Ending the Treacherous Chapter 51: .Knowing the truth in the alley


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“Did you do your brother’s death?” Nian Wanniang’s eyes were red, she tightened her grip on Gu Qingtang’s clothes and shouted sharply.

Gu Qingtang asked in shock: “Sister Wanniang, what are you talking about? How could I do it?”

“Gu Qingtang! Today you went to Chunfeng Tower with your brother, why didn’t you die!” Nian Wanniang’s voice was extremely hoarse, and she couldn’t help but added, “How dare you say that my brother suddenly behaved abnormally with you today?” Not relevant? ”

Gu Qingtang was silent and looked at her steadily. This matter did have something to do with her.

Nian Wanniang shook her head and glared at Gu Qingtang, but tears welled up in her eyes, “My brother has had diarrhea for no reason several times. I know it has something to do with you, but I know that Aning will be happy after knowing about it, so I didn’t It was revealed that it was your fault. But this time, my brother died because of your nonsense! Or maybe it was your fault!”

Gu Qingtang said seriously: “Wan Niang! My sworn brother has no enmity with me, why should I kill him?!”

Nian Wanniang sneered, “Because you are simply a villain who repays kindness with hatred and is only interested in profit!”

Gu Qingtang took a breath. The so-called love rival was extremely jealous when they met. Naturally, she did not want to continue arguing with Nian Wanniang, who had lost her brother. “I will definitely investigate this matter.”

Nian Wanniang saw that Gu Qingtang was about to leave, and immediately stretched out her arms to stop Gu Qingtang, “Hold on! I will also get to the bottom of my brother’s case! But you owe me much more than that!”

“Wanniang! The court only gave three days to solve the case…”

“Eight years ago, Lianxinsu, do you still remember?!”


“If you forget, remember this!”

Under the moonlight, Nian Wanniang lifted up her left sleeve and exposed the crescent-shaped tattoo in front of Gu Qingtang’s eyes.

Gu Qingtang’s body trembled, and he looked at the tattoo in great surprise, with a strong palpitation in his heart, “No… no…”

Nian Wanniang could no longer hold back her tears and shouted bitterly: “I was the one who saved you eight years ago! But I really hate it, why did I save you back then?!”

“What did you say?!” Gu Qingtang stared in shock, unable to recover from the shock for a moment, “The benefactor who saved me…her name is Aning…”

“Oh, Aning is my sweetheart! She is the sweetheart that Nian Wanniang has loved all her life! She is mine! She is mine!” Nian Wanniang couldn’t help but push Gu Qingtang against the wall. , stretched out his hand and strangled her neck, “Is this your repayment? You stole the savior’s sweetheart! You also killed the savior’s brother! Even if I kill you now, it will be difficult to satisfy the hatred in my heart!”

“Ahem!” A sharp pain suddenly rose from the wound on his back. Gu Qingtang couldn’t catch his breath for a moment and let out a series of violent coughs, “How… how is it possible?”

“Give me back your brother, give me back Aning!” Tears streamed down, bit by bit, falling at her feet. Ruo Nian Wanniang’s heart at this moment was broken into thousands or ten thousand petals.

The benefactor… is not An Ning… is not An Ning… is not An Ning…

No wonder the little princess always has no reaction every time she mentions Lian Xinsu. No wonder she hints so many times that the little princess can never remember what happened back then.

It turns out that this thing was wrong from the beginning…

But that birthmark…

After regaining consciousness, Gu Qingtang’s eyes fell on Nian Wanniang’s left arm and said with difficulty: “The eldest princess said that this birthmark is strange, and only Aning has it… How can you also have it?”

Nian Wanniang pursed her lips and smiled bitterly: “If it weren’t for you, these crescent moons should be in pairs. If it weren’t for you, Aning should have me in his heart.”


“How do you deserve to have An Ning? How do you deserve to love An Ning? She is the majestic little princess of Daling, and you are just a dog from my Nian family! No! Dogs will not kill their owners, you Even worse than a dog!”

“Sister Wanniang…” Nian Wanniang’s words were like knives, stabbing into Gu Qingtang’s heart, which was so painful.

“Tsk, tsk, look, what did I see?” Ye Na’s voice suddenly sounded, and she walked over with several cart guards with a smile, “What did I hear again?”

Nian Wanniang glared at Ye Na coldly, “This is a family matter in my Taiwei’s Mansion! Master, you are not qualified to take care of my Taiwei’s Mansion! Get out!”

“Oh, this is really strange. Your Emperor Daling is so polite to us. How come he even uses the word ‘go’ when he comes to your Taiwei’s mansion? I suddenly don’t understand. What exactly does Daling mean?” Is it Yin or Nian?” Ye Na raised her eyes and looked at the pale Gu Qingtang with a hint of distress, “Gu Shaofu, although the case of my Prince Dache’s death has been closed, Your Majesty I’ve fined you, but as far as we are concerned, you still owe us a sincere explanation.”

Everything happened together…

Gu Qingtang’s heart was full of confusion and pain. She repaid the wrong favor and gave all the pain to her true benefactor. The deep guilt made her heart bleed. Now that Ye Na is looking for trouble again, she secretly I thought, if it weren’t for her, maybe Nian Huai’an wouldn’t have died, and maybe the eldest prince wouldn’t have died either.


The little princess will definitely become a poor woman who marries far away!

How could she let it go? How can I let An Ning go?

Even though she repaid the wrong kindness, her heart for Yin Ning was truly given to her. How could she take it back now?

