Emperor’s Domination Chapter 5453: Horizontal push 00,000 miles


One is worth twelve. This is the innate and aboriginal Dao Fruit, the unparalleled Dao Fruit in the world, and there are very few Dao Fruits in the world.

At this time, as soon as the Immortal Pagoda Emperor’s Innate Absolute Beginning Dao Fruit appeared, the innate Absolute Beginning power instantly permeated the world, with the tendency to suppress the ten directions. Moreover, this kind of suppression is different from ordinary Dao Fruit suppression .

As soon as the Dao fruit of Emperor Longjun comes out, it also has the tendency to suppress the ten directions, especially the emperor Daojun who has twelve supreme Dao fruits. Emperor Shenyong and Lord Haijian Dao, once their twelve supreme Dao fruits came out, they even suppressed the heavens and crushed the ten directions.

Today, when the Immortal Pagoda Emperor’s innate aboriginal Dao fruit comes out, it is also suppressing the ten directions, but for the creatures of heaven and earth, for the emperors and gods, that feeling is completely different of.

As soon as the ordinary Dao fruit comes out, the ten directions are suppressed, and the creatures in the world can feel that they are suppressed, as if there is a huge and incomparable mountain pressing on them all at once.

However, as soon as the Xiantian Taichu Dao Fruit appears, then the suppression is not a huge mountain pressing down on oneself, this kind of suppression is from oneself. The creatures felt that everything about their blood, talent, origin, root, beginning of cultivation, etc., was suppressed in an instant, as if everything was crushed from the source.

This kind of suppression is impossible for people to resist, and it is impossible for people to carry it up. Under the suppression of Daoguo in the early days, even the most powerful ancestors are unable to carry it, because this has been suppressed directly from the source, and even the most fundamental confrontation does not exist, so how can it be possible to carry it? How about such repression?

As for other Taoist emperors and emperors, the suppression of Daoguo in the innate and aboriginal period is completely different. There are also twelve emperors with the highest avenue, and there is no suppression power between each other. As far as they are concerned, each of them can bear the power of each other’s Dao fruit.

However, when the Emperor Daojun with the twelve Dao Fruits is facing the Dao Fruit of the Innate Absolute Beginning, he may not be able to withstand such suppression. It’s just that it can’t bear the suppression of the innate primordial Dao fruit.

When the Immortal Pagoda Emperor’s Innate Absolute Beginning Dao Fruit broke out, all the emperors present couldn’t help but take a breath of air. In terms of the power of the Dao Fruit, the ordinary Dao Fruit really cannot compete with the Innate Absolute Beginning Dao Fruit.

When there was a loud “boom”, at this moment, it was like a starry sky in ten thousand domains. In the endless starry sky, there was a fairy tower floating up and down. Under the pervasiveness, this fairy tower seems to no longer belong to the human world. It seems that this kind of fairy tower fell from the fairy tower to the human world.

At this moment, in the starry sky of ten thousand domains, within the boundless galaxy, the Immortal Pagoda has become the master of everything. In an instant, he was suppressed and killed.

“There are towers but no immortals.” At this moment, the emperor of the immortal tower made a move.

Following the long roar of the Immortal Pagoda Emperor, the Immortal Pagoda made a loud “boom”, and the killing went down, directly blasting towards Li Qiye.

There are towers but no immortals. This is the most peerless and invincible blow of the immortal tower emperor. The most frightening thing is that when Yitazhen was killed, he carried all the power of the entire innate primordial Dao Fruit.

In this instant, the power of the innate primordial Dao fruit completely exploded, and the innate power instantly suppressed and killed the heavens. From the beginning of everything, they were all suppressed and killed. It seems that when such a tower is blown down , all origins in the world were wiped out in an instant, as if everything in the world ceased to exist.

It was like an invincible emperor and daojun. Under the bang of “boom”, Xianta town killed him. Moreover, what Xianta town killed was not the current invincible emperor and daojun, but When the killing at this moment originates, that is when all the power of the emperor and daojun originates.

In this way, when the Xianta town was killed, it was like killing the emperor and the emperor in his infancy, because the origin of the avenue, the origin of the power, the origin of the talent, everything was killed at the time of origin, Isn’t this like killing the Emperor and Daojun when he was a baby?

