Emperor’s Domination Chapter 5458: When you are born in the world, you will stand upright


When the Taishang and Xiantadijun stood up straight, their legs trembled a little. This did not mean that they were afraid of Li Qiye, nor did it mean that they flinched. It was too powerful, even if they tried their best, they still couldn’t stop them, almost crushing their immortal bodies to pieces.

At this time, they were seriously injured. Under the oppression of Li Qiye, they all felt that their bodies were weak and could not resist Li Qiye’s strength.

However, the Taishang and Xiantadijun still looked at each other, took a deep breath, the blood in the whole body was concentrated, confidence was regained, and the Dao heart became firm again.

At this time, the Taishang and the Immortal Pagoda Emperor stood there straight, like a benchmark, fighting against the wind and waves, still with the momentum of standing proudly in the world.

Compared to the Taishang and the Immortal Pagoda Emperor, the other emperors and gods are already inferior. At this moment, the emperors and gods of the Tianmeng and Shenmeng have already retreated in their hearts, because They can no longer compete with Li Qiye.

For the emperors and gods, they lived a lifetime, even an era of invincibility. They are such a powerful existence, standing at the pinnacle of the world, how can they be afraid of others.

Even for the emperors and gods, even when they were young, or on the road to the great emperor, they were once afraid and flinched, but in the end they all overcame them one by one. Prove the Supreme Dao, become an emperor and a king, and become an existence standing on the pinnacle of the world.

As far as the emperors and gods are concerned, even above them, there are still peak emperors and daojuns, but this is not enough to make them afraid.

Just like for the emperors and gods, when they have to face existences like Taishang, Xiantadijun, and Haijiandaojun, even if their strength and morality are not as good as Taishang, Xiantadijun and the others , but for the emperors and gods, it was only a temporary fear.

Even for the emperors and gods, although at this time, Taixian and Xiantadijun are standing in front of themselves and are stronger than themselves, but the road is long and the future is endless, as long as they persist On this path, if you continue to practice on this path, it is still unknown who will have the last laugh and who will be stronger than whom.

After all, such a thing has never happened before. How many unparalleled emperors and emperors have been surpassed by the latecomers in the end.

So, for the emperors and gods, they will not be afraid of the emperors and daojuns standing on the top, at most they will be jealous.

However, today, being trampled down by Li Qiye, whether it is the supreme power being trampled down, or they are trampled under their feet, it is a different thing for the emperors and gods.

When Li Qiye stepped down, their confidence was crushed, and even their Dao Xin was crushed by Li Qiye.

Existences like Taishang and Xiantadijun, for the emperors and gods, may catch up with them after working hard, and may even surpass the existence of peaks like Taishang and Xiantadijun .

However, what about an existence like Li Qiye? What did they use to surpass them? When they looked up, the gap between them and Li Qiye was immeasurable. It was like a road with no end in sight, and Li Qiye was the last one standing on the endless road. the end.

So, what do they use to surpass Li Qiye, how do they fight against Li Qiye? , These are all impossible things, these are all unrealistic things.

So, when facing Li Qiye again, among the emperors and gods, some people couldn’t help but shrink back, some people’s confidence was shattered, and some people’s hearts were shaken… They couldn’t compete with Li Qiye, some of them There is nothing shameful about retreating, unwilling to continue this battle, and even running away now.

Before this, how united were the emperors and gods of the Tianmeng and Shenmeng? For the alliance, for the ancient clan, for their mission, for their belief, they can all fight **** battles, and they can put life and death aside.

However, at this moment, Li Qiye shattered the confidence of many people and made them forget all of this. , What kind of ancient race, will be completely forgotten.

This is the prelude to the wavering of the Taoist heart. For a Taoist emperor, once the Taoist heart is shaken, once he can’t hold on to his own Taoist heart, it is often the beginning of sinking. Therefore, at this time, the Tianmeng All the emperors and gods of the League of Gods also know that this is a very terrible consequence.

For a while, all the emperors and gods strengthened their Dao heart again and again, mustered up the courage again and again, and let themselves face the horror of Li Qiye.

In this process, for the emperors and gods, it was a very long process, and suddenly, it seemed that they had returned to the time when they first practiced Taoism.

