Ending the Treacherous Chapter 49: .Death in Jingshi Alley


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At noon, Yin Ning and Gu Qingtang were strolling in the courtyard after lunch.

“Woof! Woo…” Ah Zhong yelled. Seeing that the two masters didn’t seem to see him, he wagging his tail and ran to Gu Qingtang’s feet, bit her clothes corner fiercely, and shook her Little brain.

“Eh? Azhong, how could you bite me?” Gu Qingtang smiled lightly and glanced at Azhong.

Yin Ning couldn’t help but smile and said: “Look, Azhong already knows that you are a nuisance.” After saying that, Yin Ning smiled more cheerfully and said to Azhong, “Zhong, bite hard, don’t be afraid. I’m here to support you!”


As if he understood what Yin Ning said, Azhong shook his head harder and kept tugging at the corners of Gu Qingtang’s clothes.

Gu Qingtang smiled bitterly and said: “Zhong, if you bite me again, be careful I tell the cook not to give you meat!”


A Zhong suddenly let go of his clothes, gave a crisp cry, and wagged his tail happily at Gu Qingtang.

Yin Ning said displeasedly: “Don’t be afraid, Zhong, I will give you meat to eat, so don’t worry…”

“Princess, the consort.” Xiao Xi suddenly walked in with a sullen face, and bowed to Yin Ning and Gu Qingtang worriedly, “The Eighth Eunuch has passed on His Majesty’s instructions to urgently summon the consort into the palace.”

The smile on Gu Qingtang’s face froze, and he felt something was wrong.

Yin Ning asked: “Xiao Xi, do you know what is going on?”

Xiao Xi shook her head, “Eight-cent father-in-law didn’t say anything, he just said that your majesty urgently summoned the consort.”

Gu Qingtang sighed softly and said: “Aning, I’m going to change into official uniform and enter the palace. You wait for me back at home.”

“I’ll go with you.” Yin Ning shook his head.

Gu Qingtang felt warm in his heart and said with a smile: “These words are enough, I will be fine.” After saying that, Gu Qingtang glanced at Ah Zhong and said, “Zhong, stay with An Ning and wait for me to come back. I’ll reward you with a piece of meat!”

“Woof!” Azhong excitedly wagged his tail even more cheerfully.

Gu Qingtang turned his eyes and took another deep look at Yin Ning, smiled deliberately and said, “You will miss me very much, right?”

Yin Ning glared at her, “I miss you so much!” But as soon as she said it, she regretted it and quickly changed her words, “If you come back injured again, I won’t give you medicine!”

Gu Qingtang nodded and smiled, walked a few steps, then turned back and said, “Remember to miss me.”


Before Yin Ning could get angry, Gu Qingtang quickly ran to the study, not giving Yin Ning a chance to talk back.

Xiao Xi stood by the side and couldn’t help but smile.

Yin Ning took a peek at Xiao Xi and felt that her cheeks were burning so much that she had to cough twice and said, “Xiao Xi, I feel thirsty.”

“This slave will bring hot tea to the princess right now.” Xiao Xi bowed knowingly and retreated.

Soon, Gu Qingtang, who had put on his official uniform, walked out of the study and walked straight to the gate of the Prince Consort’s Mansion.

Yin Ning quietly watched Gu Qingtang walk away. Somehow, an inexplicable heart palpitation jumped into her heart. She always felt that something big must have happened in the capital today.

Nian Huai’an, the Taiwei’s son, was killed in an alley while disheveled!

When Gu Qingtang rushed to the main hall, he heard such shocking news.

Yin Changan pretended to be scared and sat on the dragon chair, his eyebrows furrowed. When he saw Gu Qingtang walking into the hall, his eyebrows relaxed instantly and he said excitedly: “It will be great if Mr. Gu is here.”

“Qingtang… Huai’an… Huai’an… he is obviously fine today…” Nian Taiwei’s eyes were red and his hair was gray, as if he was much older.