So under the bang of “Boom”, when the immortal pagoda was killed, even if there were immortals in the world, they would be killed by the suppressed, because even if there were immortals, it was at the time of origin Being suppressed and killed, perhaps, at the time of origin, the immortal was just a mortal, or maybe it was just a baby.

So, under the loud bang of the “boom”, the world shook, and everything shook. Even an existence like Daojun couldn’t help but change his face. I don’t know how many unparalleled people were shocked by it.

Even if the pagoda of the Immortal Pagoda Dijun crashes down, there are pagodas but no immortals, even if this pagoda does not kill the emperors and gods, it still makes the emperors and gods feel that this The tower hit the time of their origin, and the innate primordial power suppressed and killed them, making it impossible for people to fight against it.

However, when this kind of innate primordial power suppressed and slammed into the origin, Li Qiye was not affected in any way, even other Taoist emperors might be suppressed.

Li Qiye just raised his hand lightly, Li Qiye’s movements are very casual and very comfortable, just like raising a glass to drink, everything is so calm, like flowing water.

Even if Li Qiye just raised his hand lightly, his movements were like flowing clouds and flowing water, and it was easy, but in the eyes of the emperors and gods, Li Qiye’s sleeves were lightly lifted, and the world was sealed in an instant. In Shifang, any powerful and unparalleled power will be blocked by this lightly raised sleeve, and any attack will be blocked by this lightly raised sleeve.

Under the sound of “bang”, even if the Immortal Pagoda Emperor’s blow shattered the world, like a suppressed immortal, he still couldn’t surpass Li Qiye at all. Dijun’s move “has a tower but no self”.

Emperor Immortal Pagoda’s lore move, there are no immortals in the tower, under such a lore move, not to mention all living beings in the world, even the emperors, daojuns, and ancient dragons who were present could bear it! I can’t afford such a blow like him. In the world, there are very few people who can really withstand such a shocking and invincible move from the Emperor of the Immortal Pagoda. The only one known to the world is the Lord of Heaven.

However, at this time, Li Qiye just raised his hand lightly, like a sleeve covering his face, thus blocking the ultimate move of Lord Xianta – There is a tower without immortals.

When the sleeves were lifted lightly, he blocked the lore move in this way, making it unbelievable for anyone to see. After all, the Immortal Pagoda Lord is extremely powerful, and even possesses the innate primordial fruit, Under his attack of “There are towers, no immortals”, most of the emperors and emperors may be blown to ashes.

Where would it be like Li Qiye, who easily blocked the move of the Immortal Tower Emperor’s “There is a tower without immortals”.

“Boom—” Just before everyone came back to their senses, Li Qiye just waved his sleeves and pushed thousands of miles across. It’s just like a group of ants on the ground, it seems insignificant.

Pushing thousands of miles horizontally, fighting against the emperors with one hand, at this moment, there are no better words and words to describe Li Qiye in front of him. He just pushes across, that is enough.

Using one’s own strength, he singled out Emperor Shenyong, Lord Haijian, Taishang, and Emperor Xianta. The most terrifying thing is that from now until the end, Li Qiye seems to have no effort at all. Tong, casually, easily blocked the suppression of the four emperors standing on the top of the peak with one blow.

The loud sound of “Boom——”, the terrifying power overturned the earth in an instant~Soverse.com~Under this kind of power, no matter it is the incomparably thick earth, or the starry sky with countless suns, moons and stars , all the same can’t stop this force, as if the world was overturned in this instant.

As for the strong monks and all living beings living between the heaven and the earth, it seems that the whole person is lifted up, and they are all involuntary. He was thrown to the ground for a moment, and sometimes he was thrown into the sky.

Under the loud “bang”, Li Qiye overturned the earth with one hand, overturned endless time and space, and when the “bang” sounded, it shook the whole world. At that time, the whole world seemed to cease to exist, and Li Qiye could flip it over and over, and even make it disappear.

With a loud “bang”, the terrifying power of Yi Zhi swept across the entire Liutian Continent in an instant. strength.

Under a loud noise, even the emperors such as Haijian Daojun, Taishang, Shenyong Emperor, and Xianta Daojun, who are above the peak, were instantly blown away. Only then did they stand firm, and some of them couldn’t bear the churning blood any longer, and opened their mouths with a “wow”, spit out a mouthful of blood.

At this time, Lord Haijian, Taishang, and Emperor Shenyong all backed away. Even though they had lost the power to overturn them, they were still so shocked that they retreated several steps. against it.


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