Finally, Aning knew that she was a woman and did not leave her.

Finally, the day of honest love she expected finally arrived.

Unfortunately…this happiness became the happiness she obtained from her benefactor…but…the dandy she taught secretly was the benefactor’s brother…

Her repayment of gratitude undoubtedly became Wanniang’s biggest disaster – she lost her brother and her sweetheart.

“Do it, take Mr. Gu away!” Ye Na turned her head and gave the order to the car guard behind her.

Nian Wanniang shouted angrily: “How dare you?!”

“You have no official title, you are just the daughter of the Taiwei Mansion.” Ye Na snorted coldly, “Young Master Gu and your little princess are husband and wife. Even if you are a man, you can’t say what you want. If Gu Shaofu asked his wife to give it to you, what’s more, you are a woman, how can a woman like a woman?”

“Shut up! If you don’t understand me, you don’t deserve to talk about me!” Nian Wanniang hissed almost madly, “It doesn’t matter that I am a woman. What did I do wrong when I fell in love with a woman?”

Ye Na found it even more ridiculous, “Now I feel some sympathy for Lieutenant Nian. Now the white-haired man is giving the black-haired man, and there is also a crazy daughter who is ridiculous and infatuated with women. Tsk tsk, it’s really pitiful.” She paused for a moment. , Ye Na shook her head and smiled, “It seems that I have to go back and re-examine the current situation with the third prince.”

“Master Imperial Master, one thing comes to another. It is the adoptive father who has always supported the third prince, and the person in charge of the Taiwei Mansion is the adoptive father. Sister Wan Niang… is not involved in it… Besides, today’s matter is also mine. Private matters with her…” Gu Qingtang’s face turned pale, and he felt his breathing became increasingly difficult, “Ahem, sister Wan Niang, let go of your hand first, okay?”

Nian Wanniang gritted her teeth and said, “Shut up!”

“Let go…ahem…” Gu Qingtang didn’t care so much. He moved her hand away, pulled Nian Wanniang behind him, and looked left and right at the car guards surrounding them, “Here After all, it is the capital of Daling, and Sister Wan Niang is the daughter of the Taiwei Mansion, and she is also my adopted sister…”

Not waiting for Gu Qingtang to finish, Ye Na smiled lightly and said: “Don’t worry, I’m here just for you today. I don’t want to cause more trouble or embarrass her.”

Nian Wanniang finally realized that she and Gu Qingtang were in the back alley, and the light here was very dim. Now she was alone. If Ye Na really took her, what would happen to Nian Taiwei and the cart in the future? Negotiating interests becomes increasingly passive.

My brother is dead, and my father must not be hit again no matter what. Otherwise, if his father falls and the situation in the Taiwei Mansion is gone, more people will die.

“In that case, I will let you go, Wan Niang…”

“I don’t care!”

How could Nian Wanniang not know that Gu Qingtang wanted her to get out of this dangerous situation first? She interrupted Gu Qingtang coolly, “You owe me, don’t think that this means you are settled!”


“From today on, stay away from Aning, you owe me this!”

Nian Wanniang warned Gu Qingtang, pushed aside several cart guards, and left quickly.

Gu Qingtang watched her go away, and only breathed a sigh of relief when he was sure that she had reached the entrance of the alley and walked into the bright lights of the capital.

Now that the situation has suddenly changed, whether it is repaying a favor or atonement, the Taiwei Mansion cannot fail no matter what.

Ye Na pushed the distracted Gu Qingtang, “Gu Shaofu, it’s time to let me go.”

“Master Imperial Master, can you please allow me two days? Now I have the emperor’s orders…”

“It turns out that in addition to that kind of ridiculous woman in Daling, you also have a consort who is unfaithful.” Ye Na’s face darkened in displeasure, “Do you think Nian Wanniang is really serious when she walks on the road? Safe? ”

“My foster father gave you a lot of money. If you kidnapped Nian Wanniang and threatened Nian Taiwei, it would be a bad idea.” Gu Qingtang finished speaking slowly and looked at Ye Ding. Na, “Master Imperial Master came to see me today. I’m afraid he doesn’t just want me to give you a sincere explanation, right?”

Ye Na narrowed her eyes and smiled, “Oh, Mr. Gu, I suddenly realized that I like you more and more. What should I do?”

“Your Majesty gave me and Mr. Ting Wei Li three days to solve the case. One day has almost passed. If we can’t solve the case, my head will fall off my neck in two days. It can be regarded as paying for your eldest prince’s life. ” Gu Qingtang sighed softly, “If I can luckily solve the case, find the real murderer, and save this head, I will give you a sincere explanation. “

“Don’t worry, your head won’t fall off.” Ye Na couldn’t help but approach Gu Qingtang and smiled, “At least, I can’t bear to let you die.”

“Please be careful what you say, Master Imperial Master.” Gu Qingtang only felt a headache. Now that he was entangled by Ye Na, he didn’t know how to get out?

Wait! What she just said clearly was that her head would not fall off!

So…what does she know?

Gu Qingtang suddenly said: “Maybe there is nothing wrong with following you tonight.”

“Oh, Mr. Gu, please.”


Gu Qingtang and Ye Na walked a few steps toward the entrance of the alley. Suddenly, they felt Ye Na approaching her ear and said quietly, “I don’t want a domineering woman like the little princess. Why don’t you be my man?” ? I like a smart and gentle man like you.”



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