddenly remembered something, and stared at Lin Yun with shocking eyes: “You…you’re talking about that man?”

It was only then that he realized that the boy who stepped on his feet in front of him was very similar to the man from a year and a half ago, and he instantly understood what was going on: “Could it be that you are the son of that man?! “

“I’ll ask you again, where is he now?” Lin Yun said coldly.

“This is the top secret of our assassination club. Even if you kill me right away, I won’t tell you!” The Warring States Marshal would rather die than give in, and he doesn’t seem to be afraid of life and death.

Hearing the words “top secret”, Lin Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly. He has vaguely realized that the disappearance of his father is not as simple as it seems on the surface, and there must be some secret behind it.

And this secret is obviously related to the Assassination Society, so the Assassination Society made it a top secret.

“If that’s the case, then go die!” Lin Yun’s eyes flashed with a strong killing intent, and a dazzling mass of energy condensed on his bright red right fist. That is not the vitality of the martial artist’s cultivation, but the power of the Demon God’s nuclear crystal!

Seeing this dazzling energy, the Warring States Marshal’s pupils shrank sharply, and a flash of horror and fear flashed in his eyes. If he is hit head-on by this punch, even if he is a powerhouse of the seventh-level Martial King Realm, there is absolutely no possibility of his survival!

“Wait…wait! You…you can’t kill me!”

Marshal of the Warring States Period was completely panicked. He thought he knew the whereabouts of Lin Yun’s father. Lin Yun would not kill him before he learned of his father’s whereabouts.

That’s why he deliberately said that even if Lin Yun killed him immediately, he would not tell Lin Yun.

What he never expected was that Lin Yun really stopped asking, and would kill him directly. This was completely different from what he thought!

Marshal of the Warring States Period was full of cold sweat, and in a hurry, he could only move out the Assassination Society to threaten Lin Yun: “I am a member of the Assassination Society! If you kill me, the Assassination Society will definitely dispatch a large number of killers to surround you, then even if You travel to the ends of the earth, and you will eventually die!”

After hearing the words of the Warring States Marshal, Lin Yun didn’t react at all, just let out a faint “Oh”, then raised his fist expressionlessly and aimed it at the head of the Warring States Marshal.

Actually, Lin Yun thought very simply. The enemy in front of him had killed so many heroes of Southern Xia. No matter what, he would have to die today.

Since he refuses to reveal his father’s whereabouts, then he will directly kill him at the headquarters of the assassination society and extort his father’s whereabouts from the mouth of the highest leader of the assassination society.

As for the pursuit of an assassination club, that kind of thing doesn’t exist at all. In Lin Yun’s eyes, no matter what the assassination meeting was, it was not worth mentioning at all!

Seeing that Lin Yun’s punch was about to fall, the Warring States Marshal finally begged for mercy: “Wait…I say! Don’t kill me, I say…I say!”

Lin Yunzheng’s fist suddenly stopped, and then looked at the Warring States Marshal coldly: “If you want to say it, hurry up.”

Marshal of the Warring States period dared to write ink, hurriedly and honestly explained: “Your father’s affairs are really the top secret of the assassination society. Except for the high-level assassination society, basically no one will know his whereabouts.”

“It’s impossible for someone like me at the bottom of the assassination group to have access to that kind of secrets, and it’s impossible to know where your father is.”

“But I do know one thing, and that is the reason why the assassination will take your father, and it has to do with your mother!”

“Your mother’s identity background seems to be very complicated. The assassination has been looking for her for many years. The assassination will capture your father’s purpose, I am afraid it is to force a confession of your mother’s whereabouts from your father’s mouth.”

“Everything I said is true, please believe me!” After saying the information, the Warring States Marshal looked at Lin Yun pleadingly, as if hoping that Lin Yun would let him go.

And Lin Yun was lost in thought at this time.

In Lin Yun’s memory in this life, there is only the memory of his father, and there is no memory related to his mother.

Since Lin Yun has memory, he has not seen his mother. Lin Yun still doesn’t know anything about her appearance and personality.

Even my father and grandfather kept their mouths shut about my mother. Whenever Lin Yun asked, they would deliberately avoid it, as if they were very taboo about the topic of their mother. This can also show in disguise that the mother’s identity background is not simple, otherwise they would not be so careful.

At this moment, the enemy in front of him also told Lin Yun that his mother’s identity background was not simple. This can’t help but make Lin Yun curious about his mother, what is her identity?


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