Dragon-Marked War God Chapter 3266: The Battle of the Soul of the Sword


“You bastards, Jiang Chen will never let you go.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes were sharp, and he said in a deep anger. He didn’t expect that this Hundred Chi Huayu and Jiahe Quanshan could be shameless to this point. He must have a defensive heart. He was already prepared, but the three of them The force of the impact still made it difficult for him to resist, and he was instantly stuck by the two souls of soldiers, and his situation became even more dangerous.

“Hahaha, this is your fate, still want to come up with it? Dream it! Those two souls combined with the strength of the four of us are unbeatable, just rely on you? There is no place to die, boy, this is Your death.”

Kahe Quanshan laughed and said, but the only pity is that his brother is also dead.

“Leaving you to do Zang Zeng for my brother. It is also a good thing.”

Jiahe Quanshan said disdainfully, Jiang Chen’s death was quite good for them without a competitor, especially this guy was really arrogant, so they couldn’t wait to kill Jiang Chen directly. Especially for Hundred Chi Huayu, the anger in his heart can be imagined. The lover of his dreams also gave him a handkerchief. The two of them were entangled, Hundred Chi Huayu was thinking about **** Jiang Chen all the time. Great opportunity, how could they let it go?

“It’s over, it’s over, this time Brother Jiang is afraid it’s going to be dangerous.”

Wude said in a low voice, his eyes full of regret, but at this moment, the water-blue door was about to be closed, but Tantai Jingzang still resolutely jumped out and went straight to Jiang Chen.


Bai Chi Huayu’s face changed drastically. He wanted to grab the hand of Tantai Jingzang, but was swayed by the latter. There was no joy or sadness in the eyes of Tantai Jingzang, and he treated Bai Chi Huayu. It is full of coldness.

Tantai Jingzang didn’t want to owe anyone in her heart, especially Jiang Chen risked his death to rescue him, but was entrapped by those people. If Jiang Chen died, the guilt in her heart would not be wiped out for the rest of her life. Jiang Chen was in trouble to save her. If it wasn’t for himself, he could leave with Wude, but he didn’t do that. Instead, he stepped forward and saved her, but he was behind bars. At this time, how could the Tantai Scriptures stand idly by? He must advance and retreat with Jiang Chen.

“You crazy woman.”

Bai Chi Huayu couldn’t help but say, but at this moment, the water-blue portal has been completely closed, and Jiang Chen and Tantai Jingzang are all trapped here, which is equivalent to It is a dead end.

Bai Chi Huayu hesitated to save the Tantai Scriptures, but reason has overcome the so-called admiration. As long as one day he becomes a world-renowned and admired emperor, is he afraid of not having a woman? Women all over the world can’t wait for them to give up. The attraction of the powerhouse of the emperor is too big for them, so they have to do this, even if it’s their younger brother, they can only give up. Now, Baili Changyang is like this, and Jiahequanshan is also true.

The timid, non-gentleman, non-toxic and non-husband!

Looking at the door of hope, which gradually had to be closed, Jiang Chen glanced at Tantai Jingzang. The latter looked calm, but with obvious apologies.

“Sorry, I killed you.”

Tantai Jingzang and Jiang Chen attacked the two souls of soldiers together, but they couldn’t compete at all. Both of them were retreating steadily. I have to say that the power of the souls of soldiers is too strong to compete. , Even if Jiang Chen tried his best, he might not be able to defeat him. After all, these two people are immortal guys, and they are puppets, conscious puppets. This is the most terrifying thing. There are magical soldiers in hand. , If there is divine assistance, it is completely worthy of the power of the emperor realm.

“There is nothing to say, people’s hearts are unpredictable. I saved them, but they repayed their virtue with grievances. This is poor humanity, haha, but they may not have any good results.”

Jiang Chen said as he fought the soldiers’ souls, but their situation became more and more difficult.

Tantai Jingzang is silent, because she really has nothing to say.

“Didn’t you just leave? If you didn’t abandon me, then everything I did for you is worth it. They leave me and I don’t care, but if you abandon me, I will Really sad.”

Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

Tantai Jingzang’s face blushed, and her heart was a little rippling with these words. Jiang Chen is indeed a very character person. Although this guy is very annoying, he has a lot of affection and righteousness. In this regard, two people are exactly the same. .

“Thank you for saying this to me.”

“Don’t think too much, I am not here for you, I am also here to hunt for treasure, but I did not expect it to be dragged down by you.”

Jiang Chen said, the angry Tantai Jingzang rolled his eyes, didn’t I say anything? Is it your own passion, brother? Tantai Jingzang was originally grateful to Jiang Chen, but at this moment, he really hated this guy. He was obviously self-sacrificing, but it made people think that he had his own purpose. This guy was really annoying.

“We are still in a deep predicament, unable to extricate ourselves, should we always imagine how to leave? Sit and wait to die, we will only be gradually worn to death by these two guys.”

Tantai Jingzang said in a cold voice, and once she returned to her coldness, Jiang Chen would not be able to give him a good face, otherwise, he would push his nose to his face.

“Leave me alone, I am enough.”

Jiang Chen said.

“At this time, what are the differences between each other? How can you handle it alone? Even the previous battle of the four of us was almost hit hard by these two guys.”

The Tantai Scriptures said angrily, Jiang Chen is really too dragged, when life and death are at stake, he actually wants to be carried by himself, Tantai Scriptures will definitely not put all the pressure on Jiang Chen’s body. of.

“Hey, why don’t you believe me.”

Jiang Chen smiles wryly~IndoMTL.com~ Helpless, is he so untrustworthy?

“I know your strength very well, how is it possible that you want to deal with these two souls of soldiers.”

Tantai Jingzang shook his head and said, Jiang Chen knew that she was worried about herself, but at this time, he had only this one way left.

“Now, it’s time to get it out of the sheath.”

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth. Although he couldn’t deal with the two souls of soldiers, the Heavenly Dragon Sword would definitely not let him down.

“Go away!”

Jiang Chen yelled, the Heavenly Dragon Sword and Dragon screamed, and the soul of the sword was unsheathed. At that moment, both souls of soldiers were shocked and retreated.

“Wow! Whoa! There is something to eat.”

The sword soul of the Heavenly Dragon Sword, at this moment heard a baby-like cry, extremely excited, Tantai Jingzang’s expression condensed, watching this scene in disbelief, can the Heavenly Dragon Sword speak?


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