Even though he usually disliked Nian Huai’an, he was his flesh and blood after all. Now that he knew that his own son had died violently, and that the old man with white hair had to give up the man with black hair, the grief in his heart was enough to destroy his usual domineering attitude.

Gu Qingtang stepped forward in shock and helped Nian Taiwei, “What on earth is going on?”

Nian Taiwei said in a hoarse voice: “No one in the capital has ever dared to touch anyone from our Taiwei Mansion!” As he spoke, he glared at Yin Chang’an fiercely, “Your Majesty, I want you to solve the case in one day and find out The real murderer shall be sentenced to death!”

Yin Changan glanced at Tingwei Li Kun in embarrassment, “Master Li, this…”

Li Kun knelt down in shock, “I am terrified, it is really difficult to find the real murderer in one day!”

Yin Changan looked at Gu Qingtang in embarrassment again, “Gu Shaofu, what if you are included?”

Oh, this is deliberately dragging her into trouble!

Gu Qingtang instantly understood what Yin Changan meant, and she smiled bitterly, “The young governor is only responsible for the taxation of the country, but the minister has never been involved in the investigation of the case. Even if I go to help Mr. Li, it will not be of any benefit.”

“No! Qingtang, you must take action in this case!” Taiwei Nian endured the tears in his eyes and held her hand tightly, “You are the last person to see Huai’an today, why is he here? Chunfenglou suddenly chased a young man for sex, and why he died unexpectedly in an alley. For these things, my adoptive father only believes in the results you found out!” As he said that, Taiwei Nian glared at Yin Chang’an again. “The results some people have found are really hard to believe.”

Yin Changan nodded repeatedly, “Young Master Gu, I know you are still injured, but this case is of great importance, so I will…” He glanced at Lieutenant Nian, “I will give you and Li Kun half a month’s time. , we must solve the case and bring the real culprit to justice!”

“I clearly said one day!” Taiwei Nian shouted angrily.

Gu Qingtang quickly bowed to Captain Nian and said, “Father, one day is really too short. Please give me a few more days.”

Lieutenant Nian stared at Gu Qingtang for a long time with tearful eyes. He raised his hand and gestured with the word “three”, “Three days, for your sake, only three days. If the real murderer cannot be found…” He looked at Yin Changan hatefully, “Behead you two immediately!”

Gu Qingtang took a breath, and Li Kun was so frightened that his feet softened and he sat down on the ground.

Yin Changan remained silent and his face turned extremely pale.

Nian Taiwei gritted his teeth and said: “I have sealed the four gates of the capital. No one can leave the city. I believe the murderer must still be in the city!” As he said that, he took a few steps towards the dragon chair and said, “Who killed me? Son, I will pay the price of killing everyone! Your Majesty, is that right?”

Yin Changan nodded repeatedly, “Yes! Yes! What the Taiwei said is absolutely true. As long as the murderer is found, I will definitely give the order to kill everyone!”

Lieutenant Nian raised his hand to wipe away the tears that welled up in the corners of his eyes, and looked back at Gu Qingtang, “Qingtang, check! Go check! I’m waiting for your news!”

“Yes!” Gu Qingtang could only accept this hot potato.

“Your Majesty…” In front of the palace gate, a young **** called hesitantly and looked at Lieutenant Nian in shock.

Yin Changan coughed twice and motioned for the young **** to come in, “Come in and answer.”

“Yes.” The young **** walked in in a panic and bowed respectfully to Yin Chang’an, “The eldest princess has been taken back to the palace according to the law. Now the imperial doctor is taking a safe pulse from the eldest princess.”

Nian Taiwei looked at Yin Changan displeasedly, “My son has just suffered a misfortune, and you will take my daughter-in-law from the Taiwei Mansion back to the palace! Your Majesty, what do you mean?!”