In those distant years, when they first practiced Taoism, they were so weak. When faced with the incomparable strength, they were equally astonished, disillusioned, shivering, or lacking the courage to face it. .

However, in the end, they are all overcoming themselves, strengthening their Dao heart, advancing triumphantly all the way, and finally defeating one after another that once made them tremble.

Today, they are also facing the same predicament. They need to stick to their hearts, they need to overcome their fears, and they need to summon up courage.

Among them, the first to come out, the first to stand there, are of course the Taishang and the Immortal Pagoda Emperor.

Even though they already knew how terrible Li Qiye was, they finally mustered up their courage and stood in front of Li Qiye.

The Supreme Being is still Leng Yan Wushuang, and the Immortal Pagoda Emperor is still the proud son of heaven.

This is the emperor, this is the invincible, even in the face of the most terrifying, never shrink back, and never lose courage, even if you die in battle, you never shake your heart, this is the real match Only an emperor can match a unparalleled Dragon Lord.

This is the Taishang, this is the Immortal Pagoda Emperor, this is where they are most powerful, and also where they are most proud.

“Based on this, it is admirable to be able to strengthen one’s Dao heart.” Li Qiye looked at the Supreme and Immortal Pagoda Emperor, and said slowly.

At this moment, standing in front of Li Qiye, facing such a terrifying existence like Li Qiye, what the Taishang and the Immortal Pagoda Emperor should be proud of is not their powerful good fortune and invincible strength, but their Dao Xin, their persistence, they never flinched because of it, they didn’t lose their courage because of it.

“Sir, let me understand the profound meaning of Dao Heart.” Tai Shang took a deep breath.

Li Qiye couldn’t help but nodded, and said: “Having this comprehension, that’s enough to be proud of.”

“If you hear the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening.” The Emperor Xianta also laughed, and said: “If I die in battle today, I will have no regrets in this life. When death is imminent, I can still comprehend a heart of Taoism, Enough, enough.”

Tai Shang, Immortal Pagoda Emperor, with such a demeanor and such an invincible posture, all the emperors and Taoists present admire him, no matter what position they stand on.

Even if they stand on the standpoint of the Dao Lords of Wanwu who are their enemies, they still sincerely admire the Taishang and the Immortal Pagoda Emperor.

Under such an impact, even an existence like the Emperor and Daojun will have his confidence destroyed, his heart will be shaken, and even his courage will be lost.

However, in such a short period of time, Taishang and Xiantadijun walked out, and they still strengthened their Dao heart again, and still had the courage to dare to face Li Qiye. , Such persistence is already very remarkable for any emperor and daojun, and one cannot help admiring it.

If you hear the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening. Such a sentence is very shocking for any emperor and daojun.

Perhaps, in the eyes of outsiders, if one dies in a battle, it is considered to have understood the mystery of the Dao Heart, even if it is to strengthen the Dao Heart, so what is the point?

However, for the Taishang and the Immortal Pagoda Emperor, it has unparalleled meaning, because at this moment, they have reached a height that they have never had in their lives. If they can survive such a height, Then, they have made enough breakthroughs, and they will definitely be able to go further in the future.

If they die in battle~Soverse.com~then, for their life, they have no regrets, because they have no regrets for themselves, nor for their life practice. He strengthened his heart.

This is Tao, this is Taoism.

“When you hear the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening.” Li Qiye couldn’t help but nodded, and praised it, and said slowly: “This is the Tao. Cultivating the Tao is not about utilitarianism or Taoism, but about the heart .”

“Sir, my generation has benefited a lot.” The Immortal Pagoda Emperor laughed and said: “You were born in this world, and you will stand up to the sky, but it is a pity that your mission is like this. Sir, we will not die today.”

“Sir, let us complete the last journey.” At this time, the Supreme Being looked at the world with contempt, without flinching in the slightest.

Even though they were crushed by Li Qiye just now, at this moment, they stood up again, facing Li Qiye again, and fighting to the death with Li Qiye again.

Climbing up from death, and once again firming up the Dao heart when it collapsed, is an incomparably admirable courage.


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