Yin Changan walked down from the dragon chair tremblingly, “The imperial sister has no heirs…according to the law…if the consort dies…then the princess…returns to the palace…you don’t have to stay…stay…” Halfway through, Yin Changan did not dare to say any more.

Nian Taiwei let out a terrible sneer, “No heirs… Hahaha… No heirs… My Nian family really married a good wife… After many years in the government… Huai’an has no heirs. Stay…”

Yin Changan was horrified when he heard this, “Then…then…does the Lieutenant have a better arrangement…the Emperor’s…method?”

Nian Taiwei pondered for a long time and said in a cold voice: “When you enter my Nian family, you will always be the ghost of my Nian family! On the day of my son’s burial, I want her to be buried for my son!”

“This…” Yin Changan was shocked, “I, Daling, don’t have such rules…”

“I lost my son in old age, can’t Your Majesty give me some comfort?” Nian Taiwei glared at Yin Chang’an reluctantly, “She is the daughter-in-law of my Nian family!”

Gu Qingtang secretly clenched his fists, wondering how worried the little princess would be if she knew about Taiwei Nian’s idea of ​​being buried.

Yin Changan did not dare to issue an order for a long time, but Captain Nian suddenly shouted.

“Why are you still hesitating, Your Majesty?!”

“I…I…dare not…to pass on my will…the eldest princess Yin Ying…”

“Master Taiwei!” The excited voice of the imperial doctor suddenly sounded outside the hall. He walked into the hall happily and knelt down on the hall, “I am so happy! I am so happy!”

Nian Taiwei shouted angrily: “My son died in vain, so you congratulate me. Don’t you want a head on your neck?”

The imperial doctor took a few breaths, kowtowed to Captain Nian several times, and then said: “The eldest princess is two months pregnant!”

“What did you say?” Nian Taiwei couldn’t believe what he heard.

Yin Changan’s face turned even paler, and there was a hint of darkness in his eyes.

Gu Qingtang couldn’t care less and quickly advised: “Father, the eldest princess has the flesh and blood of her adopted brother, so she must not be buried!”

Nian Taiwei was finally comforted by the pain of losing his son. He nodded excitedly, “God is favoring you! God is favoring you! My Huai’an finally has a child!” With that, Mr. Nian Taiwei left. Yin Chang’an was going to see his pregnant daughter-in-law, “Qingtang, let’s go, follow me to take the eldest princess back to the house to raise the baby.”

“Lieutenant Nian, please stay.” Yin Chang’an chased after her, “Since the imperial sister is pregnant, it is not suitable for traveling and traveling. Since she has entered the palace, let her stay in the palace to raise the baby with peace of mind.”

“Your Majesty, do you want to seize the eldest princess and use it to blackmail me in the future?” Nian Taiwei unceremoniously poked Yin Changan’s sore spot.

Yin Changan paused for a moment before he thought of a reason and responded, “Nian Taiwei misunderstood me. I thought that the emperor’s sister had just lost her husband. Staying in Taiwei’s house would definitely hurt the situation, and the child in her belly would be hurt like this.” It’s very disadvantageous, so it’s better to…”

“Father, how about this.” Gu Qingtang interrupted Yin Chang’an at the right time, “My Prince Consort’s Mansion is closest to the imperial city, so why not invite the eldest princess to come to my house to raise the baby? The little princess happens to be here, and their sisters Being with him, firstly, can relieve the pain of his deceased husband, secondly, it is better than staying in the palace with no one to talk to, and thirdly, if you are not in the Taiwei Mansion, you will not be hurt by the situation.”

Lieutenant Nian knew that Gu Qingtang was deliberately trying to rescue him. This compromise method was indeed feasible. As long as the eldest princess was not in the palace, Yin Changan could not threaten him.

“Okay, Qingtang, this matter is up to you! But I have my word first. The baby in the eldest princess’s belly is your adopted brother’s flesh and blood. You must take good care of it!”


“Young Master Gu, then… the imperial sister will be left in your care.”

“According to the decree.”


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